15 research outputs found

    明治期の武士道についての一考察 - 新渡戸稲造『武士道』を中心に -

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    The Perception of Bushido Reflected in the Modern Japanese Literary Works - In Relation to a Rightist Slant -

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    The statistics of urological operations performed at our Department from 1977 to 1981 were reviewed. During the 5 year period, 1, 816 patients were admitted to our clinic, and 1, 896 urological operations were performed on 1, 505 patients. These operations were compared with earlier statistics for three periods (1957-1966, 1967-1971 and 1972-1976), and the recent trend of urological operations was investigated. Compared with earlier periods, operations on the kidney and urinary bladder have gradually increased, but those on the urethra have greatly decreased. Nephrectomy was previously the most frequent operation, but during the recent 5 year period TUR-Bt was the most frequent. Renal al-10transplantations have increased. Autotransplantation was introduced during this period and performed on 15 patients. Transurethral operations on the bladder and the prostate have still increased. For bladder tumors, TUR-Bt or total cystectomy with urinary diversion was performed, and the indications for total cystectomy were discretely decided after TUR-Bt or TU-biopsy. The prognosis of urinary diversion such as ileal conduit and colonic conduit has been better than in the preceding 5-year period. Splenectomy was introduced during this period, and it was performed on 15 patients at renal allotransplantation to prevent the induction of leucocytopenia by immunosuppressing agents

    Clinical evaluation on ofloxacin administered once daily in the treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis

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    女子急性単純性膀胱炎の126例に対し, OFLX 300mg 1日1回3日間投与と, 同薬100mg 1日3回3日間投与の比較検討をした。UTI薬効評価可能のそれぞれ, 42例と43例とでは, ともに総合臨床効果の98%を呈するなど, 自覚症状・膿尿・細菌尿に対する効果も主治医による効果判定にも, あるいは第7病日における再発検討にても, ほとんど両群に差をみとめなかった。自覚的副作用は両群あわせてもわずかに1.2%であり, 全例に臨検値を検討しなかったため, 概括安全度に対する検討は不十分であったA comparative study of ofloxacin (OFLX), a new oral quinolone, was carried out at the Department of Urology, Osaka University Hospital and its eighteen affiliated hospitals to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of daily dose of 300 mg, given either once daily dose (SID group), or in three divided doses (TID group), in the treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis in women. Clinical efficacy was evaluated in 42 cases from the SID group, and 43 cases from TID group, respectively, according to the criteria by the Japanese UTI Committee. In the SID group, the clinical efficacy was evaluated as excellent in 29 cases, moderate in 12 and poor in 1, with an overall clinical effectiveness rate of 98%. In the TID group, it was evaluated as excellent in 25 cases, moderate in 17 and poor in 1, with an overall clinical effectiveness rate of 98%. Safety was monitored only by subjective complaints. In the SID group, no subjective side effects appeared (0%). In the TID group, one of the 43 women (2.3%) complained of borborygmus. These findings suggest that there was no significant difference between the two groups in the safety and efficacy of ofloxacin