4 research outputs found
Implementing Dynamically Evolvable Communication with Embedded Systems through WEB Services
Embedded systems that monitor and control safety and mission critical system are communicated with by a HOST located at a remote location through Internet. Such kind of embedded systems are developed to be dynamically evolvable with respect to syntax, semantics, online testing and communication subsystems. All these systems are to be dynamically evolvable and the components needed for evolution are also to be added into the embedded system. Architectural models describe various components using which dynamically evolvable sub-systems are realised through implementation by using specific and related technologies. Implementation system describe the platform, code units and the interlacing of various processes/tasks to the elementary level of details. WEB services place an excellent platform for implementing dynamically evolvable systems due to the use of open standards. This paper presents an implementation system that is related to dynamically evolvable communication and other sub-systems using web services technologies
Implementing Syntax Evolution of Embedded Systems
Safety critical systems such as nuclear recator systems cannot be shutdown as restrating is a huge process and incurs heavy cost. The embedded systems which are used for monitoring and controlling the safety critival systems cannot be shut down as well. ES systems which drives safety critical systems must be communicated from remote locations generally through a HOST connected on to Internet. Communication between the HOST and ES system is done using commnd lanaguage which has to be evolved from time to time. The chnage to the commnd lanauage must be undertaken while the embedded system is up and running, the evolution thus must be dynamic. Many architetcuers have been propsoed in the lieteratuer for evolving synatx of command lanaguage.The implemntaion of effcient architetcuer as such has not been found in the literatuer without which existing architetcuer as such has no menaing.The paper presntes a set of methods using which the syntax evolution of embedded systems as such can be achived. The synatx evolution methods have been applied to a safety critical system that monitors and controls tempartuers within a Nuclear recator system