26 research outputs found

    The Study of Extension Human Resource Development in Knowledge Economy-Study on the Core Competencies of 4-H Extension Agents

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    因應知識經濟時代,鄉村青少年面臨的重大考驗為必須必備社會適應力和社會競爭力,因此四健推廣教育的重要性無庸置疑,藉助四健推廣教育可促使鄉村青少年除了正規教育外,尚有系統化的學習機會,以提昇其能力.而四健推廣教育的成功端賴四健推廣人員是否具備核心能力,因此本研究擬研究四健推廣人員需具備的核心能力情況,並將之分類分級,以提供四健推廣人員認證之參考.For facing knowledge economy situation, rural youth should prepare the ability of social adaptation and social competition. Therefore it is important of 4-H extension education because it offers systematic learning opportunity to rural youth. The successful 4-H extension education depends on the requirement of core competencies of 4-H extension agents. Therefore this research will study the core competencies as well as the different typology of the competencies of 4-H extension agents. It is hoped that the result of this research should submit some suggestions to the certification of 4-H extension agents

    The Needs Assessment of the Interaction between Agricultural Extension Agencies

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    農業推廣為農業發展中重要的一環,農業推廣工作由農業推廣人員予以承擔,然 農業推廣人員多為高中職畢業,其素質有待提昇,因此農委會和農林廳自四十五年度開始實 施農業推廣人員的職前訓練,然其執行情況以及影響訓練成效的因素如何並未有人進行審慎 的瞭解。有鑑於此,本研究嘗試以該職前訓練為著眼點,以八十四年度的參訓人員九十五人 為對象,嚐試探討參訓人員的職業投入、參訓意願、組織支持、學習動機和訓練成效之情況 ,以及其間的因果關係。 以結構方程式模型及 LISREL 軟體分析的結果顯示,上述五項因素皆呈現中上Agricultural extension is an important aspect of agricultural development and the major work of agricultural extnesion agents. Because almost all agricultural extension agents graduated from senior high school or senior vocational high school, t