345 research outputs found

    Painting the ideal home: using art to express visions of technologically supported independent living for older people in North East England

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    This paper describes the investigation of the development of future technological products to support older people in everyday living through the agency of a community art group. Recent research has identified a number of challenges facing designers seeking to use traditional participatory design approaches to gather technology requirements data from older people. Here, a project is described that sought to get a group of older people to think creatively about their needs and desires for technological support through the medium of paint. The artistic expression technique described in this article allowed the identification of issues that had also been found by previous research that used a range of different techniques. This indicates that the approach shows promise, as it allows information to be gathered in an environment that is comfortable and familiar using methods already known by the participants and which they find enjoyable. It provides a complement (or possible alternative) to standard protocols and has the potential benefit of extracting even richer information as the primary task for participants is enjoyable in its own right and is not associated with an interrogative process. Furthermore, it is argued that some of the key risks of traditional approaches are lessened or removed by the naturalistic setting of this approach

    Towards reusable personas for everyday design

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    Personas are artificial character based representations of user goals, attitudes, motivations and abilities which enable designers to focus their design efforts on key, targeted users. The success of personas in design is due to their capacity to enable designers to empathize with users and understand user goals. Persona development is rooted in the rigorous collection and analysis of data specifically related to the design project being undertaken. New design projects thus require the development of new personas. Since redevelopment is not always achievable attention has turned towards reuse of personas and the underlying data. This paper reports on ongoing research into the development of reusable personas for use by non-expert, everyday designers. Such designers are regularly faced with small scale but diverse design challenges for which they cannot carry out user research and modelling. They can, however, make use of general, reusable personas developed independently of their current design project

    Udsædsbårne sygdomme i økologisk såsæd - betydning og skadetærskler

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    Det økologiske projekt ORGSEED har givet ny viden om skadetærsklerne for de vigtigste udsædsbårne sygdomme i korn og ærter. I projektets sidste del vil disse tærskelværdier blive vurderet med henblik på justering. Sammenholdt med nye metoder til bestemmelse af den faktiske forekomst af udsædsbårne sygdomme, vil det give en mere sikker karakterisering af den økologiske såsæd og hermed mindre unødig kassation

    Human β-defensin-2 production from S. cerevisiae using the repressible MET17 promoter

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    BACKGROUND: Baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a proven host for the commercial production of recombinant biopharmaceutical proteins. For the manufacture of heterologous proteins with activities deleterious to the host it can be desirable to minimise production during the growth phase and induce production late in the exponential phase. Protein expression by regulated promoter systems offers the possibility of improving productivity in this way by separating the recombinant protein production phase from the yeast growth phase. Commonly used inducible promoters do not always offer convenient solutions for industrial scale biopharmaceutical production with engineered yeast systems. RESULTS: Here we show improved secretion of the antimicrobial protein, human β-defensin-2, (hBD2), using the S. cerevisiae MET17 promoter by repressing expression during the growth phase. In shake flask culture, a higher final concentration of human β-defensin-2 was obtained using the repressible MET17 promoter system than when using the strong constitutive promoter from proteinase B (PRB1) in a yeast strain developed for high-level commercial production of recombinant proteins. Furthermore, this was achieved in under half the time using the MET17 promoter compared to the PRB1 promoter. Cell density, plasmid copy-number, transcript level and protein concentration in the culture supernatant were used to study the effects of different initial methionine concentrations in the culture media for the production of human β-defensin-2 secreted from S. cerevisiae. CONCLUSIONS: The repressible S. cerevisiae MET17 promoter was more efficient than a strong constitutive promoter for the production of human β-defensin-2 from S. cerevisiae in small-scale culture and offers advantages for the commercial production of this and other heterologous proteins which are deleterious to the host organism. Furthermore, the MET17 promoter activity can be modulated by methionine alone, which has a safety profile applicable to biopharmaceutical manufacturing

    Identifying the interplay of design artifacts and decisions in practice: A Case Study

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    Interaction design is a complex and challenging process. It encompasses skills and knowledge from design in general as well as from HCI and software design in particular. In order to find better ways to support interaction design and propose methods and tools to further the research in this area we must first better understand the nature of interaction design in practice. In this paper we present two small case studies which attempt to analyse design and decision-making through the lens of one particular theoretical framework. The framework seeks to focus design activities via its artifacts and the design spaces that exist in order to support reasoning about the process and the evolution of the artifacts. Our case studies show that we can use such a framework to consider real-world design projects, and also that there are further considerations that might usefully be included in such a framework