3 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]The investigation of language use and cognitive ability of new immigrant families' children

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    碩士[[abstract]]本研究旨在探討新移民家庭語言使用狀況,並進一步探討母子女語言互動對子女認知能力之差異情形。本研究對新移民家庭的語言使用狀況,以及母子女語言互動情形採問卷調查法,研究工具為「新移民家庭之語言使用狀況問卷」,對子女認知能力則使用「托尼非語文智力測驗」及「修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗」作為研究工具;以就讀台北縣市國小階段新移民子女及外籍配偶為對象,共84對;所得資料以描述性統計、卡方檢定、皮爾森積差相關、成對樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析,歸納研究結果如下: 一、新移民家庭父親主要使用的語言以台語為主,外籍配偶以國語為主,父母與子女互動最常使用的語言為國語,而多數新移民家庭子女能聽兩種以上的語言。 二、新移民家庭子女非語文認知能力高於語文認知能力 三、外籍配偶教育程度在「子女語言使用狀況」、「子女認知能力」,及「與子女之語言互動頻率」上有其差異。 四、子女的語言使用狀況,對「子女認知能力」及「外籍配偶使用母語與孩子互動」有顯著不同。 五、新移民家庭對外籍配偶與子女說母語的態度,在外籍配偶使用母語與孩子互動的頻率上有其差異。 六、外籍配偶以本國語與孩子互動的「量」越高,在子女認知能力上有顯著差異。 七、外籍配偶對其子女從事相關認知能力活動的「質」越多,在子女認知能力上有顯著差異。 依據研究結果與討論,研究者提出相關的具體建議,以供教育、社會及後續研究作為參考。[[abstract]]This research is to study the context of language use of new immigrant families and to further discuss how the diversity of children’s cognitive ability can be affected by parents-children language interactions. This research applies the questionnaire inquisition to study the language use of new immigrant families and the language interactions between parents and children. The research tool is the “questionnaire on language use of new immigrant families.” To observe children’s cognitive ability, quantitative methods such as “Test of Nonverbal Intelligence-Third Edition” (TONI-3) and “Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised” (PPVT-R) are applied. The research subjects are 84 pairs of primary school students and their foreign mothers from the new immigrant families in Taipei. The received information is analyzed by the methods of Descriptive statistics, Chi-squared test, Pearson''s product moment correlation, Paired Sample T-Test, Independent sample T test, and One-way ANOVA. The results received can be concluded as following: 1.Fathers in new immigrant families mainly speak Taiwanese, and their foreign spouses use Mandarin at home. The linguistic interaction between parents and children is most frequently conducted in Mandarin. Most of the children from new immigrant families understand more than two languages. 2.Children from new immigrant families tend to have higher nonlinguistic cognitive abilities than the cognitive abilities. 3.The educational attainment of foreign spouses makes differences in “children’s language use”, “children’s cognitive abilities”, and the “frequency of linguistic interactions with children”. 4.There are distinguished differences in children’s language use for “children’s cognitive abilities” and for “foreign spouses who use mother tongue to interact with their children”. 5.New immigrant families’ attitude toward foreign spouses speaking mother tongue with their children makes difference in their “frequency of linguistic interactions with children”. 6.The more “quantity” of linguistic interactions that foreign spouses speak Mandarin to their children, the more distinction appears on children’s cognitive abilities. 7.The higher “quality” of cognitive abilities-related activities between foreign mothers and their children, the more distinction appears on children’s cognitive abilities. In the basis of the results and discussion of the study, the researcher thereby proposed several practical suggestions for education, society and further researches.[[tableofcontents]]第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究問題 5 第三節 名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 語言與認知之相關理論與研究 8 第二節 雙語與認知之相關理論與研究 17 第三節 新移民家庭子女語言與認知之相關研究 28 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究架構 39 第二節 研究對象 40 第三節 研究工具 42 第四節 實施程序 48 第五節 資料處理方法 51 第四章 研究結果分析與討論 第一節 新移民家庭之語言使用狀況 53 第二節 新移民家庭子女非語文與語文認知能力之分析與討論 61 第三節 不同背景變項之新移民家庭在語言使用狀況、子女認知 能力以及母子女語言互動上之差異情形 65 第四節 新移民家庭之語言使用狀況在子女認知能力、母子女語言 互動上之差異情形 81 第五節 母子女語言互動狀況在子女認知能力上之差異情形 89 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論 98 第二節 建議 102 參考文獻. 106 附錄一:預試問卷 114 附錄二:中文正式問卷 118 附錄三:英文正式問卷 121 附錄四:越南語正式問卷 125 附錄五:印尼語正式問卷 128 表目錄 表2-1 三到八歲兒童的認知能力與特徵摘要表......................13 表2-2 雙語與認知之相關研究.....................................23 表2-3 新移民家庭子女其語言及認知之相關研究....................32 表2-4 學前3~6 歲兒童的發展重點與新移民家庭子女可能的發展危機37 表3-2-1 台北縣市新移民家庭子女之研究樣本人數分配...............40 表3-2-2 台北縣市新移民家庭子女之基本資料........................41 表3-4-1 母子女語言互動量表之預試問卷信度分析...................44 表3-4-2 母子女語言互動量表之正式問卷信度分析...................45 表4-1-1 新移民家庭父母親背景資料統計表..........................54 表4-1-2 新移民家庭父母親語言使用狀況統計表......................55 表4-1-3 外籍配偶本國語之語言程度統計表..........................55 表4-1-4 新移民家庭父母親最常與子女使用的語言之統計表..........56 表4-1-5 新移民家庭子女會說的語言統計表.........................57 表4-1-6 新移民家庭子女會聽的語言統計表.........................57 表4-1-7 新移民家庭對外籍配偶與子女說母語之態度統計表..........58 表4-2-1 新移民家庭子女認知測驗百分等級統計表...................61 表4-2-2 新移民家庭子女兩項認知測驗中得分高低統計表............62 表4-2-3 新移民家庭子女之非語文及語文認知測驗之積差相關矩陣....63 表4-2-4 新移民家庭子女之非語文及語文認知測驗之成對樣本t 檢定分析摘要63 表4-3-1 父親的教育程度與子女語言使用狀況之卡方考驗分析摘要....66 表4-3-2 外籍配偶的教育程度與子女語言使用狀況之卡方考驗分析摘要66 表4-3-3 父親的職業類別與子女語言使用狀況之卡方考驗分析摘要....67 表4-3-4 父親教育程度與其對外籍配偶說母語態度之卡方考驗分析摘要67 表4-3-5 父親的職業類別與其對外籍配偶說母語態度之卡方考驗分析摘要..68 表4-3-6 不同教育程度之新移民家庭父親在子女認知能力之變異數差異分析摘要69 表4-3-7 不同教育程度之外籍配偶在子女認知能力之變異數差異分析摘要..70 表4-3-8 不同職業類別之父親在子女認知能力之變異數差異分析摘要..71 表4-3-9 母子女語言互動狀況及各層面得分之平均數及標準差........72 表4-3-10 母子女語言互動量表各題目之平均數與標準差摘要..........73 表4-3-11 不同教育程度之父親在母子女語言互動之變異數差異分析摘要 ..........................................................74 表4-3-12 不同教育程度之外籍配偶在母子女語言互動之變異數差異分析摘要75 表4-3-13 不同職業類別之父親在母子女語言互動之變異數差異分析摘要 ..........................................................76 表4-3-14 各背景變項下語言使用狀況、子女認知能力及母子女語言互動 狀況之差異綜合比較.......................................78 表4-4-1 外籍配偶本國語之語言程度在子女認知能力之差異分析摘要..82 表4-4-2 新移民家庭對外籍配偶說母語之態度在子女認知能力之差異分析摘要82 表4-4-3 新移民家庭子女之語言使用狀況在認知能力上之差異分析摘要83 表4-4-4 外籍配偶本國語之語言程度在母子女語言互動之差異分析摘要85 表4-4-5 新移民家庭對外籍配偶說母語之態度在母子女語言互動之差異分析摘要85 表4-4-6 新移民家庭子女之語言使用狀況在母子女語言互動之變異數差異分析摘要 ..........................................................86 表4-4-7 語言使用狀況在子女認知能力及母子女語言互動狀況之差異綜合比較87 表4-5-1 母子女互動頻率在子女認知能力之差異分析摘要.............90 表4-5-2 外籍配偶用本國語指導作業頻率在子女認知能力之差異分析摘要....90 表4-5-3 外籍配偶用本國語說故事的頻率在子女認知能力之差異分析摘要..91 表4-5-4 母子女母語使用頻率在子女認知能力之差異分析摘要.........93 表4-5-5 外籍配偶用母語指導作業頻率在子女認知能力之差異分析摘要94 表4-5-6 外籍配偶用母語說故事的頻率在子女認知能力之差異分析摘要95 表4-5-7 母子女語言互動頻率在子女認知能力之差異綜合比較.........95 圖目錄 圖2-1 雙語程度及認知作用之關係....................................19 圖2-2 雙語程度與認知能力之相關情形................................20 圖3-1-1 研究架構圖.................................................39 圖3-5-1 實施程序...................................................50[[note]]學號: 692130056, 學年度: 9

    Genomic analysis of autism spectrum disorder and identification of a novel disease gene NEO1

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    Being a highly heritable neurodevelopmental disease, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects a staggering number of individuals globally with considerable impairments in social interactions and communications. With the immense clinical and genetic heterogeneity, elucidating the underlying pathogenesis of ASD is deemed to be exceedingly challenging. The advances in high throughput next-generation sequencing (NGS) and the increasing utilisation of chromosomal microarray in the recent decade result in tremendous developments in the understanding on the genetic basis of ASD. In this study, these two technologies were applied to dissect the intriguing genetic aetiology of ASD. A cohort of 68 Chinese patients from Hong Kong was recruited consisting both adult and paediatric subjects. Array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was performed for the cohort identifying eight clinically significant copy number variants (CNV). The overall diagnostic yield of array CGH was 11.8%. Microduplication at chromosome 16p13.11 was most frequently detected with four positive cases contributing to 5.9% of the cohort. Among the clinically significant CNV, microdeletion at chromosome 15q24 was detected in one subject and this is a recurrent genomic aberration reported in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. To decipher the culprit of ASD in this region, a targeted PCR-based enrichment method was developed using next-generation sequencing to decode all the genes in 15q24 region that listed in the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database. Of note, a missense variant and an intronic duplication were identified in NEO1 gene that encodes for neogenin with critical role in interneuron migration and exon guidance, the key pathways in the pathogenesis of ASD. Essentially, the missense variant c.3388C>T (p.Arg1130Cys) impaired the nuclear translocation of neogenin whereas the intronic duplication c.2204-14_2204-2dup predicted to create a cryptic lariat branch point lowering the splicing efficiency. Seemingly, these results provided the first evidence establishing the link between NEO1 and a human phenotype of autism. Apart from the identification of novel disease genes, several methods were developed to study the diverse aetiology of ASD. Notably, the link between mitochondrial disorders and autistic features is widely recognised. Using next-generation sequencing, a whole mitochondrial genome sequencing method using long-range PCR as enrichment was established. The method was validated in DNA samples extracted from blood and urine, which was deemed to be a robust and comprehensive approach to identify mitochondrial mutations. Furthermore, a targeted gene panel consisting key genes that evidently linked to autism were developed using NGS. The genes in the panel include MECP2, PTEN, NLGN3, NRXN1, CNTNAP2 and SHANK3. The method allowed simultaneous analysis of multiple ASD genes in a single analytical run. By and large, the implications of the findings from the present study can be enormous. The CNV spectrum of ASD in the Hong Kong Chinese population was delineated. NEO1 was identified to be the novel disease gene of ASD. These results certainly enhanced the understanding of the genetic basis underpinning the pathogenesis of ASD and promoted the prospect of innovative diagnostics and therapeutics.published_or_final_versionPathologyDoctoralDoctor of Philosoph

    Technical Research, Innovation and Application in Agricultural Marketing (II)

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    本研究含括七個子計畫:首先,加強國產農產品品牌與認證制度之研究:探討消費者對果菜的認知和市場競爭性,並特別對都會地區的消費者行為進行賒解.其次,加強國產品促銷之研究;檢討目前的促銷方式,研擬配套,同時以台中縣為例,嘗試構建國產農產品的網路.第三,擴大直接運銷通路建立多元化運銷通路之研究;探討農產品直接運銷通路多元化之現況、課題,分析有機蔬菜的運銷通路及直銷效益.第四、改進農產品批發市場交易效率之研究;包括探討花卉批發市場決價效率和輔導西螺果菜市場正常營運兩項.第五、強調農會和產銷班間的資訊互動,強調資訊化自動化運銷作業環境.第六、農產品批發市場轉型活化之研究.含括魚類和果菜批發市場兩類.第七、蔬果之採收後處理:低溫冷藏、低溫運銷,含括預冷設備和作業規範之研擬.This research endeavor includes seven sub-foci. The first is the enhancement of the branding and certification system for local agricultural produce. Consumer recognition of local fruits and vegetables and their market demand (compared with the demand of imported produce) is analyzed with a particular focus on consumer behavior in metropolis areas. The second is an evaluation of the promotions of local agricultural produce. The current methods of promotion are examined which then provide an idea of public means. In addition, an internet information system of the local agricultural produce of Taichung prefecture is established. The third is an extension of direct marketing channels in order to establish diversified marketing linkage. The current status of direct marketing channels of agricultural produce is evaluated. A special emphasis is placed on the marketing channels of organic vegetables as well as the benefits of direct marketing. The fourth is the improvement of trading in agricultural wholesale markets. This includes the efficiency of both flower wholesale market pricing and the managerial assistance of the Hsilo fruit and vegetable wholesale markets. The fifth is the creation of a more informative environment that enables better communication between farmers' associations and production marketing groups. The sixth is the transformation and activation of the agricultural wholesale market. This includes fish wholesale markets as well as fruit and vegetable wholesale markets. The seventh is the post-harvest handling of fruit and vegetable produce. This procedure entails the maintenance and marketing of produce at low temperatures. The usage of pre-cooling equipment and proper handling practices are also examined