31,823 research outputs found

    Hematopoietic progenitor cell content of vertebral body marrow used for combined solid organ and bone marrow transplantation

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    While cadaveric vertebral bodies (VB) have long been proposed as a suitable source of bone marrow (BM) for transplantation (BMT), they have rarely been used for this purpose. We have infused VB BM immediately following whole organ (WO) transplantation to augment donor cell chimerism. We quantified the hematopoietic progenitor cell (HPC) content of VB BM as well as BM obtained from the iliac crests (IC) of normal allogeneic donors (ALLO) and from patients with malignancy undergoing autologous marrow harvest (AUTO). Patients undergoing WO/BM transplantation also had AUTO BM harvested in the event that subsequent lymphohematopoietic reconstitution was required. Twenty-four VB BM, 24 IC BM-ALLO, 31 IC AUTO, and 24 IC WO-AUTO were harvested. VB BM was tested 12 to 72 hr after procurement and infused after completion of WO grafting. IC BM was tested and then used or cryopreserved immediately. HPC were quantified by clonal assay measuring CFU-GM, BFU-E, and CFU-GEMM, and by flow cytometry for CD34+ progenitor cells. On an average, 9 VB were processed during each harvest, and despite an extended processing time the number of viable nucleated cells obtained was significantly higher than that from IC. Furthermore, by HPC content, VB BM was equivalent to IC BM, which is routinely used for BMT. We conclude that VB BM is a clinically valuable source of BM for allogeneic transplantation. © 1995 by Williams & Wilkins

    Cell proliferation and oncogene expression after bile duct ligation in the rat: Evidence of a specific growth effect on bile duct cells

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    The proliferative response of the rat liver was measured after temporary or permanent total biliary obstruction (BDO) and in different regions after selective ligation of the lobar ducts draining the right 60% of the hepatic mass. The results were compared with those after 70% partial hepatectomy (PH). Cell proliferation was assessed globally by measuring DNA synthesis and stratified to the separate cell populations with cytostaining techniques that allowed distinction of hepatocytes, duct cells, and nonparenchymal cells (NPCs). In selected experimental groups, gene expression was determined of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGFβ-1), prothrombin, c-erb-B2, transforming growth factor alpha (TGFα), human Cyclophilin (CyP), and 28S ribosomal RNA. The stimulation of a proliferative response to total BDO required obstruction for longer than 24 hours, but after this deligation did not switch off regeneration. In the first week after permanent BDO, there was progressive infiltration of NPCs, fibrous linkage of some portal areas, and a crescendo of DNA synthesis that was obvious at 24 hours, maximal at 48 hours, and back nearly to baseline at 6 days. At the 2-day mark, the bile duct cells had a 17-fold increase in proliferation, accompanied by a threefold to fourfold increase in hepatocyte renewal. Little or no increase in expression of TGFα or the hepatocyte-specific prothrombin gene was detectable in the first 48 hours, whereas levels of the oncogene c-erb-B2 that is associated with cholangiocarcinoma were expressed from 48 to 96 hours. Livers subjected to regional BDO with or without immunosuppressive treatment with FK 506 and cyclosporine had an inflammatory reaction only on the side with ligated ducts. DNA synthesis increased in both the obstructed and freely draining lobes to approximately half the level that occurred after total BDO. The proliferation of the obstructed side was similar to the mixed duct cell/hepatocyte response after total BDO, but this almost exclusively involved duct cells on the freely draining side. In contrast to the findings after BDO, livers after PH regenerated maximally at 24 hours rather than 48 hours, had a predominantly noninflammatory hepatocyte as opposed to duct cell response, and had marked expression of the prothrombin and TGFα genes but only weakly and late of c-erb-B2 messenger RNA. The results show that the liver responds as a whole and in a biologically intelligent way to the nature of the injury inflicted on any part of it. It further implies the presence of humoral communications and control networks that assure organ homeostasis and relate this to total body homeostasis. © 1995

    The effect of prednisone on pancreatic islet autografts in dogs

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    Prednisone was shown to induce hyperglycemia in dogs submitted to total pancreatectomy and pancreatic islet autotransplantation. The hyperglycemia caused by a 10-day course of prednisone, 1 mg/kg/day, starting on the day of operation was reversible within 1 week after steroid discontinuance. Three weeks after prednisone was stopped, there was no detectable adverse effect on glucose homeostasis as judged by fasting blood sugar levels and intravenous glucose tolerance test results. Four months after transplantation, glucose disappearance was delayed in animals previously treated with the prednisone compared with those previously treated with prednisone plus insulin or control animals. This was accompanied by lower insulin values on intravenous glucose tolerance testing and suggests a long-term subtle effect on islet function. The mechanism of the steroid effect is not known. However, this model could be used to test the diabetogenicity of other immunosuppressive agents including cyclosporine, FK 506, and azathioprine. © 1993

    Evidence for engraftment of human bone marrow cells in non-lethally irradiated baboons

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    Background. Prior to organ harvesting, an attempt was made to modulate the donor's immune responses against prospective xenogeneic recipients by infusion of 'recipient-type' bone marrow. Methods. For this purpose, baboons conditioned with total lymphoid irradiation were given 6x108 unmodified human bone marrow cells/kg body weight with no subsequent treatment. Results. Animals survived until they were euthanized at 18 months. Using primers specific for human chorionic gonadotrophin gene, the presence of human DNA was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction in the blood of one animal for up to 18 months after cell transplantation; in the other animal, xenogeneic chimerism became undetectable in the blood at 6 months after bone marrow infusion. However, tissue samples obtained from both animals at the time they were euthanized bad evidence of donor (human) DNA. Additionally, the presence of donor DNA in individually harvested colonies of erythroid and myeloid lineages suggested that infused human bone marrow cells had engrafted across the xenogeneic barrier in both baboons. Conclusions. Bone marrow transplantation from human to baboon leads to establishment of chimerism and modulation of donor-specific immune reactivity, which suggests that this strategy could be reproducibly employed to crease 'surrogate' tolerogenesis in prospective donors for subsequent organ transplantation across xenogeneic barriers