217 research outputs found


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    Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: Apakah dengan diterapkannya metode pembelajaran berbasis masalah dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi pem bulatan dan penaksiran bilangan. Adapun Tujuan yang ingin dica pai dalam kegiatan belajar melalui metode pebelajaran berbasis masalah adalah membantu siswa agar dapat berpikir secara kritis dan siswa bekerja kelompok untuk memecahkan masalah. Kajian teoritis dalam penelitian ini adalah membahas tentang: (1) belajar; ( 2) hasil belajar; (3) Pembelajaran Matematika; (4) metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan siklus berdaur, yaitu siklus di ulangi jika tujuan dirumuskan belum dicapai se cara optimal. Setiap siklus pembelajaran terdiri dari empat tahapan: (1) Perencanaan, (2) Pelaksanaan, (3) Pengamatan (Observation), dan (4) Refleksi. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian berupa lembar observasi, lemmbar angket, lembar kerja siswa, da n lembar evaluasi berupa soal - soa yang terdiri dari 10 soal uraian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran matematika melalui penggunaan metode pembelajaran berbasis masalah ternyata dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, pada setiap tindakan me nngalami peninngkatan yang cukup baik sehingga hasil belajar siswa meningkat yaitu pada S iklus I peserta didik yang tuntas mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) sebanyak 18 orang atau sebanyak 59,4% sedangkan peserta didik yang belum mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) sebanyak 12 orang siswa atau sebanyak 40,6%. Sedangkan pada Siklus II mengalami peningkatan hasil belajar siswa yaitu sebanyak 27 siswa atau sebesar 89,1% tuntas dan sebanyak 3 siswa atau sebesar 9,9% belum tuntas. Denngan demikian, penggunaan metode berbasis masalah sangat menunjang terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi pembulatan dan penaksiran bilangan di kelas IV SDN Girimukti Kecamatan Cipongk or Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah, Pembelaja ran Matematika, bilangan, hasil belajar

    PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER (NHT) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI DAN HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK DALAM PEMBELAJARAN IPA ( Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan Materi Struktur Daun Tumbuhan dan Fungsinya di Kelas I V SDN M argahayu Raya 3 Kecamatan Buah Batu Kota Bandung Semester Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 201 5 – 201 6 )

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    i ABSTRACT Application of Cooperative Learning Model Numbered Heads Together (NHT)To Increase Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Students In Science Lesson The classroom action research was studied by F i tria Mei Yulistiawati at 4 th grade of SDN Margaha yu Raya 3 Kecamatan Buah Batu kota Bandung, The background lack of motivationand low of learning outcomes by students in IPA lessons due the learning process’s less interesting. so it makes low learn motivation and value under KKM.There’re some formulation s of theproblem to identify whether the implementation of cooperative learning model NHT can improve motivation and learning outcomes of students in IPA lessons? The researchers suggested sixresearches questions , which’re: (1) How is the learners’ achievem ent before following the learning process? (2) How is the learners’ motivation during the learining process used NHT cooporative learning model? (3) How is the learners’ activity during the learning process? (4) How is the learning documents prepared by te acher? (5) How is the learners’ achievement after participating in corporative learning model by NHT? (6) How do the teacher activitiesfor learning implemention with model NHT? The purpose of thisresearch are : (1) To identify how to make a plan by NHT met hod; (2) To analyze how the activity process of the learners and the teacher toward NHT method; (3) To find out the motivation and learning outcom es after following NHT model . This study used PTK as the research method. The research object’s the 4 th grade of SDN Margahayu Raya 3 Kecamatan Buah Batu Bandung. The data collections techniques in this study’s the motivation questionnair, sheet documents of teacher observation , observation sheet activities of teachers and learners .The result of NHT model showed t hat (1) The value of the pre - test in f irst cycle which is 79 % of learners have not reached KKM and 21 % of students have reached KKM and increased in second cycle , that is 57 % have reached KKM and 43 % of students have not reached KKM ; (2) Motivation in fi rst cycle reached 59 % the learners agree, 21% neutral, and 21% disagree. The second cycle showed that 83% agree, 12% neutral, and 5 % disagree; (3) Based on the learners activity, in first cycle reached 70% and second cycle’s 85%; (4) According to documen t infirst cycle, achievement has 75% and in second cycle has 93%; (5) The result of learners learning activity in first cycle has 40 % and in second cycle has 86%. In conclusion : learning process by NHT is success. Keywords: NHT Learning Model, motiva tion, learning outcomes i ABSTRAK Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini diteliti oleh Ftria Mei Yulisti awati di kelas IV SDN Margahayu Raya 3 Kecamatan Buah Batu Kota Bandung . L atar belakang masalah motivasi dan hasil belajar peserta didik yang rendah pada pelajaran IPA dikarenakan proses belajar mengajar yang kurang menarik sehingga membuat motivasi belaja r peserta didik rendah dan nilai dibawah KKM. Adapun rumusan masalah , Apakah penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar peserta didik dalam Pembelajaran IPA ?. Peneliti juga mengemukakan enam pertanyaan p enelitian yaitu: ( 1) Bagaiman prestasi belajar peserta didik sebelum mengikuti proses pembelajaran? ; ( 2) Bagaimana motivasi peserta didik selama mengikuti pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif NHT ? ; ( 3) Bagaimana aktivitas peserta didik selama mengikuti pembelajaran? ; ( 4) Bagaiman dokumen pembelajaran yang disiapkan oleh guru ? ; ( 5) Bagaimana prestasi belajar peserta didik setelah mengikuti pembelajaran dengan model kooperatif tipe NHT ? ; ( 6) Bagaimana aktivitas guru selama melaksanakan pembelajar an dengan model pembelajaran NHT ?. Tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain: ( 1) Untuk mengetahui bagaiman perencanaan dengan menggunakan penerapan metode NHT; ( 2) Mengetahui bagaimana proses aktivitas peserta didik dan guru terhadap model NHT ; ( 3) Untuk men getahui motivasi dan hasil belajar setelah mengikuti model NHT. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah PTK. Objek penelitian adalah siawa kelas IV SDN Margahayu Raya 3 Kec. Buah Batu . Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah angket moti vasi, lembar observasi dokumen guru, lembar observasi aktivitas guru dan peserta didik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian model NHT yaitu: ( 1)Perolehan nilai pada tahap pretest siklus I yaitu 79 % peserta didik belum mencapai KKM dan 21 % peserta didik sudah men capai KKM dan mengalami peningkatan pada siklus II yaitu yaitu 57% telah mencapai KKM dan 43% peserta didik belum mencapai KKM ; ( 2) Motivasi pada siklus I mencapai 59 % peserta didik setuju, 21 % peserta didik netral, 21% peserta didik tidak setuju dan siklu s II mencapai 83 % peserta didik setuju, 12 % peserta didik netral, 5% Peserta didik tidak setuju ; ( 3) Berdasarkan aktivitas peserta didik pada siklus I mencapai 70 % dan siklus II 85 % ; ( 4) Berdasarkan dokumen pada siklus I mencapai 7 5 % dan siklus II 9 3 % ; ( 5 ) Hasil belajar peserta didik pada siklus I mencapai 40 % dan siklus II mencapai 8 6 %. Dengan demikian maka pembelajaran menggunakan NHT dinyatakan berhasil . Kata kunci: Model p embelajaran NHT , m otivasi , hasil b elajar

    Admission of Wyoming

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    51-1TerritoriesAdmission of Wyoming. [2703] The Indian population is not warlike, and is being educated in farming.1890-2

    Effective UK weight management services for adults

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    A number of evidence-based weight management interventions are now available with different models, and serving different patient/client groups. While positive outcomes are key to the decision making process, so too is the information around how these outcomes were achieved, in what population, how transferable the outcomes would be to the population a service would be aiming to cover and at what cost to the service-provider and or the individual. This paper examines all the UK interventions with recent peer-reviewed evidence of their effectiveness in “realistic” settings and cost-effectiveness, in the context of NICE and SIGN guidelines. It concludes that the evidence-based approaches allow intervention at different stages in the disease-process of obesity which are effective in different settings. Self-referral to commercial agencies, by individuals with relatively low BMI and few medical complications is a reasonable first step. For more severely obese individuals (e.g. BMI >35kg/m2) requiring more medically complicated care, evidence is largely lacking for these services, but the community-based Counterweight Programme is effective and cost-effective in maintaining weight loss >5kg up to 2 years for 30-40% of attenders. For more complicated and resistant obesity, referral to a secondary care-based service can generate short-term weight loss, but 12 months data are unavailable

    Melting and evaporation transitions in small Al clusters: canonical Monte-Carlo simulations

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    A dimer of bound atoms cannot melt, only dissociate. Bulk metals show a well defined first order transition between their solid and liquid phases. The appearance of the melting transition is explored for increasing clusters sizes via the signatures in the specific heat and the root mean square of the bond lengths δB\delta_{\rm B} (Berry parameter) by means of Monte-Carlo simulations of Al clusters modelled by Gupta potentials. Clear signatures of a melting transition appear for N6N\sim 6 atoms. Closed-shell effects are shown for clusters with up to 56 atoms. The melting transition is compared in detail with the dissociation transition, which induces a second and possibly much larger local maximum in the specific heat at higher temperatures. Larger clusters are shown to fragment into dimers and trimers, which in turn dissociate at higher temperatures.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Michael T. Simmons. (To accompany bill H.R. no. 369.)

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    36-1Indian AffairsReport : Memorial of the Washinton Legis. [1067] On behalf of M. Simmons, Indian agent in said Territory during 1854-1856.1860-5


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    ABSTRACT Yosa Lorenzo H. Naik, 2019. The Effect of Greeting Card Video and Imitative Writing On The Students’ Writing Skill at SMPN 8 PALANGKA RAYA in Academic Year 2019/2020. Thesis English Education Study Program, Language and Arts Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Palangka Raya University. Advisor : (I) Yulitriana, S.S., M.Pd (II) Merilyn Simbolon, M.Pd Key Word : Greeting Card Video and Imitative Writing. This research was conducted to find out using greeting card video and imitative writing technique to students’ ability in writing greeting card of the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 8 Palangka Raya in academic year 2019/2020. The population of this research was the eight grade of students SMPN 8 Palangka Raya. The sample was taken by using cluster random sampling sample ot this research was class VIII-9 of SMPN 8 Palangka Raya. The number of sample this research was 31 students. Writing test and questionnaire were used as the instrument in order to collect the data needed. The researcher applied parametic statistic in form t-test statistic. That was Dependent Sample T-Test to compare the score of pre-test and post-test on one group. The result of this research shows that there was an effect using using greeting card video and imitative writing on writing greeting card. It was provent by the result of the data analysis that was the comparison of pre-test and post-test scores, by using T-Test Statistic Formula. The test statistic result was 0,065, the critical value with 5% significance level and degree freedom (df)=30 was 2042. In this research, the difference between pre-test and post-test scores had an effect because the test statistic value was greater than critical value in Table Critical Value for Students Distribution 0,065<2042 The alternative hypothesis was accepted and null hypothesis was rejected. And also in the questionnaire, most of questions got positive responses which means that the results of the data was supported by the result of the questionnaire. Therefore it is suggest that Greeting Card Video and Imitative Writing can be used as an alternative technique in teaching and learning english


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