4 research outputs found

    Implementation of Desktop Linux Explorer

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    为了促进桌面Linux在中国的应用,打破微软桌面系统的垄断,国家大力推动桌面Linux发展,鼓励政府部门、企业、教育部门日常办公以及电子政务、电子商务等行业采用简单易用、功能优化的桌面操作系统。本文以红旗Linux研发桌面操作系统和北京市政府采购的"扬帆工程"为背景,对桌面Linux的资源管理器易用性改进进行了深入研究。首先本文概述了桌面Linux的技术现状,并指出了资源管理器的重要性和易用性发展的方向。论文重点围绕资源管理器的改进进行了深入探讨,资源管理器是用户在桌面系统中最常用的管理工具,也是易用性改造的核心部分。回收站是资源管理器的操作容错部件,本文分析了原始回收站的不足,介绍了其改进方案。此外,论文还针对原始资源管理器对软盘,网络邻居操作不方便的特点,利用KIO和Kparts技术对其进行改进,使得资源管理器访问软盘和网络邻居能符合用户使用习惯。最后,本文介绍了桌面Linux硬件资源识别和管理的设计,并以USB硬盘的管理为例详细介绍了其实现流程。通过以上资源管理器各个方面的改进,桌面Linux的整体可用性得到了很大提高,也为以后的研究工作提供了借鉴经验。To make a decision on migration to Linux as a desktop system and break impact of market monopoly of Microsoft desktop products, a usability evaluation is essential. Chinese goverment and civil organizitons call for the promotion of national desktop Linux OS (Operation System) based on Linux. Government offices, enterprises, and education departments are encouraged to use softeware based on Linux for its easy-to-use fully function optimized and open-sourced inherence. Based on RedFlag Linux Desktop distribution and Yangfan project sponsored by the Beijing government, this paper is concentrated in the discussion on how to improve EOU (Ease of Use) for desktop Linux Explorer. Firstly, This paper summaries current technical status of Desktop Linux, and analyses the development trends of Explorer. Secondly, great emphasis has been put to discuss the improvement of desktop explorer, which is the most popular tool in desktop operation system, and the most important to be improved. This paper analyzes faults of original recycle bin and introduces improvement schema for it. Furthermore, new approach using KIO and Kparts, provides an effective way to resolve floppy disk, network neighbor problems. Finally, desktop Linux hardware resouce recogniation and management are introduced with an example of USB disk, its realization flow is discussed in details. In summary, the applied achievements are helpful to the improvement of destop Linux usability and upper research


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    a method based on timer management improvement for real-time scheduling in linux

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    <正> 白鲢,东北地区又称胖头,在黑龙江流域内分布很广。黑龙江中下游、松花江、嫩江等干流中都很丰盛,黑龙江上游呼玛以上的水体中,则尚未见其棲息。本文是根据1957—1958两年内,黑龙江流域渔业考察队在上述地区所采的标本和野外观察的新鲜材料共约70多尾,而整理分析的。白鲢是一种闻名的淡水饲养鱼,生长迅速,市上常见的大小多为2—7市斤,黑龙江中10斤和10斤以上的个体也十分多,下面是1958年4—8月从黑龙江、松花江、嫩江等地所采到的40尾白鲢的体重记录