376 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Melalui Kegiatan Lesson Study Di SD Negeri 63 Surabayo Kecamatan Lubuk Basung Kabupaten Agam Semester 2 Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripisikan tentang pelaksanaan Lesson Study, hambatan dalam pelaksanaannya, dan juga untuk mengetahui hasil program Lesson Study dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik guru di SD Negeri 63 Surabayo Kecamatan Lubuk Basung Kabupaten Agam Semester 2 Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan sekolah (PTS) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus dengan empat tahapan pada masing-masing siklusnya, yaitu (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan, (3) pengamatan, dan (4) refleksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 3 (empat) bulan yaitu dari bulan Januari 2019 s.d. Maret 2019. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 8 orang guru di SD Negeri 63 Surabayo Kecamatan Lubuk Basung Kabupaten Agam. Teknik Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, dan dokumentasi. Validasi data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi metode. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data kualitatif. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan 8 guru hanya terdapat 5 guru atau 62,50% dalam kriteria sedang dan 3 guru atau 37,50% dalam kriteria rendah dengan rata-rata hasil penilaian sebesar 51,27 dengan kriteria sedang, pada siklus pertama dari 8 guru terdapat 3 guru atau 37,50% yang mendapat kriteria tinggi dan 5 guru atau 62,50% dalam kriteria sedang serta perolehan nilai rata-rata mencapai angkat 74,46 dalam kriteria sedang. Pada siklus kedua terdapat 8 guru atau 100% yang mendapat kriteria tinggi dengan perolehan nilai rata-rata mencapai angkat 87,67 dalam kriteria tinggi. Dari penjelasan di atas maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa pelaksanaan Lesson Study terbukti dapat meningkatan kompetensi pedagogik guru guru-guru di SD Negeri 63 Surabayo Kecamatan Lubuk Basung Kabupaten Agam Semester 2 Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021


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    Penelitian mengenai degradasi zat warna Methyl Orange  dengan metoda fotolisis menggunakan katalis ZnO/zeolit telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi kadar zat warna Methyl Orange  yang diketahui berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan zat warna Methyl Orange dengan konsentrasi 6 mg/L, selanjutnya didegradasi secara fotokatalisis dengan beberapa variasi waktu dan massa katalis untuk mengetahui kondisi optimum dari degradasi Methyl Orange. Analisis hasil degradasi diukur menggunakan spektrofotomet UV-VIS. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh persentase degradasi Methyl Orange dengan beberapa perlakuan, yaitu dengan tanpa katalis, dengan zeolit, dengan ZnO. dan dengan ZnO/zeolit . Hasil analisis menunjukkan degradasi tanpa katalis adalah 5,83%, menggunakan zeolite 32,51%, dan menggunakan ZnO 60,09%, selama waktu irradiasi 90 menit.Selanjutnya  degradasi menggunakan katalis ZnO/zeolit persentase degradasi Methyl Orange meningkat menjadi 93,27% (massa katalis 0,8 g dan waktu irradiasi 90 menit). Analisis hasil degradasi metil orange menggunakan FTIR didapatkan behwa terjadi pergeseran bilangan gelombang yang menyatakan terjadinya degradasi. Karakterisadi katalis ZnO/zeolite menggunakan FTIR dan XRD tidak terjadi perubahan struktur dari ZnO/zeolite yang berarti bahwa ZnO/zeolite dapat digunakan sebagai katalis dalam degradasi methyl orange. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa katalis ZnO/zeolit berhasil meningkatkan persentase degradasi Methyl Orange dibandingkan menggunakan katalis ZnO saja dan zeolit saja

    Pengaruh HCl terhadap Aktifasi Zeolit Alam Clipnotilolit-Ca Pada Penyerapan Pb(II)

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    Research about the effect of HCl on the activation of clinoptilolite-Ca natural zeolite on Pb(II) absorption has been done. The purpose of this study is to determine the capacity of zeolite clinoptilolite-Ca activation by HCl can be used as an adsorbent. For analysis of the adsorption we used AAS whereas for zeolite characterization were used XRF and XRD. The analysis parameters are the effect of HCl concentration, particle size, adsorbent mass, contact time, total solution volume, concentration of Pb(II), and PH solution. These parameters were studied to determine the optimum conditions in the adsorption process. The optimum conditions absorption of Pb(II) for the acid activation process shows that the zeolite clinoptilolite-Ca can be used as an absorbent. The adsorption results show that the value of Pb(II) capacity in the activation process with HCl of 0.2 N produces adsorption capacity of 0.0821 mg/g, for particle size 125 µm produces and adsorption capacity 0.0821 mg/g, for an adsorbent mass of 0.1 g produces an adsorption capacity of 0.5110 mg/g, for contact time of 10 minutes is 0.5662 mg/g, for a metal solution volume of 12.5 mL is 0.5493 mg/g, for the concentration of metal ion solution 40 mg/L is 2.608 mg/g, and at pH = 7 is 4.923 mg/g. The output of several parameters can be concluded that the adsorption capacity of zeolite clinoptilolite-Ca to the absorption of Pb(II) is 4.923 mg/g. Characterization of zeolite adsorbents with XRF and XRD shows that the zeolite used is zeolite clinoptilolite-Ca.  

    Utilization Natural Zeolyte From West Sumatera For Tio2 Support in Degradation of Congo Red and A Waste Simulation by Photolysis

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    Zeolite Clinoptilolite-Ca was successfully supported TiO2 in synthesis TiO2/Zeolyte as photo catalyst in degradation of Congo Red 20 mg/L and a waste simulation of Congo Red under UV light irradiation 365 nm. TiO2/zeolite were characterized by Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The result of FTIR showed the structure fungsional of TiO2/zeolite not change before and after degradation. The XRD patterns showed TiO2/Zeolyte photo catalyst were successfully formed, it proved with the highest peaks at 2 θ = 24.9500, which were corresponded to anatase peaks and 26.5940 to SiO2 peaks. The percentage degradation showed 20 g TiO2/Zeolyte degraded Congo Red 20 mg/L under UV light irradiation 365 nm with 60 minute reached 94,23 % and a waste simulation of Congo Red reached 85,14 %

    Penggunaan ZnO/Zeolit Sebagai Katalis Dalam Degradasi Tartrazin Secara Ozonolisis

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    An investigation on modification of natural zeolite with ZnO for the degradation of tartrazine. In this study, ZnO as a semiconductor is modified into a natural zeolite as support to form ZnO/zeolite that can increase the efficiency degradation of tartrazine. Further, the formed catalyst was added to tartrazine by determining the variation in ozonolysis time, the amount of addition of the catalyst, and the addition of a catalyst time. The results of degradation were determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 424 nm. The result showed that the percentage of degradation obtained on each catalyst in the degradation. The resulted percent degradation of 20 ml of tartrazine at concentration of 15 mg/L using 20 mg ZnO/zeolite was 56.80%, while using 0.77 mg ZnO was 42.25%, and with the addition of 19.23 mg of Zeolite was 31.18%, all of that condition was proceeded by 40 minutes of ozonolysis. Thus, the result indicates that the ZnO/zeolite catalyst can increase percentages of tartrazine degradation by ozonolysis. It is known that the catalyst ZnO/zeolite is very effective in increasing the degradation of tartrazine. Analysis of tartrazine compounds using fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) after degradation changes in wavenumber indicates that there is a breaking of the bonds of tartrazine compounds. Characterization of ZnO/zeolite catalyst using FTIR, X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM), in each spectrum there was no shift, indicating that there is no change in ZnO/zeolite structur

    Adsorpsi Asam Humat pada Zeolit Alam yang Dimodifikasi dengan TiO2

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    This research modified natural zeolite with TiO2 synthesized by the sol-gel process which was applied as a humic acid adsorbent. The purpose of this study was to coat natural zeolites with TiO2 to increase the adsorption capacity of natural zeolites as humic acid adsorbents. The natural zeolite powders were obtained from Kabupaten Solok, West Sumatra, based on X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis, the ratio of silica/alumina (Si/Al) was 4.35, indicating that natural zeolite was clinoptilolite zeolite. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis showed natural zeolite has a rough surface with closed pores while zeolite coated with TiO2 (zeolite/TiO2) has a homogeneous, smooth surface with open pore. The results of the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis showed that the level of TiO2 was 7.1%, this result showed that TiO2 has been coated on the surface of the zeolite. Natural zeolite and zeolite/TiO2 were applied as humic acid adsorbents. Maximum adsorption capacity of natural zeolites and zeolites/TiO2 were 0.2787 mg/g and 1.199 mg/g, respectively

    Un’esperienza nel Mediterraneo

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    The urban zone, now known as il-Fgura, started spreading like a fungus a few decades ago, but the appearance of the first lined houses in the area dates back two centuries. It was in the middle of the nineteenth century that this district began to develop into a marginal suburb of the harbour town of Bormla, which is one of the three towns situated in the south-east of the Grand Harbour. However, if one wants to unearth the history of il-Fguta's remote past, i.e. before the sixteenth century, one has to rely mainly on archaeological evidence and from what has been unearthed one can try to make an interpretative reading of the habitation patterns and use of the land of the area for the period which lacks written historical evidence. After all, very few, if any conclusions can be drawn from archaeology as this area has been savagely built up and like other places close to it, development was undertaken regardless of the historical remains. The latter were either destroyed or sold on the market. Thus, in the unearthing of recondite historical figures, the major evidence about il-Fgura's past can only be drawn from surviving written information and oral traditions; it should be stressed that unfortunately archaeology in this particular case cannot be used as a substitute.peer-reviewe

    Kelengkapan Sarana Prasarana Pada Kelompok Bermain Menuju Lingkungan Ramah Anak

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    Exploring the implementation of an early childhood friendly school environment at the al-Husan KB is the main priority in this research. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods by means of observation, interviews, documentation, and data triangulation as data collection techniques.  The results  are: 1) Al-Husna's child-friendly environment is able to provide facilities and infrastructure that can meet the needs of children to grow and develop without any obstacles, feeling safe and comfortable. A child-friendly environment is a place that can support children's rights being fulfilled without any obstacles or threats. The inhibiting factor for its implementation is that parental intervention, which is allowed to wait in the school environment, means that children often have difficulty moving around to play at the yard

    Degradation of Permethrin by Photolysis Method Using Catalyst Tio2-anatase

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    The research was about the degradation of permethrin compound by photolysis method using TiO2-anatase as catalyst. Permethrin is a synthetic pyretroid pesticides which has low toxicity for mammals but high toxicity for fishes, insects and water microorganisms. Photolysis method is conducted by using 10 watt UV lamp at 365 nm of wavelength. The degradation of permethrin by photolysis were done without and with TiO2-anatase on varied time and TiO2-anatase addition. The result showed that photolysis could degrade 5.40 %the 20 mg/L permethrin compound after 120 minutes irradiation. Permethrin compound with similar consentration by addition 8 mg TiO2-anatase without mixing could degrade 18,59 % and with mixing could degrade 85,65% after 120 minutes irradiation. Degradation of permethrin compound by photolysis method using TiO2-anatase as catalyst is effective and efficient
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