16 research outputs found
La ganader铆a puede ser un aliado en la lucha contra el cambio clim谩tico, la desertificaci贸n y la p茅rdida de la biodiversidad si se implementan pr谩cticas sostenibles
Expertos participaron en 5 webinarios para compartir experiencias que permitan comprender el aporte de la ganader铆a a las actividades de mitigaci贸n del cambio clim谩tico y la conservaci贸n de la biodiversidad de los ecosistemas. Se reconoci贸 la importancia de la ganader铆a en la bioeconom铆a circular, la protecci贸n de pastizales como m茅todo de conservaci贸n de la biodiversidad y la sostenibilidad agr铆cola y, la adopci贸n de estrategias de manejo adecuadas para promover el desarrollo del carbono redicular susbterr谩neo. Por otro lado, se resaltaron las oportunidades econ贸micas y tendencias del mercado financiero, la importancia de las estrategias que integren a distintos actores del sistema y la necesidad de considerar la huella medioambiental para abordar la problem谩tica y disminuir el impacto en los ecosistema
pRb2/p130 localized to the Cytoplasm in Diffuse Gastric Cancer
pRb2/p130 is a key tumor suppressor, whose oncosuppressive activity has mainly been attributed to its ability to negatively regulate cell cycle by interacting with the E2F4 and E2F5 transcription factors. Indeed, pRb2/p130 has been found altered in various cancer types in which it functions as a valuable prognostic marker. Here, we analyzed pRb2/p130 expression in gastric cancer tissue samples of diffuse histotype, in comparison with their normal counterparts. We found a cytoplasmic localization of pRb2/p130 in cancer tissue samples, whereas, in normal counterparts, we observed the expected nuclear localization. pRb2/p130 cytoplasmic delocalization can lead to cell cycle deregulation, but considering the emerging involvement of pRb2/p130 in other key cellular processes, it could contribute to gastric tumorigenesis also through other mechanisms. Our data support the necessity of further investigations to verify the possibility of using pRb2/p130 as a biomarker or potential therapeutic target for diffuse gastric cancer
Consejo T茅cnico Consultivo. Informe de la Quinta Reuni贸n
306 p谩ginas. Ils.Este informe de la quinta reuni贸n contiene:
-Conclusiones, proposiciones en orden de prioridad
-Conclusiones, resoluciones
-Delegados permanentes y observadores
-Participantes de la quinta reuni贸n
-Autoridades y funcionarios de la quinta reuni贸n
QSAR Models for Human Carcinogenicity: An Assessment Based on Oral and Inhalation Slope Factors
Carcinogenicity is a crucial endpoint for the safety assessment of chemicals and products. During the last few decades, the development of quantitative structure-activity relationship ((Q)SAR) models has gained importance for regulatory use, in combination with in vitro testing or expert-based reasoning. Several classification models can now predict both human and rat carcinogenicity, but there are few models to quantitatively assess carcinogenicity in humans. To our knowledge, slope factor (SF), a parameter describing carcinogenicity potential used especially for human risk assessment of contaminated sites, has never been modeled for both inhalation and oral exposures. In this study, we developed classification and regression models for inhalation and oral SFs using data from the Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS) and different machine learning approaches. The models performed well in classification, with accuracies for the external set of 0.76 and 0.74 for oral and inhalation exposure, respectively, and r2 values of 0.57 and 0.65 in the regression models for oral and inhalation SFs in external validation. These models might therefore support regulators in (de)prioritizing substances for regulatory action and in weighing evidence in the context of chemical safety assessments. Moreover, these models are implemented on the VEGA platform and are now freely downloadable online
QSAR Models for Human Carcinogenicity: An Assessment Based on Oral and Inhalation Slope Factors
Carcinogenicity is a crucial endpoint for the safety assessment of chemicals and products. During the last few decades, the development of quantitative structure-activity relationship ((Q)SAR) models has gained importance for regulatory use, in combination with in vitro testing or expert-based reasoning. Several classification models can now predict both human and rat carcinogenicity, but there are few models to quantitatively assess carcinogenicity in humans. To our knowledge, slope factor (SF), a parameter describing carcinogenicity potential used especially for human risk assessment of contaminated sites, has never been modeled for both inhalation and oral exposures. In this study, we developed classification and regression models for inhalation and oral SFs using data from the Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS) and different machine learning approaches. The models performed well in classification, with accuracies for the external set of 0.76 and 0.74 for oral and inhalation exposure, respectively, and r2 values of 0.57 and 0.65 in the regression models for oral and inhalation SFs in external validation. These models might therefore support regulators in (de)prioritizing substances for regulatory action and in weighing evidence in the context of chemical safety assessments. Moreover, these models are implemented on the VEGA platform and are now freely downloadable online
Memoria Encuentro de Capacitaci贸n e Integraci贸n del Personal Profesional de la Zona Norte
216 p谩ginasEste documento contiene informaci贸n sobre el Encuentro de Capacitaci贸n e Integraci贸n del Personal Profesional de la Zona Norte, en el cual se presenta informaci贸n el Proyecto PIADIC y sus logros hasta marzo 1979 y los productos que se esperan hasta 1982, explicar las proyecciones del Proyecto
Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios: Frijol
192 p谩ginas. Series Publicaci贸n miscel谩nea 67.Este documento presenta:
-La agricultura y su proyecci贸n futura en Centroam茅rica
-Algunas sugerencias para mejorar los procedimientos experimentales
-Informe sobre las actividades regionales para la integraci贸n de la investigaci贸n agropecuaria
-El servicio de extensi贸n agropecuaria de Honduras en la producci贸n de granos b谩sicos.
-Producci贸n de semilla
- Comportamiento de l铆neas y variedades experimentales de frijol en Honduras
-resultados de tres experimentos con variedades de frijol en Honduras- 1966
-Trabajos realizados por el programa de frijol en Guatemala 1967
-Enfermedades virosas del frijol en Costa Rica
-Informes de fertilizaci贸n de la secci贸n de suelos en El Salvador
-Ensayos de fertilizantes en frijol en Nicaragu