27 research outputs found


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    Demand for and Evaluation of Information Systems for Agricultural Production-Marketing Groups

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    本研究的主要目的在於( 1 )瞭解產銷班農民對於使用農業資訊系統的相關意見, ( 2 )探討農業資訊系統在推廣和輔導過程中的問題及解決之道, ( 3 )提出有助於提高農業競爭力的策略性農業資訊系統.為達成上述研究目的, 本研究將利用調查問卷, 分別訪問農業產銷班和從事農業資訊系統推廣和輔導工作之人員.這些初級資料將應用多變量統計方法來分析, 藉此瞭解影響產銷班農民是否支持使用資訊系統的因素有哪些, 以及農業資訊系統的推廣和講習所面臨的問題.最後本研究將依據資訊系統的特性、競爭優勢理論和策略性管理概念, 提出農業產銷班的策略性農業資訊系統之規劃原則與方向.The major objectives of this study are ( 1 )to grasp the views and opinions of using agricultural information system from the farmers in production-marketing groups, ( 2 )to explore the problems and solutions of agricultural information system during the process of extension and guide, and ( 3 )to submit the strategic agricultural information system which may be conducive to agricultural competitiveness.In order to attain the above objectives, this study will make a survey for farmers in production-marketing groups and extensionists in agricultural information system, respectively, by using questionnaires.These primary data will be analyzed by multivariate statistical method to include the factors that affect the farmers'decision in adopting information system, and to dig the problems encountered with extension and guide activities of agricultural information system.After that, the planning principles and directions of strategic agricultural information system for production-marketing team will be proposed according to the characteristics of information system, the theory of competitive advantages, and the concepts of strategic management

    Valuing the Benefits from Hazards Mitigation-Theory and Practice (II)

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    雖然在氣象變化的追蹤和預測方面,我們台灣 已比以往改善許多,也減少了這類災害引起的傷 亡人數,但是在其他直,間接損失方面卻是有增無 減.為了減少自然災害程度,並保障居民的生命財 產安全,公共部門採用各種結構和非結構的措施 作為因應.但是為了使環境中的災害減少,每一階 段的改善都不可避免地比前一階段花費更多的資 源.因此,公共政策在其政策形成的過程中,就有必 要探究如何平衡成本和效益的經濟問題


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