2 research outputs found

    [al-Juzʼ al-thānī min Khulāṣat al-fatāwá, 886, i.e., 1481].

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    Second volume of the collection of Ḥanafī fatwas by Ṭāhir ibn ʻAbd al-Rashīd al-Bukhārī.Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 16Origin: As appears in colophon on fol.174a (p.349), copied by Muṣṭafá ibn ʻĪsá ibn Aḥmad. Transcription completed ("waqaʻa al-farāgh min taḥrīr hādhihi al-nuskhah al-sharīfah...") before noon on Thursday, 21st of Muḥarram 886 [ca. 21 March 1481]. Ownership statement below the colophon reveals that the copyist hails from al-Jabal al-Aqraʻ in the Syrian province of Latakia (Lādhiqīyah).Accompanying materials: a. slip of European laid paper with inscriptions in black ink inserted after p.110 -- b. scrap of paper with inscription in black ink inserted after p.260.Former shelfmark: British Museum, London "No. 130. Khulasat al-fatawi."Binding: Pasteboards covered in dark brown leather with spine and board edges now covered in red leather repairs ; perhaps once Type II binding (with flap, though now lost) ; board linings in laid paper ; upper and lower covers bear blind-tooled polylobed central medallion with band formed from a series of interlocking s-shaped stamps and floral/star motif at the center, all with gold-tooled accents as well as a lined corner pieces and a multi-banded border consisting of a series of s-shaped stamps and cross-shaped stamps ; sewn in cream thread, two stations ; worked chevron endbands in green and red (burnt orange) ; in poor condition with lifting of leather, abrasion, water damage, staning, and extreme negative draw (warping) in upper cover.Support: non-European (Arab) laid paper with laid lines running horizontally, distinct but faint, spaced roughly 9 laid lines per cm., chain lines grouped in threes running vertically with roughly 8-10 mm. between the chains and 45 mm. between groups ; very thick, smooth and only lightly burnished ; ink/tar damage along tail of text block ; staining, accretions, and minor pest damage ; a few repairs in European laid paper.Decoration: Text rubricated with section headings in red.Script: Naskh ; clear Syrian hand ; virtually sans serif ; mainly closed counters ; pointing for letters such as tāʼ, qāf, etc. (two dots) appears as inverted caret ; alif of lām alif ligature forms a loop ; strong vertical character though with slight effect of words descending to baseline.Layout: Written in 27 lines per page ; frame-ruled.Collation: V-1 (9), 16 V(169), 1+II (174) ; chiefly quinions ; catchwords present, though often obscured ; foliation in black ink, Hindu-Arabic numerals, begins with ۲ on fol.2, continues accurately and concludes with ۱۷۴ ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization (skips two pages between pp.161-162, two inserted slips numbered).Colophon: "Scribal," rectangular, reads: "وقع الفراغ من تحرير هذه النسخة الشريفة قبل الظهر في [؟] يوم الخميس في احدى وعشرين في شهر المحرم في تاريخ ستة وثمانين وثمانمائة على يد العبد الضعيف الراجي رحمة ربه اللطيف مصطفى بن الفقيه عيسى بن الفقيه احمد غفر الله لهم ولوالديهم ولجميع المسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات والحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد واله وصحبه اجمعين"Explicit: "بان قال [؟] طلبت الشفعة واخترت او على القلب يجوز الاول منهما ويبطل الثاني لانه يمكنها ان يقول [كذا] طلبتهما الشفعة والخيار"Incipit: "كتاب الاجازة مشتمل على احد عشر فصل الاول في المقدمة وفيها وجوب الاجازة ومسائل حق الحبس الثاني في..."Title supplied by cataloguer from inscription on fol.1a (p.1).Ms. codex.Brockelmann, C. GAL,Second volume of the collection of Ḥanafī fatwas by Ṭāhir ibn ʻAbd al-Rashīd al-Bukhārī.Mode of access: Internet.Acquired by purchase along with Abdul Hamid Collection (funds donated by Horace Rackham).Bookplate of British Museum, London on interior of upper cover,"No. 130. Khulasat al-fatawi." ; circular seal impression with figure of goat/gazelle in purple ink as well as inscription "35" in Western numerals on fol.1a (p.1) ; on paper pasted on fol.1a (p.1), a detailed waqf statement (in an unpointed hand) in the name of al-Sayyid ʻAbd Allāh Adīb (Abdullah Edip), known as Jannatʹzādah (Cennet-zade), qāḍī of Erzurum, accompanied by his seal, reads: "وقفت وقفا صحيحا شريعا بشرط ان لا يخرج من بيت الكتب اللذي بنيته في اتصال داري الا لعلماء نفس ارضروم بكفيل قوى ماورهن ... و انا الفقير السيد عبد الله اديب الشهير بجنت زاده القاضي بمدينة ارضروم في سنة اثنى و ستين و ماتين و الف" ; also on fol.1a (p.1) ownership statement dated 22 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 1026 [ca. 21 November 1617] in name of Muḥammad [?] ibn Muṣṭafá al-ʻAkkārī [al-ʻAkārī] (محمد بن مصطفى العكاري ) reads, "من نعم الله على عبده الفقير محمد [؟] بن مصطفى الحنفي العكاري في ۲۲ ذي القعدة سنة ۱۰٢٦" (contribution to the cataloguing from Boris Liebrenz) ; two other ownership statements on fol.1a (p.1) virtually effaced ; on fol.174a (p.349) a statement of sale reveals the transfer of the ms. from the copyist's possession to that of another faqīh by the name of Maḥmūd, "انتقل هذا الكتاب المسمى بخلاصة الفتاوي من ملك الفقيه مصطفى بن الفقيه عيسى من الجبل الاقرع الى ملك الفقيه محمود من جماعة الكولزي بالبيع الصحيح الشرعي على موجب الشرع الشريف" ; several marginal corrections and notabilia (side-heads) appear throughout ; a few glosses ; collation marks "بلغ" appear frequently throughout

    al-Niṣf al-awwal min Khulāṣat al-fatāwá, [873, i.e. 1469].

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    First volume of the collection of Ḥanafī fatwas by Ṭāhir ibn ʻAbd al-Rashīd al-Bukhārī.Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 67Origin: As appears in colophon on p.746, copied for himself by Muḥammad ibn al-Shujāʻī Shāhīn al-Bishlāqī [al-Bashlāqī ?] al-Ḥanafī. Transcription completed ("ʻallaqahu li-nafsih ... wa-kāna al-farāgh min taʻlīqih ...") 8 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 873 [ca. 19 June 1469] in Damascus.Former shelfmark: British Museum, London "No. 52. Decisions of Bukhari."Binding: Pasteboards covered in dark brown leather ; Type II binding (with flap, now lost) ; doublures and doublure hinges in dark brown leather, block-pressed with intricate vegetal design ; upper and lower covers carry blind-tooled medallion accented with gold dots, filled with geometric strapwork design having three elongated intersecting dodecagons and a six pointed star, and surrounded by interlace band and a series of small lobes with strokes at the spandrels (perhaps most comparable to Weisweiler type 49) ; a fine border of stamped interlace accented by gold dots and framed by tooled fillets, along with corner pieces complete the design ; sewn in cream thread, two stations ; fine chevron endbands in red and cream, fair condition ; in fair condition with much abrasion, staining, cracking and lifting of leather, delamination of boards, shrinkage, etc.Support: non-European (Arab) laid paper of perhaps two types, one with chain lines (vertical) grouped in threes with roughly 32-38 mm. between the groups and 8-10 mm. between the chains (see p.2, 6, etc.) and laid lines (horizontal) spaced roughly 8 laid lines per cm., the other likewise with chain lines grouped in threes with roughly 39-43 between groups and 10-12 between chains (see p.746, 747, etc.) and 7-8 laid lines per cm. ; burnished and quite thick and heavy ; significant moisture damage and staining, even obscuring text in latter quires ; flyleaves in European paper with crown-star-crescent watermark (compare Heawood 1132).Decoration: Section headings and some notabilia (side-heads) rubricated ; overlining and textual dividers in the form of inverted commas (alone and in threes forming triangles) in red.Script: Naskh ; fine Syrian hand ; virtually serifless ; slight effect of tilt to the left ; many closed counters ; freely ligatured ; inverted caret as an ihmāl sign to distinguish sīn ; three dots in the form of an vertically elongated inverted comma ; bar of kāf (shaqq) very often disconnected.Layout: Written in 19 lines per page ; frame-ruled.Collation: ii, IV+1 (9), 5 V(59), IV+1 (68), 2 V(88), V-1 (97), 10 V(197), IV (205), 4 V(245), III+1 (252), 2 V(272), V-1 (281), 9 V(371), II+1 (376), ii ; chiefly quinions ; final three leaves left blank ; catchwords present ; foliation in black ink, Hindu-Arabic numerals (begins with ١ on 'title page'/fol.2a/p.3) ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization.Colophon: "Scribal," rectangular, reads: "علقه لنفسه العبد الفقير الى الله تعالى محمد ابن الشجاعي شاهين البشلاقي الحنفي بدمشق المحروسة زادها الله شرفا وصانها من جميع الافات بمحمد واله وكان الفراغ من تعليقه نهار الاحد ثامن شهر ذي الحجة من شهور سنة ثلاث وسبعين وثمان مائة والحمد لله وحده وصلى الله على سيدنا [؟] محمد واله وصحبه وسلم تسليما ابدا ورضي الله عن اصحاب رسول الله اجمعين"Explicit: "القرض في كل عددي متقارب وفي كل كيلي ووزني ولا يجوز قرض الحيوان والعقار والخشب وما كان متفاوتا الكل في الاصل والله اعلم. اخر الجزء الاول من الخلاصة الفتاوى ويتلوه الجزء الثاني الاخير [؟] والثاني كتاب الاجازات ان شاء الله تعالى"Incipit: "الحمد لله خالق الارواح والاجسام وجاعل النور والظلام ... وقال الامام الزاهد ... افتخار الملة والدين ... طاهر بن احمد بن عبد الرشيد البخاري نور الله تربته ... وقد كتبت كتب في هذا الفن احدهما تسمى بخزانة الواقعات والثانية تسمى كتاب النصاب فسألني بعد ذلك بعض اخواني ان اكتب نسخة قصيرة يمكن ضبظها وتيسير حفظها فكتبت هذه النسخة ... وسميتها كتاب الخلاصة ..."Title from inscription accompanying table of contents on fol.1a (p.1).Ms. codex.Brockelmann, C. GAL,First volume of the collection of Ḥanafī fatwas by Ṭāhir ibn ʻAbd al-Rashīd al-Bukhārī.Mode of access: Internet.Acquired by purchase along with Abdul Hamid Collection (funds donated by Horace Rackham).Bookplate of British Museum, London on upper doublure, "British Museum, London. No. 52. Decisions of Bukhari." ; circular seal impression with figure of goat/gazelle in purple ink as well as inscription "62" in Western numerals on front flyleaf ; on paper pasted on ’title page’ (fol.2a/p.3), a detailed waqf statement in the name of al-Sayyid ʻAbd Allāh Adīb (Abdullah Edip), known as Jannatʹzādah (Cennet-zade), qāḍī of Erzurum, accompanied by his seal, reads: "وقفت وقفا صحيحا شرعيا بشرط ان لا يخرج من دار الكتب الذي بنيته في اتصال داري الا لعلماء نفس ارضروم ان احتاجوا اشد الاحتياج بكفيل مرعى اورهن قوي وانا الفقير اليه عز شانه السيد عبد الله اديب الشهير بجنت زاده القاضي بمدينة ارضروم عفى [كذا] في سنة اثنى وستين ومائتين والف" ; two other distinct seal impressions on fol.2a (p.3) ; marginal corrections, notabilia (side-heads) and glosses appear occasionally throughout ; collation marks "بلغ" appear only rarely ; occasionally text for rubrication appears in the margins, elsewhere cut off