295 research outputs found

    Case report: breast cancer associated with contralateral tuberculosis of axillary lymph nodes

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer coexisting with tuberculous axillary lymph nodes is rare. CASE REPORT: We report a 69 years old Yemeni patient with a left breast invasive ductal carcinoma associated with contralateral tuberculous axillary lymph nodes containing microcalcifications mimicking malignancy. The patient had to be investigated for the possibility of bilateral breast cancer since she had no history of previous exposure to tuberculosis. CONCLUSION: Tuberculosis involving lymph nodes can create a diagnostic dilemma in the presence of a malignant process. The presence of calcifications in lymph nodes should raise the possibility of tuberculosis even in the absence of contact history with tuberculosis

    Inner ear tissue preservation by rapid freezing: improving fixation by high-pressure freezing and hybrid methods

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    In the preservation of tissues in as ‘close to life’ state as possible, rapid freeze fixation has many benefits over conventional chemical fixation. One technique by which rapid freeze-fixation can be achieved, high pressure freezing (HPF), has been shown to enable ice crystal artefact-free freezing and tissue preservation to greater depths (more than 40μm) than other quick-freezing methods. Despite increasingly becoming routine in electron microscopy, the use of HPF for the fixation of inner ear tissue has been limited. Assessment of the quality of preservation showed routine HPF techniques were suitable for preparation of inner ear tissues in a variety of species. Good preservation throughout the depth of sensory epithelia was achievable. Comparison to chemically fixed tissue indicated that fresh frozen preparations exhibited overall superior structural preservation of cells. However, HPF fixation caused characteristic artefacts in stereocilia that suggested poor quality freezing of the actin bundles. The hybrid technique of pre-fixation and high pressure freezing was shown to produce cellular preservation throughout the tissue, similar to that seen in HPF alone. Pre-fixation HPF produced consistent high quality preservation of stereociliary actin bundles. Optimising the preparation of samples with minimal artefact formation allows analysis of the links between ultrastructure and function in inner ear tissues

    Seawater desalination concentrate—a new frontier for sustainable mining of valuable minerals

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    The ocean has often been announced as a sustainable source of important materials for civilization. Application of the same extraction processes to desalination concentrate, rather than to unconcentrated seawater, will necessarily be more energetically favorable, so the expansion of seawater desalination in recent decades brings this dream closer to reality. However, there is relatively little concrete commercial development of 'concentrate mining'. This review assesses the technical and economic prospects for utilization of commercially viable products from seawater. The most important technologies for economic use of products from desalination plant concentrate are technologies for more economic separation and technologies for more economic concentration. The most promising separation technologies are those, such as nanofiltration, which separate brine into streams enriched/depleted in entire classes of constituents with minimal input of energy and reagents. Concentration is becoming more economic due to rapid advances in Osmotically-Assisted RO technology. Despite very active research on many aspects of desalination concentrate utilization, it is likely that commercial development of the non-NaCl components of desalination brine will depend on the available market for NaCl, as the challenges and costs of extracting the other mineral components from bitterns in which they are highly enriched are so much less than those faced in direct treatment of brines

    Calcium-dependent dynamics of cadherin interactions at cell–cell junctions

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    Cadherins play a key role in the dynamics of cell–cell contact formation and remodeling of junctions and tissues. Cadherin–cadherin interactions are gated by extracellular Ca^(2+), which serves to rigidify the cadherin extracellular domains and promote trans junctional interactions. Here we describe the direct visualization and quantification of spatiotemporal dynamics of N-cadherin interactions across intercellular junctions in living cells using a genetically encodable FRET reporter system. Direct measurements of transjunctional cadherin interactions revealed a sudden, but partial, loss of homophilic interactions (τ = 1.17 ± 0.06 s^(−1)) upon chelation of extracellular Ca^(2+). A cadherin mutant with reduced adhesive activity (W2A) exhibited a faster, more substantial loss of homophilic interactions (τ = 0.86 ± 0.02 s^(−1)), suggesting two types of native cadherin interactions—one that is rapidly modulated by changes in extracellular Ca^(2+) and another with relatively stable adhesive activity that is Ca^(2+) independent. The Ca^(2+)-sensitive dynamics of cadherin interactions were transmitted to the cell interior where β-catenin translocated to N-cadherin at the junction in both cells. These data indicate that cadherins can rapidly convey dynamic information about the extracellular environment to both cells that comprise a junction

    FTLD-TDP assemblies seed neoaggregates with subtype-specific features via a prion-like cascade

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    Morphologically distinct TDP-43 aggregates occur in clinically different FTLD-TDP subtypes, yet the mechanism of their emergence and contribution to clinical heterogeneity are poorly understood. Several lines of evidence suggest that pathological TDP-43 follows a prion-like cascade, but the molecular determinants of this process remain unknown. We use advanced microscopy techniques to compare the seeding properties of pathological FTLD-TDP-A and FTLD-TDP-C aggregates. Upon inoculation of patient-derived aggregates in cells, FTLD-TDP-A seeds amplify in a template-dependent fashion, triggering neoaggregation more efficiently than those extracted from FTLD-TDP-C patients, correlating with the respective disease progression rates. Neoaggregates are sequentially phosphorylated with N-to-C directionality and with subtype-specific timelines. The resulting FTLD-TDP-A neoaggregates are large and contain densely packed fibrils, reminiscent of the pure compacted fibrils present within cytoplasmic inclusions in postmortem brains. In contrast, FTLD-TDP-C dystrophic neurites show less dense fibrils mixed with cellular components, and their respective neoaggregates are small, amorphous protein accumulations. These cellular seeding models replicate aspects of the patient pathological diversity and will be a useful tool in the quest for subtype-specific therapeutics

    DESM: portal for microbial knowledge exploration systems

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    Microorganisms produce an enormous variety of chemical compounds. It is of general interest for mi-crobiology and biotechnology researchers to have means to explore information about molecular and genetic basis of functioning of different microor-ganisms and their ability for bioproduction. To en-able such exploration, we compiled 45 topic-specific knowledgebases (KBs) accessible through DESM portal (www.cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/desm). The KBs con-tain information derived through text-mining of PubMed information and complemented by informa-tion data-mined from various other resources (e.g. ChEBI, Entrez Gene, GO, KOBAS, KEGG, UniPath-ways, BioGrid). All PubMed records were indexed us

    Valorization of artichoke wastewaters by integrated membrane process

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    In this work an integrated membrane system was developed on laboratory scale to fractionate artichoke wastewaters. In particular, a preliminary ultrafiltration (UF) step, based on the use of hollow fibre membranes, was investigated to remove suspended solids from an artichoke extract. The clarified solution was then submitted to a nanofiltration (NF) step. Two different 2.5 × 21 in. spiral-wound membranes (Desal DL and NP030) with different properties were investigated. Both membranes showed a high rejection towards the phenolic compounds analysed (chlorogenic acid, cynarin and apigenin-7-O-glucoside) and, consequently, towards the total antioxidant activity (TAA). On the other hand, the Desal DL membrane was characterized by a high rejection towards sugar compounds (glucose, fructose and sucrose) (100%) when compared with the NP030 membrane (4.02%). The performance of selected membranes in terms of permeate flux, fouling index and water permeability recovery was also evaluated. On the base of experimental results, an integrated membrane process for the fractionation of artichoke wastewaters was proposed. This conceptual process design permitted to obtain different valuable products: a retentate fraction (from the NP030 membrane) enriched in phenolic compounds suitable for nutraceutical, cosmeceutical or food application; a retentate fraction (from the Desal DL membrane), enriched in sugar compounds, of interest for food applications; a clear permeate (from the Desal DL membrane) which can be reused as process water or for membrane cleaning.Conidi, C.; Cassano, A.; García Castelló, EM. (2014). Valorization of artichoke wastewaters by integrated membrane process. Water Research. 48:363-374. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2013.09.047S3633744