- Publication venue
- 'Brand Design Association of Korea'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 'Brand Design Association of Korea'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 'Brand Design Association of Korea'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 'Brand Design Association of Korea'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 'Brand Design Association of Korea'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 'The Society Of Korean Modern Literrary Criticism'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 'Brand Design Association of Korea'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 'Korea Digital Design Council'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 'Brand Design Association of Korea'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 'Contemporary Film Research Institute'
- Publication date
- Field of study