16,483 research outputs found

    Non-asymptotic Upper Bounds for Deletion Correcting Codes

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    Explicit non-asymptotic upper bounds on the sizes of multiple-deletion correcting codes are presented. In particular, the largest single-deletion correcting code for qq-ary alphabet and string length nn is shown to be of size at most qnβˆ’q(qβˆ’1)(nβˆ’1)\frac{q^n-q}{(q-1)(n-1)}. An improved bound on the asymptotic rate function is obtained as a corollary. Upper bounds are also derived on sizes of codes for a constrained source that does not necessarily comprise of all strings of a particular length, and this idea is demonstrated by application to sets of run-length limited strings. The problem of finding the largest deletion correcting code is modeled as a matching problem on a hypergraph. This problem is formulated as an integer linear program. The upper bound is obtained by the construction of a feasible point for the dual of the linear programming relaxation of this integer linear program. The non-asymptotic bounds derived imply the known asymptotic bounds of Levenshtein and Tenengolts and improve on known non-asymptotic bounds. Numerical results support the conjecture that in the binary case, the Varshamov-Tenengolts codes are the largest single-deletion correcting codes.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Improved Finite Blocklength Converses for Slepian-Wolf Coding via Linear Programming

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    A new finite blocklength converse for the Slepian- Wolf coding problem is presented which significantly improves on the best known converse for this problem, due to Miyake and Kanaya [2]. To obtain this converse, an extension of the linear programming (LP) based framework for finite blocklength point- to-point coding problems from [3] is employed. However, a direct application of this framework demands a complicated analysis for the Slepian-Wolf problem. An analytically simpler approach is presented wherein LP-based finite blocklength converses for this problem are synthesized from point-to-point lossless source coding problems with perfect side-information at the decoder. New finite blocklength metaconverses for these point-to-point problems are derived by employing the LP-based framework, and the new converse for Slepian-Wolf coding is obtained by an appropriate combination of these converses.Comment: under review with the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor
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