502 research outputs found

    Observables in the equivariant A-model

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    We discuss observables of an equivariant extension of the A-model in the framework of the AKSZ construction. We introduce the A-model observables, a class of observables that are homotopically equivalent to the canonical AKSZ observables but are better behaved in the gauge fixing. We discuss them for two different choices of gauge fixing: the first one is conjectured to compute the correlators of the A-model with target the Marsden-Weinstein reduced space; in the second one we recover the topological Yang-Mills action coupled with A-model so that the A-model observables are closed under supersymmetry.Comment: 16 pages; minor correction

    Lie Bialgebra Structures for Centrally Extended Two- Dimensional Galilei Algebra and their Lie-Poisson Counterparts

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    All bialgebra structures for centrally extended Galilei algebra are classified. The corresponding Lie-Poisson structures on centrally extended Galilei group are found.Comment: Eq. (11) changed, 15 pages, LaTeX fil

    Free-Field Representation of Group Element for Simple Quantum Group

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    A representation of the group element (also known as ``universal T{\cal T}-matrix'') which satisfies Δ(g)=gg\Delta(g) = g\otimes g, is given in the form g=(s=1dB.> E1/qi(s)(χ(s)Ti(s)))q2ϕH(s=1dB.< Eqi(s)(ψ(s)T+i(s))) g = \left(\prod_{s=1}^{d_B}\phantom.^>\ {\cal E}_{1/q_{i(s)}}(\chi^{(s)}T_{-i(s)})\right) q^{2\vec\phi\vec H} \left(\prod_{s=1}^{d_B}\phantom.^<\ {\cal E}_{q_{i(s)}}(\psi^{(s)} T_{+i(s)})\right) where dB=12(dGrG)d_B = \frac{1}{2}(d_G - r_G), qi=qαi2/2q_i = q^{|| \vec\alpha_i||^2/2} and Hi=2Hαi/αi2H_i = 2\vec H\vec\alpha_i/||\vec\alpha_i||^2 and T±iT_{\pm i} are the generators of quantum group associated respectively with Cartan algebra and the {\it simple} roots. The ``free fields'' $\chi,\ \vec\phi,\ \psiformaHeisenberglikealgebra: form a Heisenberg-like algebra: \psi^{(s)}\psi^{(s')} = q^{-\vec\alpha_{i(s)} \vec\alpha_{i(s')}} \psi^{(s')}\psi^{(s)}, & \chi^{(s)}\chi^{(s')} = q^{-\vec\alpha_{i(s)}\vec\alpha_{i(s')}} \chi^{(s')}\chi^{(s)}& {\rm for} \ s<s', \\ q^{\vec h\vec\phi}\psi^{(s)} = q^{\vec h\vec\alpha_{i(s)}} \psi^{(s)}q^{\vec h\vec\phi}, & q^{\vec h\vec\phi}\chi^{(s)} = q^{\vec h \vec\alpha_{i(s)}}\chi^{(s)}q^{\vec h\vec\phi}, & \\ &\psi^{(s)} \chi^{(s')} = \chi^{(s')}\psi^{(s)} & {\rm for\ any}\ s,s'.Wearguethatthe We argue that the d_Gparametricmanifoldwhich-parametric ``manifold'' which gspansintheoperatorvalueduniversalenveloppingalgebra,canalsobeinvariantunderthegroupmultiplication spans in the operator-valued universal envelopping algebra, can also be invariant under the group multiplication g \rightarrow g'\cdot g''.Theuniversal. The universal {\cal R}matrixwiththepropertythat-matrix with the property that {\cal R} (g\otimes I)(I\otimes g) = (I\otimes g)(g\otimes I){\cal R}isgivenbytheusualformula is given by the usual formula R=qijrGαi2αj2(αα)ij1HiHjα>0dBEqα((qαqα1)TαTα).{\cal R} = q^{-\sum_{ij}^{r_G}||\vec\alpha_i||^2|| \vec\alpha_j||^2 (\vec\alpha\vec\alpha)^{-1}_{ij}H_i \otimes H_j}\prod_{ \vec\alpha > 0}^{d_B}{\cal E}_{q_{\vec\alpha}}\left(-(q_{\vec\alpha}- q_{\vec\alpha}^{-1})T_{\vec\alpha}\otimes T_{-\vec\alpha}\right).$Comment: 68 page

    Free q-Schrodinger Equation from Homogeneous Spaces of the 2-dim Euclidean Quantum Group

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    After a preliminary review of the definition and the general properties of the homogeneous spaces of quantum groups, the quantum hyperboloid qH and the quantum plane qP are determined as homogeneous spaces of Fq(E(2)). The canonical action of Eq(2) is used to define a natural q-analog of the free Schro"dinger equation, that is studied in the momentum and angular momentum bases. In the first case the eigenfunctions are factorized in terms of products of two q-exponentials. In the second case we determine the eigenstates of the unitary representation, which, in the qP case, are given in terms of Hahn-Exton functions. Introducing the universal T-matrix for Eq(2) we prove that the Hahn-Exton as well as Jackson q-Bessel functions are also obtained as matrix elements of T, thus giving the correct extension to quantum groups of well known methods in harmonic analysis.Comment: 19 pages, plain tex, revised version with added materia

    On the AKSZ formulation of the Rozansky-Witten theory and beyond

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    Using the AKSZ formalism, we construct the Batalin-Vilkovisky master action for the Rozansky-Witten model, which can be defined for any complex manifold with a closed (2,0)-form. We also construct the holomorphic version of Rozansky-Witten theory defined over Calabi-Yau 3-fold.Comment: 12 page

    Experimental cannibalization of plagioclase by alkaline basalt magmas

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    Time-series crystallization/dissolution experiments were conducted on a natural potassic basalt seeded with bytownitic plagioclases (Plg) at atmospheric pressure, in air, at 1180- 1240 °C and isothermal dwell time up to 20 hours. Plg-seed presence promotes the early formation of new-Plg, dampening the clinopyroxene (Cpx) crystallization. New-Plgs grow at a rate from 10-6 up to 10-8 cm·s-1 as the dwell time increases. Seeds overgrow at similar rate. Cpx crystallizes with a delay of at least 3 hours; this has a significant impact on the composition of both residual melt and new-Plgs. For undercooling &gt;35 °C the Cpx delay causes a strong supersaturation of this phase in the melt resulting in a decrease in the new-Plg nucleation rate by 2 orders of magnitude in the 3 h-experiment. In the 15h-run, Cpx coarsening and the decrease of crystallinity suggest the achievement of a near-equilibrium conditions. Cpx growth rate is in the order of 10-7 cm·s-1 showing very limited variation. Finally, for the investigated superheating (5-15 °C) only the long lasting experiments allows an estimation of Plg dissolution rate (10-9 cm·s-1) although changes in the melt composition are already detectable in the 3h-runs. As a whole our results suggest that in natural systems, the takeover of antecrysts/ xenocrysts by a magma can induce on a short time scales, changes in its initial nucleation behavior with remarkable petrological implications for the solidification paths and eruptive dynamics of potassic magmatic systems

    The Prosopography of Ebla - G

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    Examples of q-regularization

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    An Introduction to Hopf algebras as a tool for the regularization of relavent quantities in quantum field theory is given. We deform algebraic spaces by introducing q as a regulator of a non-commutative and non-cocommutative Hopf algebra. Relevant quantities are finite provided q\neq 1 and diverge in the limit q\rightarrow 1. We discuss q-regularization on different q-deformed spaces for \lambda\phi^4 theory as example to illustrate the idea.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex, to be published in IJTP 1995.1

    Mutation Symmetries in BPS Quiver Theories: Building the BPS Spectra

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    We study the basic features of BPS quiver mutations in 4D N=2\mathcal{N}=2 supersymmetric quantum field theory with G=ADEG=ADE gauge symmetries.\ We show, for these gauge symmetries, that there is an isotropy group GMutG\mathcal{G}_{Mut}^{G} associated to a set of quiver mutations capturing information about the BPS spectra. In the strong coupling limit, it is shown that BPS chambers correspond to finite and closed groupoid orbits with an isotropy symmetry group GstrongG\mathcal{G}_{strong}^{G} isomorphic to the discrete dihedral groups Dih2hGDih_{2h_{G}} contained in Coxeter(G)(G) with % h_{G} the Coxeter number of G. These isotropy symmetries allow to determine the BPS spectrum of the strong coupling chamber; and give another way to count the total number of BPS and anti-BPS states of N=2\mathcal{N}=2 gauge theories. We also build the matrix realization of these mutation groups GstrongG% \mathcal{G}_{strong}^{G} from which we read directly the electric-magnetic charges of the BPS and anti-BPS states of N=2\mathcal{N}=2 QFT4_{4} as well as their matrix intersections. We study as well the quiver mutation symmetries in the weak coupling limit and give their links with infinite Coxeter groups. We show amongst others that Gweaksu2\mathcal{G}_{weak}^{su_{2}} is contained in GL(2,Z){GL}({2,}\mathbb{Z}) ; and isomorphic to the infinite Coxeter I2{I_{2}^{\infty}}. Other issues such as building G\mathcal{G}%_{weak}^{so_{4}} and Gweaksu3\mathcal{G}_{weak}^{su_{3}} are also studied.Comment: LaTeX, 98 pages, 18 figures, Appendix I on groupoids adde