480 research outputs found


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    This research aims to analyze the effect of Think Pair Share technique on students' reading comprehension. The method used is meta analysis. Meta analysis is used to obtain the effect size value by combining several existing research results. A total of 20 published articles in the form of journals as well as theses were used as data sources, which were then analyzed. The final result of this research shows: 1) Think Pair Share technique on students' reading comprehension based on the total research findings shows a value with an average effect size of 1.747 in the very high category. 2) Think Pair Share technique on students' reading comprehension based on educational stages, both at the university, senior and junior high school stages, shows a high effect size result, but senior high school occupies the highest position in the score with an average effect size of 2.213 in the very high category. 3) Think Pair Share technique on students' reading comprehension based on regions. There are three coverage areas, namely Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi, which occupy the highest position in the score with an average effect size of 2.172 in the very high category. It was concluded that Think Pair Share technique was effectively applied to students' reading comprehension by looking at the results of previous studies, and the findings of the effect size results in this meta analysis research were in the very high category


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    This paper describes an optimization method for rapid determination of lead from Maninjau lake waters by adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry using central composite design. The influence of several parameters were studied : variations of calcon concentration, pH, accumulation potential and accumulation time. The design study was a central composite design with 4 factors/variables 3 levels and 31 treatment combinations. From analysis of variance, concluded to accept the second-order model and a significant effect on the response variable (peak current). Based on central composite design, obtained the optimum conditions of lead were : concentration of calcon 0.76 mM, pH = 5.88, accumulation potential -0.45 Volt and accumulation time 88.38 seconds with a maximum peak current 42.56 nA. This method has been successfully applied to water was obtained : relative standard deviation 1.5%, recovery 97.33%, the linear range 0.2-105 µ g/L, coefficient of determination 0.92 with a detection limit 1.02 µ g/L. Keywords: central composite design, lead, adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetr


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    Udang vaname merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor unggulan Indonesia di pasar internasional. Udang vaname yang diekspor merupakan hasil produksi dari usaha budi daya yang tersebar di berbagai provinsi di Indonesia sehingga dibutuhkan rantai pasok yang optimal untuk mendukung kelancaran usaha budi daya tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh manajemen rantai pasokan terhadap keunggulan bersaing suatu usaha budi daya udang vaname dan dampak terhadap performa usaha tersebut. Lokasi penelitian adalah Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Bali karena konektivitas yang kuat antara masing-masing pembudi daya di kedua lokasi tersebut. Data yang dikumpulkan diverifikasi kemudian dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan Structural Equation Model (SEM). Hasil dari analisis menemukan bahwa variabel hubungan dengan pemasok dan modal manusia berpengaruh positif terhadap keunggulan bersaing pembudi daya dan juga berpengaruh positif kepada performa usaha budi daya tersebut. Variabel hubungan dengan pelanggan tidak berpengaruh baik terhadap keunggulan bersaing maupun performa usaha. Dari hasil ini diharapkan pemerintah bisa mengintervensi dalam bentuk perbaikan manajemen rantai pasokan udang vaname dengan meningkatkan kompetensi masing-masing anggota rantai pasok sehingga dapat optimal pada posisinya.Title: The Effect of Supply Chain Management on The Business Performance of Vaname Shrimp Farming in The Province of Bali and East JavaVaname is one of Indonesia’s leading export commodities in the international market. The exported vaname are the products from aquaculture business which are spread in various provinces in Indonesia, so an optimal supply chain is needed to support this business. The purpose of this study is to analyze supply chain management affects the competitive advantage of a vaname farming business and the impact on the performance of the business. The research sites are East Java and Bali because of the strong connectivity between each farmer in both locations. The collected data is verified and then analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach. The results of the analysis concluded that the relationship between suppliers and human capital variables had a positive effect on the competitive advantage of farmers and also had a positive effect on the performance of the aquaculture business. While the relationship with customer variables do not affect both competitive advantage and business performance. From this result, the government is expected to be able to intervene in the form of improved management of the vaname supply chain by increasing the competence of each member of the supply chain so that it can be optimally positioned.

    Studi Optimasi Analisis Logam Co dan Ni secara Voltammetri Striping Adsorptif (Adsv) untuk Penentuan Logam dalam Konsentrasi Runut

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    The research of the determination of Co(II) and Ni(II) by adsorptive stripping voltammetry have been done. The method used to determine the concentration of cobalt and nickel in trace (ultra trace) with calcon for Co (II) and DMG for Ni (II) as a complexing agent. The parameters studied were variation of calcon or DMG concentration, pH, accumulation potential and accumulation time. In this study, the optimum conditions were calcon concentration of 0.7 mM for Co (II), DMG concentration of 0.8 mM for Ni (II), pH 6 for Co (II) while pH 9 for Ni (II), accumulation potential -0.3 V and accumulation time of 70 s for the Co (II) and 220 s for the Ni (II). At optimum conditions the relative standard deviation were 0.75% and 1.54% for Co (II) and Ni (II) respectively for ten replicates (n= 10) measurement of 10 µg /L standard solution Co(II) and Ni (II). The method was applied to the direct determination of Co(II) and Ni(II) in the Stones River water rot, tap water and sea water Bungus Padang, with recovery of 106.5% and 102%. for Co(II) and Ni(II) respectively


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    Impor ikan salmon-trout semakin meningkat seiring bervariasinya menu masakan Jepang di Indonesia pada sejumlah hotel, restoran dan katering. Pengendalian impor terhadap komoditas harus dilakukan sebagai upaya mengurangi defisit neraca perdagangan. Pengendalian impor ikan salmon-trout sangat penting dilakukan karena merupakan produk pesaing ikan lokal dan berpotensi menurunkan permintaan terhadap ikan lokal. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan strategi pengendalian impor ikan salmon-trout terutama untuk konsumsi hotel, restoran, katering, pasar modern (Horekapasmod) dan industri pengolahan ikan (re-ekspor). Data primer dan sekunder digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data primer berasal dari wawancara dan diskusi dengan pemangku kepentingan impor salmon-trout pada bulan bulan Maret hingga September 2019 di DKI Jakarta dan Jawa Timur sebagai pintu masuk impor utama ikan salmon-trout. Data sekunder juga dikumpulkan dari berbagai institusi seperti BPS dan berbagai hasil penelitian beberapa perguruan tinggi. Data yang dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analysis hierarchy process (AHP) untuk merumuskan strategi pengendalian impor salmon-trout. Strategi pengendalian impor salmon-trout berdasarkan hasil analisis disusun berdasarkan prioritas. Prioritas pertama dengan bobot nilai 0,413 adalah sosialisasi dan edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang jenis ikan yang memiliki kandungan gizi sama dengan salmon-trout. Prioritas kedua adalah peningkatan ketersediaan dan perbaikan kualitas ikan lokal yang potensial mensubstitusi salmon-trout dengan bobot 0.363. Prioritas ketiga adalah mengikuti kerjasama perdagangan internasional untuk ekspansi pasar ekspor khususnya untuk fillet salmon-trout dengan bobot sebesar 0,224. Pelaksanaan strategi tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan konsumsi ikan lokal yang asupan gizinya tidak kalah dengan salmon-trout sehingga alokasi impor dalam negeri dapat dikurangi secara bertahap.Title: Salmon-Trout Import Control Strategies for Domestic Market ConsumptionSalmon-trout imports has increased along with the growth of hotels, restaurants and restaurants with Japanese cuisine in Indonesia. Control of imports of commodities must be done as an effort to reduce the trade balance deficit. Import control of salmon-trout is very important because it is a local fish competitor and has the potential to reduce demand for local fish. Therefore, this study aims to formulate a salmon-trout import control strategy especially for hotels, restaurants, catering, retails and processing industry (re-export) consumption. Primary and secondary data were used in this study, primary data derived from interviews and discussions with salmon-trout importer stakeholders in March to September 2019 in DKI Jakarta and East Java as the main entry point for salmon-trout import. Secondary data was also collected and from various institutions such as BPS and various research results from several universities. The data collected then analyzed using the hierarchical process analysis (AHP) method to formulate salmon-trout import control strategies. Salmon-trout import control strategies based on the results of the analysis are arranged according to priority. The first priority with a weight value of 0.413 is socialization and education to the public about the types of fish that have the same nutritional content as Salmon-Trout. The second priority is increasing availability and improving the quality of local fish which has the potential to substitute Salmon-Trout with a weight of 0.363. The third priority is to participate in international trade cooperation for the expansion of export markets specifically for salmon-trout fillets with a weight of 0.224. The implementation of this strategy is expected to increase the consumption of local fish which are nutritionally inferior to salmon-trout so that the allocation of imports is gradually reduced

    Optimisation of The Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry For The Determination of Metal Ni(II) in The River Water

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    The study was carried out to determination the metal Ni(II) in river water samples using cathodic stripping voltammetry (CSV) method. In order to achieve optimum conditions for the determination of metal Ni(II), the accumulation potential and accumulation time conditions of the CSV method have been achieved. The results of this research obtained under the optimum conditions for Ni(II) measurement using an electrolyte solution of ammonium chloride with a potential accumulation (accv) of -0.7 V and a time accumulation (acct) of 60 s. The relative standard deviation of the 10 µg/L Ni(II) standard solution (n=8) is 0.53%, the recovery value is 98.82%. The CSV method for the determination of Ni(II) metal has been successfully applied to river water samples

    Kinerja Rantai Pasok dan Manajemen Logistik Komoditas Udang di Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat

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    Kabupaten Indramayu merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang memiliki potensi budi daya udang yang cukup besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja rantai pasok dan manajemen logistik komoditas udang di Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Survei dilakukan pada bulan April—Juni 2019. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner kepada pembudi daya udang, pengumpul, dan pedagang besar, kemudian data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja rantai pasok komoditas udang di Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat dapat dilihat dengan 2 (dua) indikator, yaitu efektivitas dan efisiensi. Indikator efektivitas menunjukkan bahwa kinerja rantai pasok udang di Provinsi Jawa Barat mengalami peningkatan dari sisi produksi sekitar 18,45%. Hal ini menunjukkan pasokan udang di Kabupaten Indramayu dapat  memenuhi permintaan UPI udang yang ada di Jawa Barat. Pasokan udang di Indramayu sebagian besar didistribusikan ke wilayah DKI Jakarta, Jawa Timur, dan sekitarnya. Indikator efisiensi dilihat dari disparitas harga antar waktu dan margin harga. Disparitas harga terbesar terjadi pada ukuran udang S100, yaitu sebesar 6%, disparitas harga terkecil terjadi pada udang dengan ukuran S70, yaitu sebesar 3%. Margin harga yang terjadi pada setiap simpul dalam rantai pasok udang. Margin harga untuk ukuran udang S170 pada pedagang kecil 3% dan pengecer 22%. Pada ukuran udang S100, margin harga yang terjadi adalah pedagang kecil 4,3% dan pedagang besar 2%. Selain itu, biaya distribusi komoditas udang yang dikeluarkan masih tinggi sehingga perlu perbaikan dalam sistem manajemen rantai pasok komoditas udang melalui perbaikan sarana prasarana produksi, distribusi, dan penyimpanan yang dilakukan secara terintegrasi untuk menghasilkan jaminan komoditas udang secara efektif dan efisien.Title: Supply Chain Performance and Logistic Management of Shirmp in Indramayu District, West JavaIndramayu Regency is one of the regencies that has large enough cultivation potential. This study aimed to analyze the supply chain performance and logistics management of shrimp commodities in Indramayu Regency, West Java. The survey was conducted from April to June 2019. Primary data collection was conducted through interviews with shrimp farmers, middlemen, and wholesalers using a questionnaire, and the data were analyzed using a descriptive method. The results showed that the supply chain performance of shrimp commodities in Indramayu Regency, West Java, can be seen with 2 (two) indicators, namely effectiveness and efficiency. The effectiveness indicator show that the performance of the shrimp supply chain in West Java Province has increased from the production side around 18.45%. This is show that shrimp supply in Indramayu Regency can meet the demand for shrimp UPI in West Java. Most of the shrimp supply in Indramayu distribute to DKI Jakarta, East Java, and surrounding areas. Efficiency indicator showed from the price disparity over time and the price margin. The highest price disparity occurs in the size of shrimp S100, which is 6%, the lowest price disparity occurs in shrimp with size S70, which is 3%. The price margin occurred at each node in the shrimp supply chain. Price margin for shrimp size S170 is 3% for small traders and 22% for retailers. At S100 shrimp size, the price margin occurred is 4.3% for small traders and 2% for wholesalers. On the other hand, the distribution costs of shrimp commodities are still high. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the shrimp commodity of supply chain management system by production, distribution, and storage facilities that are carried out in an integrated manner to produce a guarantee of shrimp commodities effectively and efficiently


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    This study aims to determine the effect of implementing collaborative writing strategies on student achievement in writing with the main objective: to determine whether there is a significant effect of collaborative writing strategies on student achievement in writing recount texts. This research was conducted using a quasi-experimental research design. The population of this research is grade ten of one of the senior high school students. Two classes were taken as samples of this study. The experimental group was taught using the Collaborative Writing strategy, while the controlled group was taught using the conventional method. The data collection instrument was a written test. The results showed that the use of Collaborative Writing strategies increased students' achievement in writing recount texts. Evidenced by a significant 2-tailed level for the t-test, namely 0.005 <0.05, which means H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. This means that there is a significant effect of using Collaborative Writing strategies on student achievement in writing recount texts. Therefore, it is suggested that English teachers apply a collaborative writing strategy to students' learning achievement in writing. Based on the observation of teaching experience it is said that students are more enthusiastic to participate in learning. They have the motivation to write. They are also able to create positive relationships when they work collaboratively in groups. That's because they have many pairs of eyes for writing correction. In addition, students are allowed to give and received direct feedback on the language used in their writing. Thus, the teaching-learning process becomes more interesting and students enjoy a better writing process in recount texts


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    The subject of the research was English teachers of SMAN 3 Kundur Karimun Regency, and the object of this research was the efforts of English teachers obtaining English passing grade of national final test. While, the formulations of the problems consisted of “what are the efforts of English teachers in obtaining English passing grade of national final test at the third year at SMAN 3 Kundur Karimun Regency.” Furthermore, the aims of the research were to find out and reveal the information about the efforts of English teachers obtaining English passing grade of national final test. In this research, to collect the data the writer used interview. Based on the research, the writer can conclude that English teachers have done the efforts such as (a) Motivate the students to learn English. (b) Gives some tips how to answer reading text through some techniques. (c) Increase the student’s knowledge about the materials. (d) Ask the students to find and read other resources and materials to improve their knowledge. (e) Improving the students’ knowledge through active learning in class. (f) Enriching the students’ vocabulary through practicing it in class. (g) Increasing the students’ motivation in learning English. (h) Applying some enjoyable learning method to make the students happy study English. (i) Improve the student’s knowledge by giving materials in class. (j) Pray together between the teachers, students, students’ parents


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