46 research outputs found

    Mengukur Efektivitas Sistem Informasi Dan Mengetahui Kesuksesan Portal Akademik (Siam) On-line (Studi Kasus Terhadap Pengguna Di Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Brawijaya)

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    Pemanfaaatan suatu portal sudah menjadi kebutuhan dan tuntutan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, khususnya memberikan informasi di Universitas Brawijaya berfungsi sebagai integrator informasi akademik yang ada di berbagai unit akademik (program studi/fakultas/program) sekaligus sebagai sarana komunikasi antar civitas akademika kampus. Keberagaman informasi dan bervariasi bentuknya, sehingga keberadaan sebuah “portal” dapat mengintegrasikan informasi-informasi tersebut sehingga mempermudah akses publik. Keuntugan lain adalah portal akademik (SIAM-UB) dapat diakses melalui berbagai teknologi dan layanan. Beberapa manfaat informasi dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi diantaranya adalah menambah pengetahuan atau mengurangi ketidakpastian informasi bagi pemakai, memberikan suatu dasar kemungkinan untuk menanggapi seleksi dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis portal akademik (SIAM-UB): 1) pengaruh kualitas sistem terhadap penggunaan sistem, 2) pengaruh kualitas informasi terhadap penggunaan sistem, 3) pengaruh kualitas proses terhadap penggunaan sistem, 4) pengaruh kualitas kolaborasi terhadap penggunaan sistem, 5) pengaruh kualitas layanan terhadap penggunaan sistem, 6) pengaruh kualitas sistem terhadap kepuasan pengguna, 7) pengaruh kualitas informasi terhadap kepuasan pengguna, 8) pengaruh kualitas proses terhadap kepuasan pengguna, 9) pengaruh kualitas kolaborasi terhadap kepuasan penggunaan, 10) pengaruh kualitas layanan terhadap kepuasan penggunaan, 12) pengaruh penggunaan sistem terhadap manfaat individu, 14) pengaruh kepuasan penggunaan terhadap manfaat individu. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sejumlah 85 mahasiswa yang merupakan mahasiswa aktif dan penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis data Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa: 1) terdapat pengaruh langsung dan tidak signifikan antara variabel dimensi kualitas sistem terhadap penggunaan portal akademik yang telah dimanfaatkan oleh program pendidikan vokasi. 2) terdapat pengaruh langsung dan signifikan antara variabel dimensi kualitas informasi terhadap penggunaan portal akademik. 3) pengaruh langsung dan tidak signifikan antara variabel dimensi kualitas proses terhadap penggunaan portal akademik. 4) terdapat pengaruh langsung dan signifikan antara variabel dimensi kualitas kolaborasi terhadap penggunaan portal akademik. 5) terdapat pengaruh langsung dan tidak signifikan antara variabel dimensi kualitas layanan terhadap penggunaan portal akademik. 6) terdapat pengaruh langsung dan tidak signifikan antara variabel dimensi kualitas sistem terhadap kepuasan pengguna portal akademik, 7) terdapat pengaruh langsung dan tidak signifikan antara variabel dimensi kualitas informasi terhadap kepuasan pengguna portal akademik, 8) terdapat pengaruh langsung dan tidak signifikan antara variabel dimensi kualitas proses terhadap kepuasan pengguna portal akademik. 9) terdapat pengaruh langsung dan tidak signifikan antara variabel dimensi kualitas kolaborasi terhadap kepuasan pengguna portal akademik. 10) terdapat pengaruh langsung dan signifikan antara variabel dimensi penggunaan dari portal terhadap manfaat individu. 11) terdapat pengaruh langsung dan signifikan antara variabel dimensi kepuasan pengguna terhadap manfaat individu

    Analisis Penerapan Sistem Akuntansi Penjualan Kredit Dan Penerimaan Kas Dalam Mendukung Pengendalian Intern Perusahaan (Studi Kasus PT. Smart Tbk Refinery Surabaya)

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    System of selling credit accounting and system of cash receiving from account receivable is the source of life to achieving company goals. This research on the system of credit sales and cash receipts to support the company internal control. This research was conducted at PT. SMART Tbk Refinery Surabaya. PT. SMART Tbk Refinery Surabaya only selling cooking oil in the form of branded product and trading product on credit. PT. SMART Tbk Refinery Surabaya still has any weakness on system of selling credit accounting and system of cash receiving from account receivable, some of the sales transaction activity that occurred less supportive of the company\u27s internal control. This study aims to provide information to companies about the advantages and weakness of credit sales accounting system and cash receipts that have been applied by the company

    Analysis of Local Area Network (Lan) Utilization in Improving Loan Service ( Study at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. Branch Malang, Kawi)

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    The Purpose of this research is to know and to find out how utilization of LAN for loan service Study at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. Branch Malang, Kawi. Type of this research can be considered as the explanatory research with the method of interview, documentation, and observation for collecting data methods. For data analysis is using data analysis spiral to analyze qualitative data, researcher engages in the process of moving in analytic circles rather than using a fixed linear approach. Based on the survey results revealed the LAN used at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. Branch Malang, Kawi in loan service can more improving more then before no using LAN in loan service. The survey results revealed the LAN is used at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. Branch Malang, Kawi in loan service is not maximized. Topology is tree topology can be replaced with a star topology, because the star topology has more advantages. Use of software and hardware that consumes less support in improving employee performance. Internet use at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. Branch Malang, Kawi is less than maximum should implement an intranet to help information system to be more easly, smoothly and efficiently

    Pengaruh Penerapan Otomasi Perpustakaan terhadap Kualitas Layanan dan Kinerja di Perpustakaan Umum (Studi pada Kantor Perpustakaan dan Dokumentasi Pemerintah Kota Batu)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the application of library automation toward service quality and performance in the Library and Documentation Batu City Government. The background of this research is to see that the library is an institution working in the field of information is appropriate use of information technology for libraries are required to be able to always present the information needed library users along with the development of science. The approach used is a quantitative study with a sample totaled 116 respondents who are visitors Library Documentation and Archives of the City of Stone. Analysis of the data used is descriptive statistics and path analysis (path analysis). The results of this study indicate that there is significant influence Automation of Library to quality of service (Y) indicated significant value of 0.001 (<0.005) with the results of the coefficient of determination (R2) of 24.6%, a significant influence variable quality of service to variable performance demonstrated the significant value of 0.000 (<0.005) and the results of determination coefficient of 51.9%, and there is a significant differenceAutomation of Library to variable performance (Y) which demonstrated the significant value of 0.000 (<0.005). Based on these tests can be seen that the variable quality of service strengthenvariableAutomation Library so that both affect the endogenous variable Performance

    Pengaruh Sosialisasi, Pemahaman, dan Kesadaran Prosedur Perpajakan terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak (Studi pada Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi Pajak Bumi Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan di Desa Mojoranu Kabupaten Bojonegoro)

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    In Indonesia, the Land and Building Tax Rural Urban mostly have been paid through the local village. This led to tax prone distorted by the village due to deposit tax payments are often not paid on time to the local revenue. This can be affected by the lack of knowledge and awareness about tax payments that should be paid solely by the taxpayer to the Revenue office or Bank Jatim. If this doesn\u27t attention by the government, it will decrease local revenue. This study aimed to describe influence of socialization variables, understanding, and awareness of the Taxpayer, partially and simultaneously to variable Taxpayer Compliance in paying Land Tax Building Rural and Urban. This research located in the village Mojoranu of Bojonegoro. The method used is explanatory research, using a questionnaire that is distributed to 102 Taxpayers. Analysis of the data are using descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results indicated that socialization, understanding, and awareness of the Taxpayer, have significant effect on tax compliance simultaneously. However, in partial socialization and awareness have significant effect, while understanding variables isn\u27t significant effect on tax compliance