27 research outputs found

    Toxic effect in the lungs of rats after inhalation exposure to benzalkonium chloride

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    Background: Benzalkonium chloride (BAC) is a quaternary ammonium compound (QAC) toxic to microorganisms. Inhalation is one of the major possible routes of human exposure to BAC. Materials and Methods: Experiments were performed on female Wistar rats. The rats were exposed to aerosol of BAC water solution at the target concentration of 0 (control group) and 35 mg/m3 for 5 days (6 h/day) and, after a 2-week interval, the animals were challenged (day 21) with BAC aerosol at the target concentration of 0 (control group) and 35 mg/m3 for 6 h. Results: Compared to the controls, the animals exposed to BAC aerosol were characterized by lower food intake and their body weight was significantly smaller. As regards BAC-exposed group, a significant increase was noted in relative lung mass, total protein concentration, and MIP-2 in BALF both directly after the termination of the exposure and 18 h afterwards. Significantly higher IL-6 and IgE concentrations in BALF and a decrease in the CC16 concentration in BALF were found in the exposed group immediately after the exposure. The leukocyte count in BALF was significantly higher in the animals exposed to BAC aerosol compared to the controls. In the lungs of rats exposed to BAC the following effects were observed: minimal perivascular, interstitial edema, focal aggregates of alveolar macrophages, interstitial mononuclear cell infiltrations, thickened alveolar septa and marginal lipoproteinosis. Conclusion: Inhalation of BAC induced a strong inflammatory response and a damage to the blood-air barrier. Reduced concentrations of CC16, which is an immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory protein, in combination with increased IgE concentrations in BALF may be indicative of the immuno-inflammatory response in the animals exposed to BAC aerosol by inhalation. Histopathological examinations of tissue samples from the BAC-exposed rats revealed a number of pathological changes found only in the lungs

    Wykorzystanie kory sosny zwyczajnej do oceny zanieczyszczeń pyłami cementowo-wapienniczymi w województwie świętokrzyskim

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    The aim of this paper is to show the application of pine bark to indicate the level of air contamination by cement−lime dust and to determine the impact range of cement plants. On the basis of the measurements of pHH2O there are five alkali−forested spheres determined. The existence of those forested areas with various intensification of change caused by cement lime industry is also confirmed by the mineral content of bark

    Sprawozdanie z konferencji „MicroRNA and Non-Coding RNA and Cancer”

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    Effect of Ozarow cement plant [Przedgorze Ilzeckie] on the changes floristic composition of a pine forest in the period between 1993-2003

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    In the presented article there was an evaluation made to determine the impact of alkali anthropopressure on the compositions and construction of the forested complex. The basis for this analysis was a set of pictures taken in two time intervals around Ożarów cement plant. The dynamism of all changes in the biocenosis diversification in time was prepared with the use of basic diversification indicators: Shannon's, Simpson's, sustainability

    Contamination of soils with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons near petrol stations in the city of Kielce

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    Petrochemical-derived products may enter the soil with rainwater, sewage, and during equipment failures. Due to their physicochemical properties, they cause a threat to the environment and change the properties of engineering-geological land. In the study, samples of soil originating from the vicinity of 20 gas stations in the city of Kielce have been examined. The following soil parameters were determined: pH, Hh, exchangeable cations, content of CaCO3, Corg and PAH. The amount of PAHs and their composition varied depending on numerous factors such as the soil quality as well as location and degree of exploitation of petrol stations

    Bioaccumulation of copper, lead and zinc by Taraxacum officinale agg. growing on urban soils of different land-use types

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    Common dandelion Taraxacum officinale agg. (T. officinale F.H. Wigg) is a plant species commonly found on urban areas. It is characterised by low habitat requirements and proven bioindication properties. The aim of this study was to assess the possibility of using T. officinale agg. for monitoring of the urban soils in the City of Kielce with regard to selected heavy metal concentrations, i.e. Pb, Cu and Zn. Twenty-one soil and dandelion samples (roots and leaves) were collected from the area of Kielce. The study areas were designated with regard to land-use types, i.e. industrial areas, urban parks and forests, urban green areas, and urban allotment gardens. The total heavy metal concentrations were determined in the soil and plant material by the ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy) method, after mineralisation of the samples in a mixture of HCl-HNO3 (3:1). Moreover, the soil samples were analysed in terms of pH values. The concentrations of heavy metals in the analysed soils were oscillating at: 16.5-290 mg/kg d.m. for Pb; 7.11- 41mg/kg d.m. for Cu; 55.7-338 mg/kg d.m. for Zn In the case of dandelion leaves, the concentration range was recorded at: 1.07-3.11 mg/kg d.m. for Pb; 3.11-14.1 mg/kg d.m. for Cu; 19.7-121 mg/kg d.m. for Zn. Regarding the dandelion roots, the concentration range was as follows: 0.54-2.09 mg/kg d.m. for Pb; 2.89-8.11 mg/kg d.m. for Cu; 15.8-67.1 mg/kg d.m. for Zn. The study indicated that the concentrations of analysed heavy metals adopted the sequence of soil>leaves>root. The above relationship may indicate a significant impact of heavy metals contained in the air on their concentrations in the upper parts of plants. The pH of analysed soils were oscillating at 3.99-7.92 and was not correlated with the concentrations of heavy metals in the soils. Heavy metal concentrations were not significantly affected by the land-use types, which may indicate that urban pollution emission zones are not limited only to industrial and transportation areas

    Ocena koncentracji metali ciężkich w glebach użytków przemysłowych na przykładzie Kielc i Skarżyska-Kamiennej

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    This article presents the results of the analysis of selected heavy metal concentrations in the urban soils of Skarzysko-Kamienna and Kielce. The studies were conducted on industrial soils. In the collected soil samples, the total content of Cu, Zn, and Pb - after mineralisation in aqua regia - was determined by the flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) method. A pH, in turn, was determined by the potentiometric method. The soils of Skarzysko-Kamienna were characterised by the following concentrations of heavy metals: Cu - 2.0-261 mg/kg d.m.; Zn - 9.0-352 mg/kgd.m.; Pb - 2.0-1600 mg/kg d.m. The concentrations of heavy metals in the soils of Kielce were oscillating as follows: Cu: 2.40-134.2 mg/kg d.m., Zn: 17.2-1646 mg/kg d.m, Pb: 10.4-1428 mg/kg d.m. The elevated concentrations were reported for all analysed heavy metals in accordance with the values of geochemical background determined for each chemical element. The obtained results indicated moderate values of geoaccumulation indices Igeo. The soils of both cities were characterised by either slightly acidic or slightly alkaline pH. However, the values observed for the soils of Skarzysko-Kamienna were lower than those noted for the soils of Kielce.Przedstawiono wyniki badań zawartości wybranych metali ciężkich w glebach miejskich Kielc oraz Skarżyska-Kamiennej. Badania prowadzono na glebach o przeznaczeniu przemysłowym. W pobranym materiale glebowym wykonano oznaczenie Cu, Zn oraz Pb metodą atomowej spektrometrii absorpcyjnej ASA po mineralizacji w wodzie królewskiej oraz badania wartości odczynu metodą potencjonometryczną. Gleby Skarżyska-Kamiennej cechują się zawartością metali ciężkich na poziomie Cu: 2,0-261 mg/kg s.m., Zn: 9,0-352 mg/kg s.m, Pb: 2,0-1600 mg/kg s.m. W badanych glebach Kielc zawartość metali oscylowała na poziomie: Cu: 2,40-134,2 mg/kg s.m., Zn: 17,2-1646 mg/kg s.m, Pb: 10,4-1428 mg/kg s.m. Stwierdzono podwyższoną zawartość analizowanych metali w odniesieniu do wartości tła geochemicznego wyznaczonego dla każdego z pierwiastków. Badania wskazują na umiarkowane wartości wskaźników geoakumulacji Igeo. Gleby obu miast charakteryzowały się odczynem od lekko kwaśnego do lekko alkalicznego. Jednak wartości, jakie zostały zanotowane dla gleb Skarżyska-Kamiennej, były niższe niż te dla gleb Kielc

    Pollution of soil-aquatic environment by heavy metals in the former Alexander smelter area in Kielce

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    W dzielnicy Białogon, znajdującej się w południowej części Kielc, w strefie ochronnej największego komunalnego ujęcia wody od około 200 lat funkcjonuje przemysł metalowy. Przeprowadzone badania gleb wykazały występowanie w nich podwyższonych zawartości pierwiastków śladowych (głównie: Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr). Warunki środowiskowe nie sprzyjają jednak ich wymywaniu i dalszej migracji z wodą do wód podziemnych. Środowisko glebowe jest słabo kwaśne i obojętne, a w głębszych węglanowych ośrodkach skalnych odczyn wody jest jeszcze wyższy (pH 7–8). Sprawia to, że zanieczyszczenia nie przemieszczają się i nie powodują pogorszenia jakości wody w studniach położonych w sąsiedztwie komunalnego ujęcia wód podziemnych. Zanieczyszczenie gleb cynkiem i ołowiem nie przekracza wartości dopuszczalnych dla gleb użytkowanych rolniczo. Zawartość cynku i ołowiu w badanych próbkach gleb wynosi: Zn 24,4–1646,0 mg/kg; Pb 12,5–1904,0 mg/kg. Zawartość w próbkach gleby chromu, miedzi, kadmu, manganu i niklu była niższa od wartości dopuszczalnych. Zawartość badanych metali w wodach podziemnych dotychczas nie przekroczyła dopuszczalnych stężeń dla wody przeznaczonej do spożycia przez ludzi.In the protective zone of municipal groundwater intake, in the former industrial district named Białogon, which is the southern part of the city of Kielce, the metal industry has operated for about 200 years. The studies of soils demonstrated elevated levels of trace elements (mostly Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr). However, environmental conditions do not facilitate their leaching and further migration to groundwater. The soil environment is weakly acidic and neutral, while the pH value is even higher (pH 7–8) in deeper carbonate deposits. This is the reason why the pollutants do not migrate and do not worsen the water quality in the wells situated near the municipal groundwater intake. The concentrations of zinc and lead in the polluted soils do not exceed the limit values for agricultural soils, and are as follows: Zn 24.4–1646.0 mg/kg, Pb 12.5–1904.0 mg/kg. The contents of chromium, copper, cadmium, manganese and nickel in the soil samples were lower than the limit values. The contents of the metals in the groundwater do not exceed the amount allowable for drinking water

    Vegetative flowerpot for measurements of studied plants in the conditions of the diverse condensation of the soil in the roots system

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    Opatentowany, zmodyfikowany wazon wegetacyjny umożliwi eksperymentalne badanie reakcji roślin na zróżnicowany skład granulometryczny gleby, stanowiący naturalną cechę ośrodka wzrostu korzeni. Na polach uprawnych zmienność właściwości gleby uwarunkowana jest procesami naturalnymi i antropogenicznymi związanymi z techniką uprawy i nawożeniem. W zaprojektowanym wazonie, wykorzystując jego dwie ruchome części, można prześledzić warunki rozwoju systemu korzeniowego rośliny uprawnej wzrastającej przy zróżnicowanym zagęszczeniu gleby spowodowanym m.in. przejazdami maszyn rolniczych czy zlokalizowanym nawożeniem. Rozwiązanie konstrukcyjne wynalazku pozwala także na optymalne dozowanie wody do podłoża glebowego poprzez kontrolowane osuszanie i nawadnianie zapewniające odpowiednie warunki wilgotności rozwijającym się roślinom.Patent pending modified vegetative flowerpot enables, except typical observation lead in objects this type, the experimental study of plant responses to soil heterogeneity constituting a natural feature of the root growth center. In cultivation fields variability of soil properties is conditioned by natural and anthropogenic processes associated with the technique of cultivation and fertilization. In designed flowerpot using its two movable parts can observed conditions around the root system of the cultivation plant's under different condensation of soil caused by rides of agricultural machinery and localized fertilization. The design of the invention also allows optimal dispensing water into the ground soil by controlled drying and irrigation, which maintains proper conditions of humidity developing plants

    Technological assumptions of initiating the halocompost production from utilized waste plant deposits and from deposits polluted by heavy metals

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    Przedstawiono technologię utylizacji osadów pościekowych za pomocą minerału haloizytowego. Omówiono przepisy prawne, których należy przestrzegać przy wykorzystaniu przyrodniczym tych osadów oraz propozycję badań wazonowych, jakie należy wykonać przed ich stosowaniem, jako nawozu.The technology of utilization waste plant deposits by halloysite clay was introduced. The law rules which should be comply before the natural usage these waste plant deposits was discussed and the proposal of investigation potted, what should be executed before their usage as fertilizer