29,218 research outputs found

    Desain Multimedia Untuk Company Profile Rumah Sakit Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Sebagai Media Promosi Efektif

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    Imelda Hospital for Indonesian workers is a hospital as one of the public service institutions that requires the existence of an accurate and reliable information system, and is sufficient to improve its services to the community and other related environments. To support the information and promotion media that are specifically intended only for Indonesian Workers 'Imelda Hospital, in order to provide more detailed and in-depth information about services and facilities and information contained in the Indonesian Workers' Imelda Hospital, research on multimedia design, to solve the problem of how effective promotionalmedia will be carried out to support the sustainability of Indonesian workers' Imelda hospitals. &nbsp


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    Communication between patient and doctor involves deep interaction between the two parties. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of doctor communication on the satisfaction of outpatients at the General Hospital. Imelda Medan Indonesian Workers. This study is an analytic survey with a cross sectional study design conducted at the General Hospital. Imelda Medan Indonesian Workers Years from May to June 2020. The population in this study is the population in this study were all patients who visited as many as 76 people. Sampling was done in total sampling. Research data were analyzed using the Chi Square formula and logistic regression. Based on the results of the study note that there is an influence of openness (openess) of doctors on the satisfaction of outpatients in public hospitals. Imelda Medan Indonesian Workers, there was the influence of Emphaty (empathy) doctors on the satisfaction of outpatients in the General Hospital. Imelda Medan Indonesian Workers, there is an influence of the attitude (supportiveness) of doctors on the satisfaction of outpatients in the General Hospital. Imelda Medan Indonesian Workers, there is an effect of the equality of doctors on the satisfaction of outpatients in the General Hospital. Imelda Medan Indonesian Workers. This study suggests that doctors can continue to improve their communication skills or abilities so as to make patients open, have a supportive, positive attitude and equality so that doctors can get the information needed and provide appropriate treatment to patients and patients recover

    Strategy to increase the quality of service and safety patients in the hospital Imelda Medan 2020

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    Background: Currently, health services have very important demands, including services in hospitals that must be professional with international standards. Health services no longer only focus on patient satisfaction but also focus more on patient safety (patient safety). The aim of the study was to determine the strategy for improving the quality of service and patient safety at the Imelda General Hospital in 2020.  Methods: This research used descriptive qualitative research with an inductive approach. The data used in this study came from in-depth interviews with respondents. The population was drawn from organizational staff at the Imelda Hospital Medan, namely the medical committee, nursing committee, PMKP committee, PPI committee and materials. The sample method used is exhaustive sampling.Results: Based on the research results obtained, the Imelda Hospital Medan is included in a hospital that is able to compete in a competitive market, especially in urban areas. Based on the SWOT analysis, the Imelda Medan General Hospital is able to take advantage of the existing strengths and opportunities with the results of IFE= 2.52 and EFE= 2.50 and are in cell V in the IE matrix.Conclusions: So, the strategy used in determining the strategy for improving quality and patient safety at the Imelda Hospital, Medan in 2020 is hold and maintain, which means maintaining and maintaining existing policies but does not rule out the possibility to improve for the better


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    Computers are very well known and have been widely used by the public. Even with a computer system, this can complete all the work that has been done manually. With the help of computers the work can be completed quickly and structured. Computers are tools that are very popular today in solvingproblems that are used in various fields of science and information technology. With the development of information technology, the Imelda Medan High School Revenue and Expenditure Budget Information System obtains information that has been done manually so far. This Imelda Medan HighSchool Income and Expenditure Budget Information System can be done using several programming languages. The ability to process data is very important for the application, the Imelda Medan High School Revenue and Expenditure Budget Information System. Therefore, the author makes a VisualBasic Net-Based Program. Which serves to provide information to the preparation of the Imelda Medan High School Income and Expenditure Budget report

    Analisis Kompetensi Petugas Rekam Medis dalam Pencapaian Kinerja Rumah Sakit Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan

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    Rekam medis merupakan salah satu bukti tertulis tentang proses pelayanan yang berisi tentang data klinis pasien selama proses diagnosis dan pengobatan .pengelolaan rekam medis dirumah sakit adalah untuk menunjang tercapainya tertib administrasi dalam rangka upaya mencapai tujuan rumah sakit, yaitu peningkatan mutu pelayanan kesehatan dirumah sakit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan kinerja petugas pengelola data rekam medis diruang penyimpanan  Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia . Metode penelitian adalah seluruh petugas rekam medis dengan sampel 30 responden. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil analisis kompetensi petugas rekam medis dalam pencapaian kinerja berdasarkan pendidikan sebagian tingkat lanjut  rekam medis sebanyak 18 orang (60,0%). petugas RS Imelda Medan sebagian adalah Amd.RMIK Rekam Medis sebanyak 8 orang (26,7 %). petugas RS Imelda Medan sebagian adalah Sarjana 4 orang (13,3%). Masa Kerja petugas RS Imelda Medan sebagian adalah pegawai 0-2 tahun 26 orang (86,7%).Masa Kerja petugas RS Imelda Medan sebagian adalah pegawai 3-5 tahun 3 orang (10,0%) dan responden dengan masa kerja pegawai >5 tahun sebanyak 1 orang (3,3%).sehingga hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja petugas rekam medis yang terdiri dari motivasi,kompetensi diketahui sebanyak 10 petugas ( 33,3%) mempunyai kinerja yang baik sedangkan sebanyak 3 petugas (10,0%) mempunyai kinerja yang kurang baik


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    The performance of nurses in providing nursing services is an integral part of health care. The factors that affect the performance of nurses also play a role in the effectiveness of the application of patient safety in nursing care, including the motivation factors of nurses and the workload of nurses. Nurses work motivation will be able to influence the implementation of patient safety. The workload of nurses can also have an impact on the optimization of the provision of service care. The general objective in this study was to determine the determinants of nurse performance in the application of patient safety at the Imelda Worker Hospital of Indonesia. The research method used was a quantitative study with a cross sectional study approach. The population in this study were all inpatient nurses at Imelda Hospital Medan, totaling 217 people, with a total sample of 140 people according to the specified incusion criteria. Data analysis using frequency distribution and chi square test. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there was an influence on the work motivation of nurses in the application of patient safety at Imelda Hospital, Indonesian Workers with p-value = 0.000 <0.05 and there was also an influence on the workload of nurses in the application of patient safety at Imelda Hospital, Indonesian Workers with p-value = 0.000. <0.05. In connection with efforts to improve the performance of nurses in the application of patient safety at the Indonesian Worker Imelda Hospital, it is necessary for the head of care to pay more attention to matters relating to providing motivation and rules regarding the workload of nurses so that nurses can maximize their performance.Kinerja perawat dalam memberikan pelayanan keperawatan merupakan bagian integral dari pelayanan kesehatan. Fakor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja perawat turut berperan dalam keefektifan penerapan patient safety dalam asuhan keperawatan, diantaranya adalah faktor motivasi perawat, dan beban kerja perawat. Motivasi kerja perawat akan dapat mempengaruhi pelaksanaan patient safety. Beban kerja perawat juga dapat memberi dampak pada keoptimalan dalam pemberian asuhan pelayanan. Tujuan umum dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui determinan kinerja perawat dalam  penerapan patient safety di RS Imelda Pekerja Indonesia. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian kuantitif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study.  Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh perawat ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Imelda Medan yang berjumlah 217 orang, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 140 orang sesuai dengan kriteria inkusi yang ditentukan. Analisis data menggunakan distribusi frekuensi dan uji chi square. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa da pengaruh motivasi kerja perawat dalam penerapan patient safety di RS Imelda Pekerja Indonesia dengan p-value = 0,000 < 0.05 dan juga ada pengaruh beban kerja perawat dalam penerapan patient safety di RS Imelda Pekerja Indonesia dengan nilai p-value = 0,000 < 0.05. Sehubungan dengan upaya meningkatkan kinerja perawat dalam penerapan patient safety di RS Imelda Pekerja Indonesia, maka perlu kepala perawatan untuk lebih memperhatikan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pemberian motivasi serta aturan mengenai beban kerja perawat agar perawat dapat memaksimalkan kinerjanya

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Web Menggunakan Framework for Application of System Thinking (Studi Kasus AMIK Imelda Medan)

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    The development of information technology provides convenience in the data storage and presentation of information. Information can be presentedin real-time without knowing the distance and time. The process of academic activity in AMIK Imelda field is still using conventional way sothat it is vulnerable to mistake both in data storage and presentation of information itself. In this study, the authors conducted an analysis ofacademic activities in AMIK Imelda Medan to find out the problems and processes used to produce the right solution to overcome the problem. Themethodology used is Framework for Application of System Thinking (FAST). The final result of this research is the design of academic informationsystem that can be used as consideration of the development of Academic information system on AMIK Imelda. &nbsp

    Hubungan Mutu Pelayanan Bpjs Kesehatan dengan Kepuasan Pasien Bpjs di Instalasi Rawat Inap Kelas II di RSU Imelda Medan

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    Mutu pelayanan BPJS Kesehatan meliputi kinerja yang menunjukkan tingkat kesempurnaan pelayanan kesehatan, tidak saja yang dapat menimbulkan kepuasan bagi pasien  tetapi juga sesuai dengan standar dan kode etik profesi yang telah ditetapkan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan mutu pelayanan BPJS Kesehatan dengan kepuasan pasien di Instalasi Rawat Inap Kelas II Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien peserta BPJS Kesehatan  yang dirawat di Instalasi Rawat Inap Kelas II Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Medan. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik Accidental sampling sejumlah 70 pasien. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar kuesioner. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Chi Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan p Value ≤ 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 61,5% menyatakan kurang puas dengan pelayanan BPJS Kesehatan di instalasi rawat inap kelas II Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Medan.Hasil uji statistik Chi Square menyatakan ada hubungan antara kehandalan (p=0,007),empati (p=0.000), daya tanggap (p=0,019) dengan kepuasan pasien. Variabel yang tidak memiliki hubungan yaitu Jaminan (p=0,248), dan bukti fisik (p=0,257) . Disarankan kepada bagi BPJS Kesehatan di instalasi rawat inap kelas II rumah sakit umum imelda pekerja Indonesia medan untuk memperbaiki mutu sistem pelayanan Kesehatan, memperbaiki mutu  kehadalan, empaty dan daya tanggap

    Tinjauan Alur Prosedur Pelayanan Pasien Rawat Jalan Peserta BPJS di RSU Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan

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    Rawat jalan merupakan pelayanan yang diberikan kepada pasien untuk berobat atau keperluan lainnya tanpa tinggal diruang rawat inap rumah sakit. RSU Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan juga berpotensi menjadi salah satu rumah sakit rujukan di Kota Medan Sumatera Utara. Tempat pendaftaran rawat jalan RSU Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan dimulai dari pendaftaran pasien hingga pasien mendapatkan pelayanan. Berdasarkan survey diketahui bahwa jika pasien BPJS tidak melengkapi persyaratan seperti foto copy KTP dan KK, surat rujukan, foto copy SKP dan foto copy kartu BPJS dalam sehari maka pasien tersebut tidak segera mendapatkan pelayanan lebih lanjut. RSU Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan belum mempunyai prosedur pendaftaran secara khusus untuk pasien rawat jalan BPJS sehingga masih sulit untuk menelusuri dokumen rekam medis diruang filling dan juga pendistribusian dokumen rekam medis ke poliklinik masih sangat lama. Hal ini menyebabkan pelayanan pasien BPJS tidak segera terpenuhi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui alur prosedur pelayanan pasien rawat jalan peserta BPJS. Jenis penelitian yaitu deskriptif, subyek yang diteliti yaitu pasien rawat jalan BPJS dengan obyek penelitian yaitu RSU Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan. Instrumen yang digunakan dengan wawancara dan observasi langsung ke lapangan

    Walking Among Ruins In Babylon

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