5 research outputs found


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    U klimatskim prilikama sjeverozapadne Hrvatske provedeno je dvogodiÅ”nje istraživanje s pet kultivara endivije u ljetno-jesenskom roku uzgoja. Cilj je bio odabrati najpogodnije kultivare endivije s obzirom na komponente prinosa i kvalitetu. Pokus je postavljen po metodi slučajnog bloknog rasporeda u pet ponavljanja. Istraživani su kultivari endivije eskariol tipa: Bubikopf, Gigante degli Ortolani, Maral, Samy i Stratego. Prema ostvarenom tržnom prinosu i masi tržnog dijela rozete u obje, klimatski vrlo različite godine istraživanja, isticali su se kultivari Maral (55,0 i 53,2 t/ha; 1086 i 1164 g) i Samy (52,5 i 55,4 t/ha; 1105 i 1198 g). Kultivar Stratego u obje je godine istraživanja razvio statistički opravdano najveći broj etioliranih listova u rozeti (42 i 49), kao i najveći ukupan broj listova u rozeti (100 i 115).In the climatic conditions of north-western Croatia two years investigations were carried out with five endive cultivars during the summer-autumn growing period. The aim of the investigation was to find out the most suitable cultivar concerning yield and quality components. The experiment was set up according to the randomized block scheme with five replications. The investigated broad-leaved (escarole type) endive cultivars were: Bubikopf, Gigante degli Ortolani, Maral, Samy and Stratego. On the basis of the marketable yield and the weight of the marketable part of the rosette in both, climatically very different years, cultivars Maral (55.0 and 53.2 t/ha; 1086 and 1164 g) and Samy (52.5 and 55.4 t/ha; 1105 and 1198 g) stand out. Cultivar Stratego had, in years, significantly the highest number of etiolated leaves in rosette (42 and 49) as well as the highest total number of leaves (100 and 115) in rosette


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    U klimatskim prilikama sjeverozapadne Hrvatske provedeno je dvogodiÅ”nje istraživanje s pet kultivara endivije u ljetno-jesenskom roku uzgoja. Cilj je bio odabrati najpogodnije kultivare endivije s obzirom na komponente prinosa i kvalitetu. Pokus je postavljen po metodi slučajnog bloknog rasporeda u pet ponavljanja. Istraživani su kultivari endivije eskariol tipa: Bubikopf, Gigante degli Ortolani, Maral, Samy i Stratego. Prema ostvarenom tržnom prinosu i masi tržnog dijela rozete u obje, klimatski vrlo različite godine istraživanja, isticali su se kultivari Maral (55,0 i 53,2 t/ha; 1086 i 1164 g) i Samy (52,5 i 55,4 t/ha; 1105 i 1198 g). Kultivar Stratego u obje je godine istraživanja razvio statistički opravdano najveći broj etioliranih listova u rozeti (42 i 49), kao i najveći ukupan broj listova u rozeti (100 i 115).In the climatic conditions of north-western Croatia two years investigations were carried out with five endive cultivars during the summer-autumn growing period. The aim of the investigation was to find out the most suitable cultivar concerning yield and quality components. The experiment was set up according to the randomized block scheme with five replications. The investigated broad-leaved (escarole type) endive cultivars were: Bubikopf, Gigante degli Ortolani, Maral, Samy and Stratego. On the basis of the marketable yield and the weight of the marketable part of the rosette in both, climatically very different years, cultivars Maral (55.0 and 53.2 t/ha; 1086 and 1164 g) and Samy (52.5 and 55.4 t/ha; 1105 and 1198 g) stand out. Cultivar Stratego had, in years, significantly the highest number of etiolated leaves in rosette (42 and 49) as well as the highest total number of leaves (100 and 115) in rosette