32 research outputs found

    The Application of Conjoint Analysis in Product Development and Design-Example: Digital Photo Frame

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    隨著科技的進步及技術上的突破,消費性電子產品已深入每個人的生活,例如:手機、筆記型電腦等,並成為許多人每天不可或缺的必需品。而在數位影音方面,因為數位科技的不斷發展,以及市場消費者的多元需求,使得數位相框在市場上出現並且逐漸發展出許多的功能。 由於聯合分析的方法對於多屬性產品決策的問題而言,在解決上極為有效,其透過受測者去對一組受測體集合求算出整體評估值,藉以知曉各屬性水準的成分效用值,再進一步計算出各屬性的相對重要性權重後,即可確切解釋出模式涵義,因此非常適用於本研究,所以,本研究將透過聯合分析方法來了解現今市場上的數位相框在消費者的心中,其最佳的產品開發設計形式為何?應俱備有哪些特性,以提供開發廠商未來的競爭方向。 在經過訪談業界於數位相框方面的技術與行銷專家後,我們定義出二十項產品的屬性與水準,並經過前測問卷的回收與整理,最後訂定出五項屬性及個別水準,並將其做為受測體的製作依據。接著我們去進行聯合分析並得出相關數據與圖表。研究結果顯示出,潛在消費者在選購數位相框時,其重視的產品屬性依序為:數位相框的外觀、品牌、液晶顯示器的解析度、保固及背面支撐架。 另外,本研究也利用人口統計變數之性別、年齡、月收入、職業等來形成不同類型的群體,並進行總體層次之聯合分析,計算出事前所區隔群體之偏好結構,以提供給廠商在新產品上市時,可以擬定市場策略。As the technology advances and technological breakthrough, consumer electronics has gone into everyone''s life deeply, such as: cell phones, laptops, etc, and become the daily necessities for many people. In terms of the dimension of digital audio and video, the continuing development of digital technology and market consumer demand make the digital photo frame appears in the market and then developed a lot of functionality gradually. Because of the Conjoint Analysis is extremely effective in solving the decision-making of problem for multiple properties of the purposes of product, it is to find out the Part-Worth utility of each attribute by collection overall assessment value of subjects, and to calculate the relative importance weight of each attribute, then we can explain the meaning of the model, it is very suitable to this study. Therefore, this study will use the Conjoint Analysis to understand the digital photo frame on the market in the minds of consumers today, what is the best form of product development and design? What features of product should be attached? Then provide a direction to development manufacturers in the future. After interviews with the technical and marketing experts of digital picture frame, we define 20 attributes in dissimilar level at first. Then we find out 5 final attributes finally via Pre-test Questionnaire and make it be a basis to produce the subject. Next, we use the Conjoint Analysis and get the relevant data and statistic pictures. The study result show that potential consumers in buying a digital picture frames, the order of product significance is digital photo frame appearance, brands, dpi of LCD, warranty and the back holder. Additionally, this study also uses the demographic statistics of gender, age, monthly income, occupation, etc. to form different types of group. We implement the Conjoint Analysis to overall level and calculate the preference structure of prior separate groups to provide the firms to make marketing strategy when new products enter the market.第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與背景 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第二章 文獻回顧 3 第一節 數位相框市場概況 3 第二節 聯合分析與產品開發設計 5 第三章 研究方法 7 第一節 研究流程 7 第二節 研究工具 8 第三節 設計前測問卷 14 第四節 屬性水準及正式問卷之設計 16 第四章 實證結果 22 第一節 整體性分析 22 第二節 人口統計變數分析結果 28 第五章 結論與建議 40 第一節 研究結論 40 第二節 後績研究建議 42 參考文獻 4