237 research outputs found

    Hard and Soft Excitation Regimes of Kerr Frequency Combs

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    We theoretically study the stability conditions and excitation regimes of hyper-parametric oscillation and Kerr frequency comb generation in continuously pumped nonlinear optical resonators possessing anomalous group velocity dispersion. We show that both hard and soft excitation regimes are possible in the resonators. Selection between the regimes is achieved via change in the parameters of the pumping light.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Stability of Resonant Opto-Mechanical Oscillators

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    We theoretically study the frequency stability of an opto-mechanical radio frequency oscillator based on resonant interaction of two optical and one mechanical modes of the same optical microcavity. A generalized expression for the phase noise of the oscillator is derived using Langevin formalism and compared to the phase noise of existing electronic oscillators.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Enhancing the capacity and performance of collective atomic quantum memory

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    Present schemes involving the quantum non-demolition interaction between atomic samples and off-resonant light pulses allow us to store quantum information corresponding to a single harmonic oscillator (mode) in one multiatomic system. We discuss the possibility to involve several coherences of each atom so that the atomic sample can store information contained in several quantum modes. This is achieved by the coupling of different magnetic sublevels of the relevant hyperfine level by additional Raman pulses. This technique allows us to design not only the quantum non-demolition coupling, but also beam splitterlike and two-mode squeezerlike interactions between light and collective atomic spin.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; minor changes in text and figs, more discussion on quantum information processing. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Quantum limit of optical magnetometry in the presence of ac-Stark shifts

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    We analyze systematic (classical) and fundamental (quantum) limitations of the sensitivity of optical magnetometers resulting from ac-Stark shifts. We show that in contrast to absorption-based techniques, the signal reduction associated with classical broadening can be compensated in magnetometers based on phase measurements using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). However due to ac-Stark associated quantum noise the signal-to-noise ratio of EIT-based magnetometers attains a maximum value at a certain laser intensity. This value is independent on the quantum statistics of the light and defines a standard quantum limit of sensitivity. We demonstrate that an EIT-based optical magnetometer in Faraday configuration is the best candidate to achieve the highest sensitivity of magnetic field detection and give a detailed analysis of such a device.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Passively mode locked Raman laser

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    We report on the observation of a novel mode locked optical comb generated at the Raman offset (Raman comb) in an optically pumped crystalline whispering gallery mode resonator. Mode locking is confirmed via measurement of the radio-frequency beat note produced by the optical comb on a fast photodiode. Neither the conventional Kerr comb nor hyper-parametric oscillation is observed when the Raman comb is present
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