6 research outputs found

    In the realm of problems generated by the Law on waste management. A businessman’s commentary

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    Od 1 lipca 2013 roku obowiązuje ustawa o utrzymaniu czystości i porządku w gminach, zgodnie z którą gmina ma obowiązek odbierania odpadów od właścicieli nieruchomości. W jej gestii jest również zapewnienie budowy, utrzymania i eksploatacji regionalnych instalacji do przetwarzania odpadów komunalnych poprzez wyłonienie w drodze przetargu podmiotu realizującego to zadanie lub dokonanie wyboru partnera prywatnego albo koncesjonariusza. W przypadku nierozstrzygnięcia przetargu lub niedokonania wyboru gmina może samodzielnie budować, utrzymywać i eksploatować regionalnego instalacje do przetwarzania odpadów komunalnych. Realizacja zapisów ustawy powinna zapewnić budowanie sytemu odbioru i zagospodarowania odpadów oraz odzysku surowców wtórnych. Ustawa śmieciowa wygenerowała jednak wiele problemów, budząc liczne kontrowersje w samorządach i niezadowolenie mieszkańców, związane głównie z wysokością stawek opłat i „bałaganem” z wywozem odpadów oraz rywalizacją spółek komunalnych ze spółkami prywatnymi o wpływy na rynku gospodarki odpadami. Rozwiązywaniu tych trudności służy kolejna nowelizacja tej ustawy oraz projekty zmian przedstawiane ustawodawcy.As of July 1, 2013 the law on maintenance of clean and orderly conditions in communities is in force. According to it, each community is responsible for collecting waste from property owners. It is also responsible for the construction, maintenance and exploitation of regional installations for processing of municipal waste by selecting, through a call for tenders, an entity to carry out this task or to select a private partner or a license holder. In the case of not adjudicating a tender or not making a choice the community can independently build, maintain and exploit regional installations for processing community waste. Implementaion of provisions of the law guarantees construction of the a waste collection and management system as well as recovery of recyclable materials. However, the law on waste management has generated numerous problems, arousing various controversies in local governments and dissatisfaction among residents. This complications are mainly associated with the rates of charges, with commotion generated by waste collection and with rivalry between community owned companies and private companies over influence on the waste management market. A subsequent amendment of this law and proposals for changes presented to the lawmakers may contribute in resolving these problems

    Advancing competitiveness and developing the innovation and investment potential of industrial enterprises using cluster strategies

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    This study investigates the mechanism of formation of competitive advantages and competitive factors influencing the competitiveness of industrial production. Analyzing the views of foreign and local researchers on the formation of competitive advantages of industrial enterprises, we consider the diversification of industrial enterprises for intra-cluster optimization as well as the ways to improve the economic efficiency of optimization of industrial enterprises. The trends to increase economic efficiency of optimization of industrial sphere enterprise performance are presented. It can be concluded that its evaluation is a procedure that allows presenting objective results of the activities of the evaluated enterprises, both current and prospective, obtained in the framework of the implementation of the overall development strategy by influencing various groups of efficiency factors. © 2019, by ASERS® Publishing. All rights reserved

    Testing of a price-based system for power balancing on real-life HVAC installation in real life

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    HVAC systems use a substantial part of the whole energy usage of buildings. The optimizing of their operation can greatly affect the power use of a building, making them an interesting subject when trying to save energy. However, this should not affect the comfort of the people inside. Many approaches aim to optimize the operation of the heating and cooling system; in this paper, we present an approach to steer the heat pumps to reduce energy usage while aiming to maintain a certain level of comfort. For this purpose, we employ a market-based distributed method for power-balancing. To maintain the comfort level, the market-based distributed system assigns each device a cost-curve, parametrized with the current temperature of the room. This allows the cost to reflect the urgency of the HVAC operation. This approach was tested in a real-world environment: we use 10 heat pumps responsible for temperature control in 10 comparable-sized rooms. The test was performed for 3 months in summer. We limited the total peak power, and the algorithm balanced the consumption of the heat pumps with the available supply. The experiments showed that the system successfully managed to operate within the limit (lowering peak usage), and - to a certain point - reduce the cost without significantly deteriorating the working conditions of the occupants of the rooms. This test allowed us to estimate the minimal peak power requirement for the tested set-up that will still keep the room temperatures in or close to comfortable levels. The experiments show that a fully distributed market-based approach with parametrized cost functions can be used to limit peak usage while maintaining temperatures

    Modified cardiological physiotherapy model

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    According to the World health Organization (WHO), “physiotherapy is a comprehensive and coordinated use of medical, social, professional supplies and educational measures in order to adapt patients to new lifestyle and allow them to get better physical fitness.” In the case of patients who suffer from cardiovascular diseases it refers to complex cardiological rehabilitation (CRR). Constant elements of CRR: review of clinical status of patient, optimization of pharmacological treatment, rehabilitation — gradual and controlled exercises adapted to individual possibilities. At the time of CRR implementation, the period of early rehabilitation (stages I, II) and the period of late rehabilitation (stage III) are distinguished