656 research outputs found
De computer als leermiddel in het lager onderwijs
In het S. V.0.-project ' Leren met computers in het ondenvijs' werd de computer in het lager onderwijs vooral gebruikt voor 1. remediële doeleinden, en 2. het leren programmeren. Oefenprogramma's benutten bij uitstek de interactieve mogelijkheden van de computer. Gebruiksvormen: remedieel (voor enkele achterblijvers), aanvullend bij klassikaal onderwijs (voor alle leerlingen), verrijkend (voor enkele voorlopers). Computergestuurde oefening bleek statistisch geen significant grotere prestatiestijging op te leveren dan overeenkomstige schriftelijke oefening. Wel werd de motivatie en de concentratie er door vergroot. In het onderwijs van de toekomst zal de informatietechnogie een steeds belangrijker plaats innemen. Hierdoor zullen niet alleen leerlingen zelfstandiger kunnen leren maar zal ook het schoolse onderwijs effectiever kunnen verlopen
Machine Learning Logistic Regression Model for Early Decision Making in Referral of Children with Cervical Lymphadenopathy Suspected of Lymphoma
While cervical lymphadenopathy is common in children, a decision model for detecting high-grade lymphoma is lacking. Previously reported individual lymphoma-predicting factors and multivariate models were not sufficiently discriminative for clinical application. To develop a diagnostic scoring tool, we collected data from all children with cervical lymphadenopathy referred to our national pediatric oncology center within 30 months (n = 182). Thirty-nine putative lymphoma-predictive factors were investigated. The outcome groups were classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL), nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), other malignancies, and a benign group. We integrated the best univariate predicting factors into a multivariate, machine learning model. Logistic regression allocated each variable a weighing factor. The model was tested in a different patient cohort (n = 60). We report a 12-factor diagnostic model with a sensitivity of 95% (95% CI 89–98%) and a specificity of 88% (95% CI 77–94%) for detecting cHL and NHL. Our 12-factor diagnostic scoring model is highly sensitive and specific in detecting high-grade lymphomas in children with cervical lymphadenopathy. It may enable fast referral to a pediatric oncologist in patients with high-grade lymphoma and may reduce the number of referrals and unnecessary invasive procedures in children with benign lymphadenopathy.</p
Elevated plasma levels of endothelin are associated with the severity of sepsis and presence of shock in contrast to the levels of atrial natriuretic peptide
Immunoreactive endothelin (ETi) and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANPi) blood levels were measured by radioimmunoassay in patients with clinically defined sepsis. The interaction between these two peptides and their relation to circulatory shock and mortality were studied. All septic patients (n = 16) had significantly higher ETi (22.3 ± 11.1 pg/ml) and ANPi (398.3 ± 154.3 pg/ml) plasma concentrations compared to control subjects (ETi, 4.1 ± 1.2; ANPi, 59.1 ± 14.8 pg/ml; n = 13). ETi levels followed the severity of illness according to the APACHE II scoring system and were higher in patients who did not survive. ETi levels were significantly higher in the presence of shock and bacteraemia. Furthermore, ETi correlated well with plasma lactate (r = 0.83, p < 0.05), but not with renal function. ANPi levels did not show correlation with any of these determinants. Serial blood sampling, six consecutive days after admission, showed that ETi levels gradually decreased in normotensive patients in contrast to patients with septic shock. ANPi levels did not show systematic changes in time, and no relationship was observed between ETi and ANPi levels. These results suggest that plasma ETi levels are indicative for disease severity and might have prognostic significance. The role of ANPi during sepsis remains to be eludicated
Advanced waveform analysis of diaphragm surface EMG allows for continuous non-invasive assessment of respiratory effort in critically ill patients at different PEEP levels
Background: Respiratory effort should be closely monitored in mechanically ventilated ICU patients to avoid both overassistance and underassistance. Surface electromyography of the diaphragm (sEMGdi) offers a continuous and non-invasive modality to assess respiratory effort based on neuromuscular coupling (NMCdi). The sEMGdi derived electrical activity of the diaphragm (sEAdi) is prone to distortion by crosstalk from other muscles including the heart, hindering its widespread use in clinical practice. We developed an advanced analysis as well as quality criteria for sEAdi waveforms and investigated the effects of clinically relevant levels of PEEP on non-invasive NMCdi. Methods: NMCdi was derived by dividing end-expiratory occlusion pressure (Pocc) by sEAdi, based on three consecutive Pocc manoeuvres at four incremental (+ 2 cmH2O/step) PEEP levels in stable ICU patients on pressure support ventilation. Pocc and sEAdi quality was assessed by applying a novel, automated advanced signal analysis, based on tolerant and strict cut-off criteria, and excluding inadequate waveforms. The coefficient of variations (CoV) of NMCdi after basic manual and automated advanced quality assessment were evaluated, as well as the effect of an incremental PEEP trial on NMCdi. Results: 593 manoeuvres were obtained from 42 PEEP trials in 17 ICU patients. Waveform exclusion was primarily based on low sEAdi signal-to-noise ratio (Ntolerant = 155, 37%, Nstrict = 241, 51% waveforms excluded), irregular or abrupt cessation of Pocc (Ntolerant = 145, 35%, Nstrict = 145, 31%), and high sEAdi area under the baseline (Ntolerant = 94, 23%, Nstrict = 79, 17%). Strict automated assessment allowed to reduce CoV of NMCdi to 15% from 37% for basic quality assessment. As PEEP was increased, NMCdi decreased significantly by 4.9 percentage point per cmH2O. Conclusion: Advanced signal analysis of both Pocc and sEAdi greatly facilitates automated and well-defined identification of high-quality waveforms. In the critically ill, this approach allowed to demonstrate a dynamic NMCdi (Pocc/sEAdi) decrease upon PEEP increments, emphasising that sEAdi-based assessment of respiratory effort should be related to PEEP dependent diaphragm function. This novel, non-invasive methodology forms an important methodological foundation for more robust, continuous, and comprehensive assessment of respiratory effort at the bedside.</p
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