41 research outputs found

    Effect of Ginseng Saponin on the Circadian Rhythms in Rabbit and Mouse

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    Changes in circadian rhythms of the body temperature, the circulating leukocytes level and the pentobarbital induced sleeping times were observed in rabbit and mouse treated with ginseng saponin. The animals had been maintained for one week under the artificial illumination extending from 06 : 00 to 18 : 00 hours alternating with 12 hours of darkness, And thereafter the lighting schedule was completely reversed. Rabbits kept on a routine lighting regimen showed" a circadian variation in temperature characterized by a highest temperature at 14 : 00 hours and a noctural ' fall to low level. On reversing the light regimen the routine temperature rhythm adapted to the new lighting schedule by 3 days after the reversal and it was not affected by ginseng saponin. The highest level of the circulating total leukocytes, neutrophiles and lymphocytes in rabbit were reached in the afternoon followed by a evening fall. On reversal of the lighting schedule, however, the routine' circadian variations of the leukocytes were not adapted to the reversed lighting regimen until 7 days. All,' the circadian variations in circulating leukocytes levels' were also not affected by ginseng saponin in any case. Rabbit showed a minimum value in circulating. eosinophiles at 08:00 hours and an evening rise. When the lighting schedule was reversed, the adaptation of the routine eosinophile rhythm took 3 days" to occur. The occurrence of the adaptation was similar in fashion both in control and in ginseng saponin. treated animals. In male DDO mice maintained on a routine day and night lighting regimen, the longest duration of sleep induced by pentobarbital occured at 14:00 hours' and the shortest occurred between 22:00 and 02:00 hours. The circadian rhythms in pentobarbital induced' sleep in DDO mice were not altered by the treatmentwith ginseng saponin

    The Effect of Ginseng Saponin on the Activity of Hepatic Microsomal Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme System in Mouse

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    A study was carried out to observe the influence of gins(:ng on the activity of microsomal drug-metabolizing enzyme system in mOUS2 liver. GiJ1s,~ng saponin fraction, when given to male -dult C;;IJf mice for 7 days in the dosages of 10 mg ikg and lOOmg/kg, stimulated the metabolism of zoxaz olami nc by the l i vcr 9000 Xg supernatant, but it did not affect the rate of pentobarbital metabolism. The duration of zoxazolami nc paralvsis as "...Β·ell as panto barbital hypnosis in the intact animal, however, somewhat shortened by ginseng saponin. It was found that pretreatment of mouse with ginseng saponin caused an increase in the activity of hepatic microsomal enzyme system which metabolizes zoxazolamine and was paralled in vivo by a shortened duration of zoxazolamine paralysis. The ability of ginseng saponin to shorten the duration of pentobarbital hypnosis in the intact mice was not paralled by a pentobarbital metabolism by the liver 9000X g supernatant. 1t can not be excluded from this point that the central stimulant effect of ginseng may functionally antagonize the hypnotic action of pentobarbital

    The effect of ouabain on Ca++-troponin interaction

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    The possible mechanism of inotropic action of cardiac glycosides(CG) have been sought with respects to the cellular and intracellular mobi1izatiop of calcium. But calcium, which plays a triggering role in excitation-contraction coupling, acts upon the contractile protein, esp. troponin. eventually stimulates ATPase activity of actomyosin and induces the muscular contraction. Although many investigations were devoted to search for the possible effects of CG on the contractile protein, no conclusive evidence for a direct interference of CG with the physicochemical or enzymatic properties of the actomyosin is available. Present study was made to observe the effect of ouabain on the Catt-troponin interaction in the superprecipitation of actomyosion. The results are summarized as follows. 1. The initiation of the superprecipitation of natural actomyosin was delayed by adding EGTA before the superprecipitation reaction. This delayed initiation by EGT A was not affected by ouabain. 2. The addition of EGT A during the superprecipitation caused the superprecipitation curve to be declined nearly to the level before the reaction. This clearing effect of EGT A on superprecipitation was reversed by ouabain. which also accelerated curve to reach the maximum more rapidly. 3. Above effect of ouabain showed the doseresponse manner. 4. Di git onin did not show such effect as ouabain did. 5. Above effect of ouabain on the action of EGT A during the reaction also obtained from the Perry myosin B superprecipitation in the presence of troponin and tropomyosin. 6. It is suggested that ouabain affects the troponincalcium interaction and alters the binding property of calcium to the troponin

    The Energy Metabolism of Leukemic Leukocytes.

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    The metabolism of the leukemic cells taken from peripheral blood of patients with acute and chronic lymphocytic leukemia and granulocytic leukemia was determined manometrically with the Warburg method. Results can be summarized as follows. 1. Leukocytes taken from patients having acute and chronic Iymphytic leukemia are characterized by low aerobic glycolysis and low QAo'/QO, ratio. Leukemic lymphocytes do not exhibit the so-called "tumor-metabolism". 2. Granulocytic cells have high glycolytic rate and high QAo'/QO, ratio and show incomplete Pasteur effect. 3. Both leukemic lymphocytes and granulocytes have the capacity for high glycolytic rates under anaerobic conditions. 4. It seems that the metabolism of normal human leukocyte is qualitatively similar to that of leukemic counterparts. 5. It appears that both mature cells and blast forms have same metabolic characteristics. 6. It is considered that to make conclusions regarding the neoplastic nature of leukemia on the basis of their tumor-metabolism is improper