620 research outputs found

    Gubernamentalidad policial del miedo sobre los movimientos sociales en torno al 15M en Catalunya (2011-2012)

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    La crisis financiera de 2008 inició un periodo de importantes cambios estructurales globales que están afectando significativamente la vida de numerosos paises y la protesta social aumentó. Para la implementación de estos cambios, se recurrió a formas de gubernamentalidad de excepción relacionadas con lógicas bélicas. En esas lógicas, el miedo es frecuentemente utilizado como instrumento para la conducción de las conductas de la población. En este artículo, nos preguntamos sobre el uso del miedo como instrumento de gubernamentalidad; analizamos cómo fue la gestión del miedo en la actuación policial sobre las movilizaciones sociales y su posible concordancia con esas lógicas bélicas de excepción en la situación en Catalunya, en tiempos de la movilización social en torno al 15M, también conocida como de los indignados (2011-2012). Realizamos una investigacion de campo en lo cotidiano a través de la cual localizamos numerosas actuaciones gubernamentales y policiales relacionables con la gestión del miedo.The financial crisis of 2008 began a period of major global structural changes that are significantly affecting the lives of many countries and social protest increases. To implement these changes, it is resorting to forms of governmentality of exception related to military logic. In these logics, fear is often used as a tool for driving the behavior of the population. In this article, we asked about the use of fear as a tool of governmentality; we analyzed how is fear management in policing on the social movements and their possible consistent with those warlike logic of exception in the situation in Catalonia, in times of social mobilization around 15M, also known as the indignados (2011 -2012). We conducted a field research in everyday life through which we locate numerous government and policing activity relatable to the management of fear

    Notes on some brazilian Harvestmen (Opiliones, Gonyleptidae And Phalangodidae)

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    Novos opiliões do Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria da Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo

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    Diversos agentes institucionales de gobierno aplican sobre los acontecimientos y los movimientos emancipatorios un peculiar lenguaje que etiqueta, clasifica y significa en determinadas categorías. Desde esas categorizaciones y las dinámicas de pensamiento derivadas, estos agentes gubernamentales construyen versiones de la realidad política que proyectan ampliamente con el propósito de establecer todo aquello que pretenden sea considerado socialmente como real y verdadero. Estas categorías y formas de pensamiento constituyen herramientas tácticas que orientan la conducta social para el gobierno del conjunto de la población, corresponden a lógicas bélicas e implantan unas formas de relación social funcionales a un esfuerzo de guerra

    Notes on brentidae. I. (Col. Brentidae)

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    O autor estudou algumas espécies de Coleópteros, pertencentes à família Brentidae (tribo Arrhenodini). Descreveu o alótipo fêmea de Schoenfeldtia impressicollis Senna, 1893, e três novas espécies de Vianodes H. Rossi, 1955: Vianodes cyriodontoides, sp. n., Vianodes quadridentaticollis, sp. n., Vianodes spinipennis, sp. n. Considerou também Pararrhenodes misionensis (= misionera) H. Rossi, 1954, como sendo sinônimo de Vianodes appositus (Kleine, 1923), e Vianodes vampyrus (Senna, 1897) - somente os machos eram conhecidos - como sendo sinônimo de Rhynchoneus belti Sharp, 1895 - somente as fêmeas eram conhecidas.The author studied some species of Coleopterous insects belonging to the family Brentidae (tribe Arrhenodini). He describes the female allotype of Schoenfeldtia impressicollis Senna, 1893, and three new species of Vianodes H. Rossi, 1955: Vianodes cyriodontoides, sp. n., Vianodes quadridentaticollis, sp. n., Vianodes spinipennis, sp. n. He also considers Pararrhenodes misionensis (= misionera) H. Rossi, 1954, as synonymous with Vianodes appositus (Kleine, 1923), and Vianodes vampyrus (Senna, 1897) – only males were known - as synonymous with Rhynchoneus belti Sharp, 1895 - only females were known

    Geostationary payload concepts for personal satellite communications

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    This paper reviews candidate satellite payload architectures for systems providing world-wide communication services to mobile users equipped with hand-held terminals based on large geostationary satellites. There are a number of problems related to the payload architecture, on-board routing and beamforming, and the design of the S-band Tx and L-band Rx antenna and front ends. A number of solutions are outlined, based on trade-offs with respect to the most significant performance parameters such as capacity, G/T, flexibility of routing traffic to beams and re-configuration of the spot-beam coverage, and payload mass and power. Candidate antenna and front-end configurations were studied, in particular direct radiating arrays, arrays magnified by a reflector and active focused reflectors with overlapping feed clusters for both transmit (multimax) and receive (beam synthesis). Regarding the on-board routing and beamforming sub-systems, analog techniques based on banks of SAW filters, FET or CMOS switches and cross-bar fixed and variable beamforming are compared with a hybrid analog/digital approach based on Chirp Fourier Transform (CFT) demultiplexer combined with digital beamforming or a fully digital processor implementation, also based on CFT demultiplexing

    An integrated pump-controlled variable coupler fabricated by ultrafast laser writing

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    The design and fabrication of a integrated symmetric directional coupler dependent o the pumping power and operating at a 1534 nm wavelength is reported. The twin-core waveguide was inscribed into Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass by a femtosecond laser direct writing technique. By optical pumping, the coupling ratio can be modulated due to the changes induced in the refractive index of the material. The experimental results demonstrated that the coupling ratio can be tuned continuously from 100/0 to 50/50 by increasing the pump’s power from 0 to 350 mW. The developed twin-core coupler has promising applications for on-chip all-optical signal processing and communication systems

    Applicability of different onboard routing and processing techniques to mobile satellite systems

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    The paper summarizes a study contract recently undertaken for ESA. The study compared the effectiveness of several processing architectures applied to multiple beam, geostationary global and European regional missions. The paper discusses architectures based on transparent SS-FDMA analog, transparent DSP and regenerative processing. Quantitative comparisons are presented and general conclusions are given with respect to suitability of the architectures to different mission requirements