8 research outputs found

    Exploitation of Techniques for Detecting Harmful Organisms on Imported Wood and Wood Packaging Materials

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    本計劃將針對進口原木材及本土林木中重要病原(特別是長喙殼菌類真菌)進行偵測,建立菌種形態特性及DNA序列資料庫,提供快速且正確檢測木材中此類有害真菌之基礎。潛在病原菌之偵測及鑑定包括形態及分子序列方式,依據不同之菌種類別之特性,以特有之方式進行菌種分離,針對特定rDNA片段進行解序,建立形態及分子鑑定標準,有助於發展快速之檢測方法,攔截有害病原之輸入。對於木質包裝材,建立重要病蟲害資訊庫及建立進出口木質包裝材之標準採樣流程、快速病蟲害鑑定技術及監測系統。重要工作項目包括收集世界各國經由木質包裝材輸入之重要病蟲害文獻資料、建立進出口木質包裝材之標準採樣流程及病蟲害檢測程序,持續監測經木質包裝材輸出入之重要病蟲害等四大項。預期收集經由進口木質包裝材輸入之重要病蟲害資訊並建立資料庫,以及建立有效取樣標準流程,進而協助檢疫人員監測與管制經木質包裝材輸入之重要病蟲害。The aims of this project is to inspect detrimental fungi, particularly ophiostomatoid fungi, on wood which is from importation or from indigenous plants. Morphological characteristics and DNA sequences of these fungi can be established to provide the basis for their accurate and quick detection. Both methods of morphology identification and DNA sequence comparison will be applied. Specific approaches of isolation will be adopted to obtain specific groups of fungi. Specific primers are used to amplify specific DNA fragments for comparisons with DNA sequences deposited in GenBank. Based on the morphological and molecular data acquired, it can be expected that these potential pathogens can be warded off from our country. As to the imported / exported wood packaging materials, a standard sampling procedure of a fast screening process and a monitoring system will be set up for these materials. In this project, three tasks will be included, (i) literature survey of important pests and pathogens for wood (ii) establishing a standard procedures for inspecting and identifying of pests and plant pathogens and (iii) continuous monitoring important pests and pathogens information of imported / exported wood packaging materials, are proposed to accomplish our goal. The success of this project would help quarantine officers monitor and control important imported / exported wood packaging materials importing from wood packaging material


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    The aims of this project is to inspect detrimental fungi, particularly ophiostomatoid fungi, on wood which is from importation or from indigenous plants. Morphological characteristics and DNA sequences of these fungi can be established to provide the basis for their accurate and quick detection. Both methods of morphology identification and DNA sequence comparison will be applied. Specific approaches of isolation will be adopted to obtain specific groups of fungi. Specific primers are used to amplify specific DNA fragments for comparisons with DNA sequences deposited in GenBank. Based on the morphological and molecular data acquired, it can be expected that these potential pathogens can be warded off from our country. As to the imported / exported wood packaging materials, a standard sampling procedure of a fast screening process and a monitoring system will be set up for these materials. In this project, three tasks will be included, (i) literature survey of important pests and pathogens for wood (ii) establishing a standard procedures for inspecting and identifying of pests and plant pathogens and (iii) continuous monitoring important pests and pathogens information of imported / exported wood packaging materials, are proposed to accomplish our goal. The success of this project would help quarantine officers monitor and control important imported / exported wood packaging materials importing from wood packaging material.本計劃將針對進口原木材及本土林木中重要病原(特別是長喙殼菌類真菌)進行偵測,建立菌種形態特性及DNA序列資料庫,提供快速且正確檢測木材中此類有害真菌之基礎。潛在病原菌之偵測及鑑定包括形態及分子序列方式,依據不同之菌種類別之特性,以特有之方式進行菌種分離,針對特定rDNA片段進行解序,建立形態及分子鑑定標準,有助於發展快速之檢測方法,攔截有害病原之輸入。對於木質包裝材,建立重要病蟲害資訊庫及建立進出口木質包裝材之標準採樣流程、快速病蟲害鑑定技術及監測系統。重要工作項目包括收集世界各國經由木質包裝材輸入之重要病蟲害文獻資料、建立進出口木質包裝材之標準採樣流程及病蟲害檢測程序,持續監測經木質包裝材輸出入之重要病蟲害等四大項。預期收集經由進口木質包裝材輸入之重要病蟲害資訊並建立資料庫,以及建立有效取樣標準流程,進而協助檢疫人員監測與管制經木質包裝材輸入之重要病蟲害

    Research and Development on Bioinsecticides Using Indigenous Entopathogenic Nematodes

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    本計畫主要研究目的在於利用本土產,具有可發展為生物農藥製劑潛力的蟲生線蟲Steinernema abbasi,以群體合作方式研發量產、配方與劑型之技術,針對本省作物之重要害蟲,進行蟲生線蟲適用之寄主範圍評估,及感染溫度、溼度、長期儲存環境等對蟲生線蟲影響之生物特性加以測試.並利用統全公司在加工生產之有機廢棄物,開發本地產蟲生線蟲(S. abbasi)之大量生產技術,及不同基質量產產品對斜紋夜盜(Spodoptera litura)幼蟲及其他害蟲殺蟲效力之生物檢定,以確定產品管制.另外開發感染期三齡幼蟲(IJs)線蟲之分離方法,回收保存技術.同時將進行土壤環境因子對線蟲之活動行為及對殺蟲效力之影響.並在設施栽培耕作環境下,開發最適合用線蟲防治害蟲的操作方法,提供有機栽培農民安全防治害蟲之用,期能提高農產品之價值.The present proposal is to study the indigenous entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema abbasi, to be a potential bioinsecticide. Technology for mass production and formulation of this nematode-based bioinsecticide will be developed under the collaboration between institution and industrial sector. Host range, influence of temperature, humidity, and storage on biological nature of the nematode will be conducted. Mass production of S. abbasi will be studied using organic wastes of the products from Tung-cheng Company. Bioassays on efficacy of the products produced from different substrates against Spodoptera litura or other insect pests will be carried out for their quality control. In addition, techniques for isolating, recovering and storing the infective juveniles (IJs) of nematodes will be developed. Meanwhile, effects of soil factors on nematode activity, behaviour, and insecticidal ability will be investigated. The optimal and effective techniques for applying the nematode-based bioinsecticides to control insects under the screen house or tunnel cultivation of highly economic crops will also be developed. This biological approach is expected to provide farmers with a safe and effective pest control measure as well as to raise the value of agro-products in the future

    Space construction of the farm ponds adjacent to the roads in the rural communities

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    近年來全球氣候變遷導致極端氣候加劇,如何利用各類貯水設施,有效涵養水源,提供旱季用水與雨季防災為重要課題。本研究以南投縣名間鄉炭寮村之氣象資料進行水收支分析,利用數值高程模型萃取窪蓄區位空間分布,遴選道路邊坡之漥蓄區位,藉由道路之截、排水,營造水資源保育利用及防災等多功能埤塘。除考量埤塘之集水面積外;另由道路之越域引水,可達增加埤塘水資源、發揮截蓄保水、以及減少道路邊溝排水造成邊坡破壞潛勢。另以景觀空間營造觀點,檢視埤塘周遭環境,提出兼具生活、生產與生態之水資源保育與防災規劃模式,俾供農村社區道路邊坡埤塘空間營造之參考。Nowadays, global climate change causes extreme weather occurred frequently. How to use different varieties of water storage facilities for efficiently conserving water resources, providing enough water in drought seasons and preventing disasters in rainy seasons is the vital issue. This study focusing on the water budget analysis using meteorological data, and the spatial distribution of depression sites derived from digital elevation models were carried out at Tan-Liao rural community in Mingjian of Nantou County. A depression site adjacent to the road is selected to create the farm pond with multiple purposes of conservation, utilization, and disaster prevention in water resources. In addition to considering the watershed size of the farm pond itself, through the interception of the road, the water resources of the pond and the functionality of interception and/or storage were increased, while the potential of the slope failure was decreased. Besides, the surroundings of the pond were also examined in the viewpoint of landscape to present a planning concept which compiling life, product, ecology, water resources conservation and disaster prevention for the references of space construction of slope-land farm ponds nearby the roads in a rural community

    Technical Development and Research Improvement in Biological Control of Plant Pests (II)

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    環保意識的抬頭與人類對食品安全的關注,使得農作物病蟲害的生物防治工作受到社會大眾的重視,因此,本計畫目的在於研發作物病蟲害生物防治策略,以便能有效在農業生態體系中推展應用.本計畫涵蓋有九個子計畫,它們個別的工作目標如下:即 (1) 由夏威夷引進銀葉粉蝨的天敵Encarsia pergandiella, E. hispida及E. mineoi,探討它們防蟲之功效與飼養、檢疫等工作; (2) 探討斑潛蠅發生生態,調查本土現有斑潛蠅之天敵種類及引進有效的寄生性天敵,作為生物防治之用; (3) 評估黑殭菌各菌株致病力與抗環境逆境;利用黑殭菌DNA多元性特定條帶作出DNA-probe,供田間生態及施用存活調查; (4) 探討大量飼育捕植蹣類天敵,建立捕植對卵孢子發芽、感染與傳播的影響;施用增產菌FG-1菌株與滅達樂,以期延緩病害發生與促進薑株生長; (6) 利用本地產蟲生線蟲(Steinernema abbasi),研發出適合台灣蔬菜害蟲之安全有效的生物防治技術; (7) 觀察飼育紅點唇瓢蟲之基本需求,評估其生物防治梨圓介殼蟲之潛力; (8) 利用生物分析法篩選具有抑制病原菌的作物殘渣與植體,並輔以HPLC或GC分析它們所含有的硫配糖體種類及分解產物,藉以瞭解各分解產物的殺菌與抑菌功效; (9) 針對本地種蟲生線蟲Steinernema abbasi對蔬菜主要害蟲如小菜蛾、白粉蝶、大菜螟及菜心螟蟲的致病力進行生物檢定與施用技術.Biological control of plant pests has received considerable attention throughout the world, drawing momentum from the growing public concern regarding the widespread use of hazardous chemicals in pest control. In order to develop and apply biocontrol strategies in agriecosystem, the objectives of this project including nine sub-projects are (1) to import a whitefly parasitoids, Encarsia pergandiella, E. hispida and E. mineoi from Hawaii and study their efficacy on controlling the silver leaf whitefly; (2) to study the distribution, occurrence, seasonal abundance, population dynamics and damage of leafminers in southern area and test the basic biology, parasitic rates of introduced parasitoids; (3) to screen Metarhizium anisopliae strains having high entomopathogenicity, more resistant against UV light and the fungicides; to analyze the genetic diversity and relationship of the tested green mascardine fungi by using electrophoretic fingerprinting; (4) to develop biocontrol technologies of the spider mites with their predaceous mites, which depends upon the availble mass rearing skills and their lowering costs determined by the design of artificial rearing arena and supplemental foods; (5) to study the ecology of ginger soft rotdisease including the transmission of the disease through seed ginger; the temperature effect on the oospore germination, infection and spreading. Also, to study the use of both metalaxyl and YIB (yield increasing bacteria) isolate Fg-1 to delay the disease development and increase the plant growth; (6) to investigate biological control of vegetable pests using the indigenous species, Steinernema abbasi, in safe and effective control measures; (7) to study the basic rearing requirement for Chilocorus kuwanae and to provide a preliminary assessment of its potential as a biological agent of the San Jose Scale, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus; (8) to determine the effect of volatile compound released from leaf and seed of Brassica species on the natural isothiocynate fumigant for integrated control of crop soilborne diseases; (9) to develop a vermiculite, formulation of Steinernema abbasi to control four vegetable pests, such as diamondback moth, imported cabbageworm, cabbage pyralid and cabbage webworm