14 research outputs found
Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Asymmetric Responses and Market Shares
This study examines ERPT with asymmetric response and both import and export market shares, using wool trade data. The study found that, asymmetric response may be as common as symmetric response. In addition, the responses (both in price and quantity demI. Introduction
II. Framework and Data
III. Analysis of the Exchange Rate Pass-Through
IV. Summary and Implications
Productivity and Patterns of Trade: The Experience of Korea in the 1990s
This paper analyzes the industrial growth of Korea in the 1990s and its relationship with the nation's export performance. The result shows that total factor productivity (TFP) played a significant role in the growth of some industries, where in particulaⅠ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Changes in Industrial Structure in Korea
III. The Relationship between Industrial Structure and Trade Structure
IV. Effects of TFP growth on Trade
V. Summary
Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Market Response: Competition between Korea and Japan in the US Steel Market
This paper theoretically formulated and empirically explored the relationship between exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) for (average) market price and an individual country's price, using steel products data in the US market, with special reference to twoⅠ. Introduction
II. The Market Exchange Rate Pass-Through
III. Empirical Analysis of Exchange Rate Pass-Through
IV. Summary
이명박 정부 2년 국정성과평가 제7차 전문가 토론회(성장과 고용확대를 위한 경제의 선진화 과제)
노트 : 발표자료: https://www.kdevelopedia.org/Resources/economy/성장과-고용확대를-경제의-선진화-과제--04201908010152032.d