7 research outputs found

    Integrating RFID in Power Equipment Management System

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    [[abstract]]在面對日益競爭的環境現況,及日益惡化的國際經濟局勢,政府一直努力產業升級轉型,並推動產業升級政策。這些政策中,油價跟電價的制定常牽動到民生經濟及工商發展,特別是電價,牽涉到的層面更加廣大。如何節省營運成本並提高工作效率,減少庫存並提供有效的管理,一直是電力公司主管努力想達成的目標。這其中又以電力公司的變壓器管理是最繁瑣也是最常需要處理的問題。管理變壓器借出、歸還、儲存流程繁雜再加上變壓器有相當的重量,增加了搬運以及盤點的困難度。本研究將利用RFID無線傳輸訊號的特性作為定位尋找並佐以物流管理資訊系統來改善這些問題。本研究又將以“田口分析方法”找出被動式RFID Tag及RFID讀取器間的最佳接收方式。本研究希望藉物流資訊系統來完成盤點功能以此快速的獲得變壓器的相關資訊,並以RFID定位功能以此迅速掌控變壓器的位置,希望藉由此系統能有效的提升電力公司的營運效率。[[abstract]]The government of Taiwan has tried very hard to promote and push for the industrial upgrade by providing many different policies. Among them, the new price plans for gasoline and electricity cause a lot of impact to many people’s daily living. How to raise the management efficiency and reduce the inventory to increase the profits for the power companies has been a very important and practical issue. Since the electronic transformer is the fundamental device for the power company, the management of these heavy apparatuses has become a necessary but a tedious job. Retrieval and restore processes for electronic transformers are complicated; the heavy weight of these devices causes the operation difficult. This research aims to utilize the property of RFID and develop a customized computer software system for logistics management to enhance the automation of the power companies. The “Taguchi method” will be used to optimize the relationship between the strength of received RFID signal and the passive tag distance. This research aims to improve the performance and raise the efficiency for the power company.[[note]]碩


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    This study is to investigate the comparison of leachate denitrification efficiency between fixed-bed and fluidized-bed reactor. The results show that the fixed-bed reactor with carriers of granular activated carbon or ion exchange resin can offer在控制組與不同介質的厭氣固定過濾床之脫硝效能比較中顯示,以活性碳或離子 交換樹脂為介質的固定過濾床均較未加介質者(控制組)能提供微生物一個較好的生長環境 。至於在厭氣流體化床處理系統中則顯示,以離子交換樹脂為擔體之脫氮效果勝於以活性碳 為擔體者。若將固定過濾床與流體化床進行比較,則發現在試程期間,流體化床對 NO ?婀? -N 的平均去除效率( 58 %或 71 %)較固定過濾床的 51 %或 53 %為佳。 此外,在溶 解性有機物分子量篩分研究中顯示,滲出水(大屯場曝氣池出流水)經脫硝程序處


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    The effect of dosage on the adsorption of trace organics (TOC) from drinking water supply shows that the strong base anion exchanger (IRA-458) is much more than the native granular activated carbon (G-840) at same time and dose. In the range在劑量效應方面,研究顯示在相同的時間與劑量條件下,IRA-458強鹼性陰離子交 換樹脂去除飲用水水源中微量有機物 TOC 的能力優於國產顆粒狀活性碳 G-840; 且在本研 究範圍( 2.0 ~ 12.0g/L )下, 當 IRA-458 樹脂的劑量在 4.0g/L 以上時, 對有機物 TOC 的去除效率差異不大, 與 G-840 活性碳在相同範圍下,TOC 去除率受劑量的影響相當 大之結果截然不同。然而,活性碳劑量的增加,可減少 G-840 活性碳與 IRA-458 樹脂去除 有機物 TO