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    Inquiry into the Implications of Hans Jonas' Ethics of Responsibility about Education

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    中文摘要 本文採用教育詮釋學方法,對優納斯責任倫理學的教育涵義進行探討。本研究的的目的有下列幾項:1. 分析優納斯責任倫理學的思想淵源;2. 探究優納斯責任倫理學的主要內涵;3. 闡述優納斯責任倫理學的教育涵義;4. 評價優納斯責任倫理學的優劣得失。最後,綜合研究結果之結論,同時提出後續研究的建議。優納斯被認為是對抗科技力量霸權施展於社會的思想家之一。在其《責任原理:找尋科技時代的倫理學》一書中,他以存有論做為其責任倫理學的基礎,反對人類中心主義的說法,及生命自身就是有機體存在的最高價值與終極目的。人與自然不再是二元對立,而是有著絕對的親近性。人和整個大自然都具有目的自身,因而也就具有價值,而且這種價值是客觀的內在價值,向人類發出要為它的主體承擔責任的「應然」要求。他訴求一種具有未來性、非相互性、絶對的責任來保護自然及未來的世代。為了要實現這種新的責任原理,他提出了「恐懼啟發法」,就是要能事先預測厄運的來臨,從而啟發人的憂患意識,由此激發人類修正自己的錯誤,以致於能災害降到最低程度。研究者希望經由優納斯責任倫理學的探究,瞭解其學說的優點與缺點,提供我國做為建立教育理論和改善教育實際的參考。Abstract This study adapts the method of educational hermeneutics to discuss Hans Jonas' ethics of responsibility. Main research aims of this study as following: (1) to analyze the origin of Jonas' ethics of responsibility; (2) to discuss theoretical contents of Jonas' ethics of responsibility; (3) to explain the educational implications of Jonas' ethics of responsibility; (4) to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Jonas' ethics of responsibility. The final part is to ingrate the research results and put forward suggestions for further studies. Hans Jonas is considered one of thinkers that fight against the hegemony of technical power upon society. In the book subtitled as “The Imperative of Responsibility: In Search of an Ethics for the Technological Age”, he gives a ontological explanation to resist the human-centric thinking, and points out that life itself is the highest value and ultimate end of organism. The relationship between human beings and nature is not dualism any more, but absolutely closed to each other. Both man and nature have end-in-itself, so they have value too. What's more, the objective value claims of “ought” to man to take the responsibility for its subjects. He appeals to a prospective, unreciprocal , and categorical responsibility to protect nature and to save future generations. To realize the new ethics, he proposes “the heuristics of fear”, which means to predict doom in prevalence, therefore make man have consciousness of fear and inspire him to correct his own errors so as to lessen the possible disaster. I hope through inquiry into Jonas' ethics of responsibility to understand advantages and disadvantages about his theory. Then, I will offer it as reference, in order to build educational theory and to improve educational practice for our country.目 次 第一章 導論--------------------------1 第一節 研究動機與目的---------------1 第二節 研究方法與步驟---------------6 第三節 研究資料與範圍---------------9 第四節 重要名詞解釋---------------- 11 第五節 研究論文的限制-------------- 12 第二章 優納斯責任倫理學的思想淵源--- 15 第一節 優納斯的生平著作------------ 15 第二節 優納斯的時代背景------------ 19 第三節 優納斯的思想淵源------------ 33 第三章 優納斯責任倫理學的主要內涵--- 49 第一節 自然存有論 ------------------49 第二節 非相互性責任論--------------59 第三節 實踐方法論 ------------------64 第四節 綜合評價-------------------- 69 第四章 優納斯責任倫理學的教育涵義----77 第一節 在環境教育上的涵義---------- 77 第二節 在生命教育上的涵義---------- 97 第三節 在教育倫理上的涵義---------- 108 第五章 結論與建議------------------- 127 第一節 結論------------------------ 127 第二節 建議------------------------ 133 參考文獻---------------------------- 137 一、中文部分------------------------ 137 二、西文部分------------------------ 14