47 research outputs found

    Study on Pathogenic Safety of Agricultural Waste Compost

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    There is no regulation on pathogenic microorganism content in biowaste compost at this moment. The purpose of this study is to survey the coliform, fecal coliform and Salmonella contents in agricultural and animal waste and to analyze the relationship between pathogen contents and compost types. The results should be valuable for the establishment of pathogen regulation of compost.國內對堆肥中病原菌並未加以規範。為防範未然,本計畫擬對市面上堆肥成品與其材料中病原菌含量詳加調查,以作為日後規範堆肥中病原菌狀況之根據。本研究擬調查各種禽畜廢棄物堆肥中大腸桿菌群,糞大腸桿菌群與沙門氏菌含量,並依材料種類、堆積方法、調整材種類與成品貯存方式分群,分析各類農畜廢棄物堆肥中病原指標菌多寡之分佈情形。以作為日後規範堆肥中病原菌狀況之根據


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    國內對堆肥中病原菌並未加以規範。為防範未然,本計畫擬對市面上廚餘與食物廢棄物堆肥成品與其材料中病原菌含量詳加調查,以作為日後規範堆肥中病原菌狀況之根據。本研究擬調查各種廚餘與食物廢棄物堆肥中大腸桿菌群,糞大腸桿菌群,沙門氏菌含量與寄生蟲卵含量,並依材料種類、製造方法、調整材種類與成品貯存方式分群,分析各類農畜廢棄物堆肥中病原指標菌多寡之分佈情形。以作為日後規範堆肥中病原菌狀況之根據。There is no regulation on pathogenic microorganism content in kitchen refuse compost at this moment. The purpose of this study is to survey the coliform, fecal coliform , Salmonella and helminth ova contents in kitchen refuse and food waste composts and to analyze the relationship between pathogen contents and compost types. The results should be valuable for the establishment of pathogen regulation of compost

    Screening and application of rhizobia from Glycine tomentella(I-Tiao-Gung)

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    一條根學名為闊葉大豆 (Glycine tomentella) ,為一民間常用藥材,現今金門農試所積極推廣當地農民種植做為經濟作物。因豆莢小無食用價值,被研究的非常少。然而,一條根具有平肝、健體止盜汗、強壯等功能。常用於治風濕症、抗發炎、強筋骨、壯身體。豆科根瘤菌的應用,可減少化學氮肥之施用,降低過度施用氮肥所造成之環境衝擊。目前關於一條根與根瘤菌之間的資料非常缺乏,因此本研究希望從不同的土壤中篩選出能與一條根共生之根瘤菌,分析這些菌株種類及特性,並進行溫室與田間試驗,篩選出適合接種且固氮能力最佳,並能促進其根部產生藥效成份(如異黃酮類物質)之菌株,期望能藉由根瘤菌的接種減少氮肥施用,並增加其藥效成份。 Glycine tomentella has been used as medical material and was promoted by Kim-men Agriculture Experimental Institute extensively. Rhizobia symbiotically grow with legume can fix dinitrogen from the air and reduce the amount of chemical nitrogen fertilizer. However, studies on the rhizobia which infect Glycine tomentella and form nodules were rare. The purpose of this study is to isolate and characterize the rhizobia from Glycine tomentella grown in different soils. This study will also exam the effect of rhizobia inoculation on the root content of isoflavones which are effective compounds of medical usage

    Effect of Organic Fertilizer on Heavy Metal Uptake by Plant

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    本省農地土壤受重金屬汙染之案例日漸增 多,如何防止農地遭受重金屬汙染以及減少植 物對重金屬之吸收實為重要之課題.有機質帶 有可變電荷,在一般土壤的酸鹼度下,可吸附重 金屬離子或與金屬離子形成難溶性錯合物,減 低作物對金屬離子之吸收,因此本研究之目的 主要探討:(1)有機肥料之施用對作物吸收重金 屬之影響;(2)有機肥料施用後,土壤中重金屬型 態之改變.本年度之實驗以盆栽進行.以北溝中 性土壤與大肚山酸性土壤,分別添加銅、鋅、 砷後,施用不等量之有機肥料(約等於田間施用0 、2、4、8、12噸/公頃),栽植水稻.在生育中期與 收穫時,分別測定植體中銅、鋅、砷含量,據以估算有機質施用對水稻吸收銅、鋅、砷之影響

    Study on the Population Dynamics of Coliforms in Kitchen Refuse Compost and Soil Amended with the Compost

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    本研究在探討各種廚餘堆肥產品之大腸菌含量,並進行田間試驗,了解施用廚餘堆肥之土壤中大腸菌之存活與分佈情形,以供廚餘堆肥安全性評估之重要參考。The purposes of this project are to investigate the coliforms in kitchen refuse compost and the population dynamic and distribution in soils in order to evaluate the microbial impact of kitchen refuse compost on the environment, especially in pathogenic aspect