12 research outputs found

    Гигиеническая оценка индивидуальных годовых доз природного облучения населения модельных территорий Алтайского края

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    The goal is to determine ionizing radiation natural sources exposure regularities of Altai Territory model areas population. The materials and methods. 11376 radon measurements, 1247 gamma radiation meas-urements in an open area and in residential and office buildings were performed, selection of 189 drinking water tests was carried out. Results. Complex radiation and hygienic examination of the region with the most large municipalities number with model areas allocation was conducted. The assessment of the Altai Territory population’s individual annual radiation doses from natural radionuclides has revealed a number of the regularities depending on the terrain’s ecological and geographical type. Following the research results, ranging the region territories taking into account of annual effective doses of the population from natural sources for 2009-2015 was carried out. The annual individual effective dose of the Altai Territory upland areas population presented by the highest values and ranges from 7.36 mSv / year to 8.19 mSv / year. Foothill regions of Altai and in Salair ridge are characterized by increased population exposure from natural sources. Here the dose ranges from 5.09 mSv / year to 6.22 mSv / year. Steppe and forest-steppe territories are characterized by the lowest level of the natural radiation which is ranging from 3.23 mSv / year to 4.11 mSv / year, that doesn’t exceed the all-Russian levels. Most of the hygienic radon equivalent equilibrium volume activity standards exceedances were registered in mountain and foothill areas buildings. A number of radon anomalies is revealed also in steppe areas. Med exceedances ranged from 203 ± 17.8 Bq / m3 to 480 ± 37.9 Bq / m3. Given the fact that most of these buildings belong to the administrative or educational institutions with an eight-hour working day, the dose of radiation for people there can be up to 10 mSv / year. Conclusion. Spreading of individual annual effective dose of the Altai Territory population showed that five regions of the model areas are converted into three main groups depending on the natural radiation dose due primarily radon equivalent equilibrium volume activity and depends mostly on the eco-geographical terrain type.Целью работы является определение закономерностей облучения населения модельных территорий Алтайского края от природных источников ионизирующего излучения.Материалы и методы. Было выполнено 11 376 измерений радона, 1247 измерений гамма-излучения на открытой местности, в жилых и административных зданиях, осуществлялся отбор 189 проб питьевой воды. Результаты. Проведено комплексное радиационно-гигиеническое обследование региона с самым большим количеством муниципальных образований с выделением модельных территорий. Оценка индивидуальных годовых доз облучения населения Алтайского края от природных радионуклидов выявила ряд закономерностей, зависящих от эколого-географического типа местности. По итогам исследования проведено ранжирование территорий региона с учетом годовых эффективных доз облучения населения от природных источников за 2009–2015 гг. Годовая индивидуальная эффективная доза населения нагорных областей Алтайского края представлена наибольшими значениями и изменяется в пределах от 7,36 мЗв/год до 8,19 мЗв/год. Предгорные районы Алтая и территории в области Салаирского кряжа характеризуются повышенным облучением населения от природных источников, здесь дозы составляют от 5,09 до 6,22 мЗв/ год. Степные и лесостепные территории характеризуются наименьшим уровнем природного облучения, находящегося в пределах от 3,23 до 4,11 мЗв/год, что не превышает общероссийские уровни. Большая часть превышений гигиенических нормативов ЭРОА радона регистрировалась в зданиях горных и предгорных областей, ряд радоновых аномалий выявлен и в степных районах. Медианы превышений изменялись в пределах от 203±17,8 до 480±37,9 Бк/м3. С учетом того, что большинство таких зданий относятся к административным или образовательным учреждениям с восьмичасовым рабочим днем, доза облучения находящихся там людей может составлять до 10 мЗв/год.Заключение. Распределение индивидуальных годовых эффективных доз населения Алтайского края показало, что районы пяти модельных территорий преобразуются в три основных группы в зависимости от доз природного облучения, обусловленного в первую очередь ЭРОА радона и зависящего в большей степени от эколого-географического типа местности

    A new monograph on soil monitoring

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    The effect of combinations of cyproconazole and fludioxonil on infestation of wheat and barley grains

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    The most popular and affordable means to protect plants from fungal diseases are fungicides. Development of new products is aimed at preparation of the composition of several substances to achieve the effect of mutual enhancement of action. We used the grains of wheat (Triticum sp. variety Julius) and barley (Hordeum sativum variety Gloria), they were significantly infected with phytopathogenic fungi, which allows us to get reliable data on the effectiveness of active substances of fungicides. All wheat grains treated with fungicides were infected less than the control ones. Analysis of the effect of individual fungicides demonstrated that the fungi were more sensitive to fludioxonil, especially at doses of CF 0: 2 (56.7% of infected grains) and CF 0:4 (36.7% of infected grains) 5.0 and 10.0 g/t. After the treatment of cyproconazole, the smallest number of infected grains was obtained when grains were treated at a dose 5.0 g/t (80.0 % of infected grains). The fungistatic effect of cyproconazole (C) and fludioxonil (F) was greatest when ratios of C : F were 2.5:10; 5:10; 10:2.5; 10:5; 10:10 g/t

    Annual individual hygienic assessment of natural exposure doses of the Altai territory model areas population

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    The goal is to determine ionizing radiation natural sources exposure regularities of Altai Territory model areas population. The materials and methods. 11376 radon measurements, 1247 gamma radiation meas-urements in an open area and in residential and office buildings were performed, selection of 189 drinking water tests was carried out. Results. Complex radiation and hygienic examination of the region with the most large municipalities number with model areas allocation was conducted. The assessment of the Altai Territory population’s individual annual radiation doses from natural radionuclides has revealed a number of the regularities depending on the terrain’s ecological and geographical type. Following the research results, ranging the region territories taking into account of annual effective doses of the population from natural sources for 2009-2015 was carried out. The annual individual effective dose of the Altai Territory upland areas population presented by the highest values and ranges from 7.36 mSv / year to 8.19 mSv / year. Foothill regions of Altai and in Salair ridge are characterized by increased population exposure from natural sources. Here the dose ranges from 5.09 mSv / year to 6.22 mSv / year. Steppe and forest-steppe territories are characterized by the lowest level of the natural radiation which is ranging from 3.23 mSv / year to 4.11 mSv / year, that doesn’t exceed the all-Russian levels. Most of the hygienic radon equivalent equilibrium volume activity standards exceedances were registered in mountain and foothill areas buildings. A number of radon anomalies is revealed also in steppe areas. Med exceedances ranged from 203 ± 17.8 Bq / m3 to 480 ± 37.9 Bq / m3. Given the fact that most of these buildings belong to the administrative or educational institutions with an eight-hour working day, the dose of radiation for people there can be up to 10 mSv / year. Conclusion. Spreading of individual annual effective dose of the Altai Territory population showed that five regions of the model areas are converted into three main groups depending on the natural radiation dose due primarily radon equivalent equilibrium volume activity and depends mostly on the eco-geographical terrain type

    Detection of Rickettsia RaoultiI Genotypes in Southern Kazakhstan

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    Previously it was established that different species of genus Rickettsia were detected in Kazakhstan. Nevertheless, rickettsial species spectrum of some regions of Kazakhstan has not been studied. Dermacentor niveus ticks from Southern Kazakhstan were investigated using cell cultures by shell vial technique. The first isolates close related to genotypes Rickettsia raoultii RpA4 and DnS14 were obtained. The role of these agents in tick-borne rickettsioses morbidity in Southern Kazakhstan is discussed


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    Статья посвящена исследованию влияния различных количеств минерального компонента шунгита на свойства полидивинилизопренового (ПДИ-1к) олигомера, применяемого для шпатлевок, клеев, герме-тиков, покрытий типа «Физпол». Были изучены физико-механические свойства полученных композиций. Использование шунгита в качестве заменителя технического углерода, либо дополнительно к нему, в ре-цептурах РТИ на основе неполярных эластомеров позволило решить ряд актуальных задач как в области рецептуростроения, так и в экологии, экономике, а также в области совершенствования технологических процессов, применяемых для изготовления изделий. В результате проведенных исследований показано, что использование шунгита в качестве наполнителя композиционных материалов на основе ПДИ-1к приводит к улучшению физико-механических показателей: увеличение прочности в 2 раза, относительное удлинение и показатели твердости практически не изменились. Использование в качестве пластификатора нетоксола позволяет существенно повысить содержание шунгита в композиции и тем самым снизить стоимость мате-риала, что является необходимым условием для эксплуатации резинотехнических изделий. Были определе-ны показатели относительного удлинения, твердости и прочности. Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, e-mail: [email protected] This article is devoted to the infl uence of different amounts of shungite on the properties of polydivinilizopren (PDI-1K) oligomer used for fi llers and such as «Fizpol» coatings, glue, sealant. Physical -mechanical properties of the resulting compositions were studied. Use of shungite as a substitute for carbon black, or in addition for it, in the formulations of rubber goods based on non-polar elastomers, allowed to solve a number of urgent problems in the fi eld recipe creation, and the environment, the economy, and in improving the technological processes used for the manufacture of products. The result of the study shows that the infl uence of schungite on properties of the composite material based on PDI-1K leads to improving of physical and mechanical properties: signifi cantly increases the strength of a factor twice, hardness fi gures have not changed much. The use of plasticizer netoksol improves shungit content in the composition and thereby reduce the cost of the material, which is a prerequisite for the operation of rubber products. Strength, hardness and elongation were determine

    Biogeosystem Technique (BGT*) Methodology Will Provide Semiarid Landscape Sustainability (A Case of the South Russia Volgograd Region Soil Resources)

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    The science and political initiatives focus is not only concerning agricultural intensification for food security and human development. The prevention of land degradation and loss is important, and a new land-use technological platform is needed for human well-being and the ecosystem service coupling. An adverse change in the soil quality of the steppe terrain under the standard agriculture is revealed, and the dynamics of the ecosystem service is assessed. The results indicated that the standard land-use practice deteriorates stability of the soil cover, failing to ensure the soil productivity and the ecosystem services in a dry terrain. For land degradation prevention and soil-environmental services refinement, a new transcendental Biogeosystem Technique (BGT*) technological platform was developed. The BGT* is capable of providing long-term, sustainable land-use management. The BGT* methodology includes intra-soil milling, intra-soil pulse continually discrete watering, and intra-soil waste recycling. The BGT* is a basis for future political initiatives in land-use management to prevent land degradation and loss, to increase soil productivity, and to provide soil-environmental services