342 research outputs found
A Systematic Review on Travel Medicine Practice to Control Transmission of Communicable Diseases
Background: The number of international travelers is estimated at 900 million per year and is projected to reach 1.6 billion per year in 2020. Travel medicine is devoted to the health of travelers who visit foreign countries. It is an interdisciplinary specialty concerned not only with prevention of communicable diseases during travel but also with the personal safety of travelers and the avoidance of environmental risks. This study aimed to review systematically the travel medicine practice to control transmision of communicable diseases.
Subjects and Method: A systematic review was conducted by collecting several studies that examined travels medicine practice related to the spread of communicable disease. A total of 11 articles was selected for this study. The data were analyzed using narrative synthesis and a review of travel medicine practice.
Results: Travel medicine practice was related to effective anticipation of communicable diseases including pre-travel health advice service, guideline, vaccination, and post-trip care. These practices could not be underestimated because virus and disease could easily spread when the tourists were not fit and exhausted during the trip. It was necessary for tourists to anticipate the spread of disease by knowing certain disease in the country and to have them vaccinated before traveling.
Conclusion: Travel medicine practice has a significant impact on disease transmission anticipation among travellers/ tourists.
Keywords: travel medicine practice, communicable disease spread, tourist
Inventory Control Indirect Material: Eoq Model, Efektivitas Produksi
Afifi Bachtiar: Purpose of this research to know how Inventory Control Indirect Material in the form of cup size 240 ml in order to increase production effectivity at PT. Curup Aquifers. PT. Curup Aquifers has been using simple methods, while using the company\u27s EOQ method produces cheaper cost when compared with the method that has been applied by the company. The savings generated if the EOQ method if applied to the company in 2013 amounted to Rp 76,754,449
Pemikiran Etika Mulla Shadra
Para pemikir muslim berpendapat bahwa etika merupakan ilmu pengobatan rohani yang sangat dibutuhkan manusia, terlebih dalam keadaan yang serba tidak menentu seperti sekarang ini,kondisi psikologis dan mental masyarakat akhir-akhir ini menunjukkan dekadensi moral yang mengkhawatirkan. Oleh karena itu pengkajian di bidang etika semakin dirasakan urgensinya, di samping itu etika filosofis yang dikembangkan para filosof muslim juga perlu mendapatkan perhatian serius.Salah seorang filosof besar yang memiliki peran penting bagi dunia intelektual Islam yakni Mulla Shadra. Pada era Mulla Shadra ini, telah melahirkan sebuah nuansa filsafat baru yang dipelajari secara intensif dengan berbagai analisis serta memberikan sintesis dan integrasi dari filsafat-filsafat sebelumnya. dengan pemikiran-pemikirannya dalam filsafat hikmah yang brilian dan orisinil mampu menjawab semua tantangan-tantangan moral pada masanya
Validitas Lembar Kegiatan Siswa Berorientasi Pengamatan Burung untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Materi Aves Kelas X
Indonesia merupakan negara yang mempunyai keanekaragaman burung yang tinggi, namun juga memiliki jumlah jenis burung yang terancam punah cukup banyak. Semangat konservasi burung dapat ditanamkan kepada generasi muda melalui pembelajaran materi Aves dengan memanfaatkan alam sekitar yang dibantu dengan LKS berorientasi pengamatan burung. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan validitas LKS untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan 4D, yaitu define (pendefinisian); design (perancangan); develop (pengembangan); dan disseminate (penyebaran). Tahap Pengembangan dilaksanakan di Jurusan Biologi Unesa selanjutnya diujicobakan terbatas kepada 15 siswa SMAN 16 Surabaya. Hasil validasi dinyatakan sangat valid berdasarkan validasi ahli dan mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dengan rata-rata ketercapaian indikator sebesar 88,33%
Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Pembinaan Kewirausahaan Community Development And Outreaching Untan pada Program Bidik Misi
This research aims to determine the Implementation and evaluation of the entrepreneurial coaching program implementation by the Community Development and Outreaching Untan in Students' Programs “Bidik Misi” in 2010. The method that is used in this research was qualitative research. The sample of this research was 82 students. The results of the analysis of the data showed that the implementation of entrepreneurial coaching program by Community Development that consists of three sub focus, these are the implementation of entrepreneurship training, the presentation of entrepreneurship proposal, and the funding of proposal. The funding of enterpreneurship proposal consists of 3 sub focus that average of 72 from 82 respondents. The result showed that 82 respondents expressed a positive response and that need to be evaluation is on schedule of the implementation of training, the availability of funds provided, and the suitability of the funds contained in the proposal with funds obtained an average 31 from 82 respondents expressed a negative response so that this program need to be revised, and evaluations that have been conducted by the Community Development used qualitative data that could not be said that was good
Analisis Implementasi Layout Fungsional Pada Lantai Produksi Departemen Veneer PT. Ebako Nusantara
On the production floor of the Department of Veneer, there are some problems, such as there is no clear boundary of each work stations, so that the raw material is placed carelessly on the production floor area. In addition, there is a lot of work in process material located on the street of production floor, so it looks full and blocks the way. And last, there are backtrackings by the workers to take the goods to be processed. However, after analysis, it was concluded that the current layout implementation Veneer Department has been implemented well. Form of flow processes in the Department of Veneer is a U-flow. Total costs resulting from these layouts by multiplying the distance rectilnier and the amount of flow of the process and material costs to obtain a total cost of Rp. 32.719,2. Based on the calculation algorithm with software CRAFT Facility Location Layout no other alternative that can produce a smaller total cost so that the implementation of the existing layout is now said to be optimal
Gagal Ginjal Kronik Et Causa Glomerulonefritis Kronis Yang Disertai Gastroenteritis
Latar Belakang. Gagal ginjal kronik adalah kerusakan ginjal yang terjadi selama lebih dari 3 bulan. Tujuan. Untuk memahami definisi, etiologi, dan cara mendiagnosis gagal ginjal kronik et causa glomerulonefritis yang disertai gastroenteritis serta mengetahui penatalaksanaannya. Kasus. Tn. N, laki-laki 64 tahun, terdiagnosis menderita gagal ginjal kronik et causa glomerulonefritis yang disertai gastroenteritis. Pembahasan. Penatalaksanaan pada kasus ini dibagi menjadi non-medikamentosa antara lain bed rest dan diet ginjal. Penatalaksanaan medikamentosa antara lain O2 2-4 L/menit (bila sesak), terapi cairan, hemodialisis, transfusi darah, antibiotik, dan terapi suportif. Simpulan. Telah ditegakkan diagnosis gagal ginjal kronik et causa glomerulonefritis yang disertai gastroentritis pada Tn. N, laki-laki 64 tahun, atas dasar anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, dan pemeriksaan penunjang, serta penatalaksanaannya.[Medula Unila.2013;1(5):14-20
Prediction Model of Desire to Retreat on Nursing in Hospitals Based on Work Environment, Organizational Commitment, Work Satisfaction and Work Stress in Indonesia
Ahead of the opening of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) in the field of health services, the growth of hospitals in Indonesia, especially private hospitals, has increased by 5% every year. It allows the transfer of nurses to other hospitals, both domestic and abroad, and also lack of nurses at the hospital. The purposeof this study was to develop a prediction model in measuring turnover intention (desire to withdraw) among nurses in Indonesia based on predictors of work environment predictors, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and job stress. This study used a cross-sectional design involving 88 samples of nurses in typeC private hospitals in Depok, Indonesia. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed by Structural Equation Model (SEM) using Smart-PLS software. The analysis shows that job satisfaction and work environment have a significant relationship to organizational commitment, the work environment has a significant relationship on job satisfaction, and organizational commitment and work environment have asignificant relationship to turnover intentions. Furthermore, this study also shows that it is important for hospitals to build high organizational commitment to nurses that will have an impact on their attitude that can prevent the desire to retreat, in addition to organizational commitment must also create a comfortable physical and non-physical work environment when working and cause job satisfaction for nurses. In conclusion, this study proposes that hospital policymakers must define the hospital’ strengths within the internal and external environment to create high commitment and job satisfaction and a conducive work environment to reduce the incidence of desire to withdraw to the nurse.
Keywords: retreat, nurse, environment, organizational commitment, satisfaction
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