22 research outputs found
Analysis on Influential Factors of the Preference for Old-age Support among Elder People in Urban and Rural Areas of Xiamen
目的研究城乡老年人养老意愿的影响因素,为优化配置养老资源和提高老年人生活质量提供依据。方法采用多阶段抽样方法对厦门市60岁以上常住老年人进行问卷; 调查,采用多分类logistic回归分析城乡老年人养老意愿影响因素。结果有效调查问卷城区652份、农村622份。城、乡老年人选择家庭养老、社区居; 家养老、机构养老和暂未考虑比例分别为67.5%、18.6%、12.7%、1.2%和71.1%、23.1%、4.7%、1.1%,差异有统计学意义(; P <0.05),且城乡老年人在文化程度、患慢性病、子女是否提供养老费、退休金以及距最近医疗单位的距离等方面分布差异也有统计学意义(P; <0.05)。以家庭养老为参照,城乡,年龄大于80岁者更倾向于机构养老(城、乡的OR(95% CI)分别为3.84(1.845; ~7.99)和3.64(1.07 ~12.47)),距最近医疗单位较远者倾向于社区居家养老(城、乡的OR(95% CI)分别为1.73(1.04; ~2.86)和2.12(1.31; ~3.42))。但城区老年人文化程度较高、退休金较多和子女有提供养老费者更愿意选择非家庭养老,而农村在婚老年人倾向于选择机构养老。结论城乡老年人; 养老意愿均以家庭养老为主,但农村老年人更倾向于社区居家养老,城区老年人更倾向于机构养老,城乡间的经济、文化差异是造成这种差异的主要原因。建议除强; 化家庭养老的功能外,应针对城乡差异合理配置城乡养老资源。Objective To study the influential factors about the preference for; old-age support among the urban and rural elder people,and provide; theoretical basis for optimum allocation of supporting resources along; with greater improvement of life quality for the aged. Methods Based on; the multi-stage sampling method,a survey was conducted among senior; residents older than 60 years old in Xiamen by means of questionnaire.; Chi-square test was used to compare the differences of basic information; between the elderly who lived in the urban and rural areas while; multinomial logistic regression played a role in analyzing the factors; which influenced the old people,s preference for old-age support.; Results 1274 valid questionnaires were obtained, including 652 from; urban and 622 from rural areas. The percentage of elderly people who; would like to live with family support, community-based support at; home,organization support or choice not-considered were 67. 5%,18.; 6%,12. 7% and 1. 2% in urban areas,and as for the countryside those were; 71. 1%,23. 1%,4. 7% and 1. 1%,which were statistically significant (P <; 0. 05). The differences between urban and rural old people were also; statistically significant on the aspects of their education levels,; condition of chronic diseases,pension costs from children,retirement; pension,distance from the nearest medical unit (P < 0. 05). To take; family support as reference,no matter in urban and rural areas,the; elderly older than 80 years old were more likely to choose organization; support;and people who lived far away from the nearest medical unit; would prefer community-based support at home. However,the urban old-aged; with higher education levels,more retirement pension and who got pension; from children were more likely to live without family support,while; rural old people who got married preferred organization support.; Conclusion Family support was the main choice for the elderly from both; urban and rural areas. However,the aging in countryside preferred; community-based support at home and urban old people tended to choose; organization support. The difference of local economy and culture; between urban and rural areas was the key reason. Therefore,apart from; strengthening the function of family support,pension resources should be; appropriately allocated aimed at those differences between urban and; rural areas.国家自然科学基金项目; 厦门大学大学生创新训练项
Research on On-Demand Partial Topology Routing Algorithm in Satellite Network
本文首先总结了近十年来的卫星网络路由算法的研究成果,然后仿真分析了低轨卫星星座网络的运行特性以及现有路由协议在卫星网络环境下的缺陷,最后借鉴DARTING Algorithm、Datagram Routing Algorithm以及Ad hoc网络路由协议的思想,提出了一种按需局部拓扑路由算法(On-Demand Partial Topology Algorithm, OPTR)及相应协议。仿真结果表明,OPTR协议在生成的最小传输延时路由的同时,有效地避免了低轨卫星网络高度动态拓扑特性对路由协议收敛时间的限制,同时通过路由缓存有效地减少了协议带来的额外开销。
选择典型的低轨卫星星座(LEO极轨星座、LEO Walker星座)进行网络特性的分析,同时通过将已有的地面网络路由协议(RIP、OSPF协议)运行于卫星网络中,通过对仿真结果的分析明确在设计卫星网络路由协议时应着重考虑的因素。
借鉴DARTING Algorithm、Datagram Routing Algorithm以及Ad hoc网络路由协议的思想,提出了一种的按需局部拓扑路由算法及协议。
简单介绍了多径路由以及Qos路由的相关研究。Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) satellite network has already been used in voice and narrow-band data services. Compared with synchronization satellite network, LEO satellite network is much more complex, but LEO network make small ground terminals use satellite communication service possible and provides lower transfer delay and frequency reuse. LEO network can provide global connection through inter-satellite links based on packet-switching services.
As a special mobile network, LEO satellite network has constraints on many aspects, such as on-board storage, CPU speed and link bandwidth, compared with ground routing devices. Meanwhile, due to the highly mobility characteristic of LEO network and the unstable wireless communication, the existing routing algorithms are not suitable for directly use in LEO network. So it’s important to devise a stable and high efficiency routing algorithm.
First, the research on satellite network routing algorithms of the passed ten years were summarized and the exist routing protocols were analyzed, then using the concepts of Darting algorithm, Datagram Routing Algorithm, Ad hoc network routing for reference, a simple but efficient routing algorithm named On-Demand Partial Topology Routing Algorithm is devised and verified on OPNET platform.
This essay is mainly divided into five parts, including:
1. The Analysis of LEO Network Characteristics
Analyze the characteristics of LEO networks, using single-layer LEO polar orbit constellation and single-layer LEO Walker constellation. Applying the existing ground routing protocol such as RIP, OSPF on LEO networks to identify the key problems should be considered when designing a new protocols.
2. Introduction to On-Demand Partial Topology Routing Algorithm and Protocol
Base on the practical requirements, and use the concepts of Darting algorithm, Datagram routing algorithm and Ad hoc network routing protocol for references, The OPRT algorithm and its protocol are introduced in detail.
3. Introduction to Emulator of OPTR Protocol
Introduction to the OPNET simulation platform which is widely used in network simulation, then present the architecture of simulation program from the three layer views of network models, node models and process models.
4. Analysis of Simulation Result and Protocol Improvement
The Simulation result of the OPTR protocol is analyzed and further improvement, such as multi-path routing, is considered.
5. Further Research
Multi-path routing algorithm and Qos routing issue are discusse
吾研習主義二年餘,益覺中山先生思想之廣博淵深,而每念其救國圖強嘉惠人群之良志美意,則至感動焉。尤以此次為文經歷實際資料之徵引與理論之發闡,故領會更為真切。在本文之撰述過程中,對先生膽識之超卓至為敬佩。其中感受特深者,厥有左列三大勝義:其一,闢妄義-民國八年後,馬列思想寖盛,國人多為其所迷惑。繄獨先生,明其得失,知其利害,而駁斥其妄謬。於今證之,亦莫不皆然,故此義至為透闢。其二;薪傳義-民初崇洋之風蔚為時尚,而反傳統文化之風橫行。其唯先生,深識其意義,肯定其價值,而揭櫫傳揚道統之大纛,期挽狂瀾於既倒,使中華文化未因之而中墜,故此義特見深宏。其三,時新義-先生更融鑄古今中外學術思想之精華,手創三民主義,懸之為建國救世之理想宏鵠。非但賡續民族文化,且使之日新又新生生不息而創進不已,故此義尤屬高遠。此三義至為切要,亦是反共復國之指標。唯起初國人並未能深識先生謀國為世之苦心,故雖言者諄諄,然聽者藐藐,甚或有河漢其為空言者,故民國建設遲滯不展,後復逢內憂外患文侵,致國故湮沉,赤氛杌隉,而十億生靈遂輾轉於極權暴政之統治下。此誠良可慨嘆者也。苟國人能識先生之深意,明辨共產學說之妄謬,或可免此一亙古未有之浩劫。故吾人撫今追昔,策勵來茲,尤當引以為殷鑑。本文承趙師洪慈之殷切指導;備極辛勞,特致最誠摯之謝意。而所長楊師樹藩之釋解疑難、廖立宇老師之照顧關懷以及曾中明學長、楊慧玲同學之提供資料與胡元輝同學之幫借書籍,惠助良多,亦至誠感謝。再則,上課期間受蕭師錚、周師世輔、吳師寄萍、唐師振楚、張師亞澐、陸師民仁、馬師起華、胡師良珍、蔣師永敬之教誨啟迪,獲益匪淺;以及蒙警官學校李校長興唐之書信鼓勵、張師廷榮、萬師筱泉與馬師傳鎮之時常垂詢學業生活、倍感溫馨,併此申謝。翁振耀 誌於政大研男舍 B402室民國七十二年一月十五
A study of Chang Yin-huan
published_or_final_versionChinese Historical StudiesMasterMaster of Art
Studies on the plasmids from Aeromonas hydrophila and construction of the expression vector
嗜水性產氣單胞桿菌為革蘭氏陰性、兼性厭氧性菌,廣泛的存在於各類水域之中,一般被視為伺機性病原菌,對於人類及動物均有致病力。由於目前為止仍然缺乏適當的選殖系統可供研究其基因功能,所以本研究的目標是利用 Aeromonas 屬內生質體與大腸桿菌之載體融合,建構成複製區域選殖載體。爲得到 Aeromonas 屬內生質體,因此我們檢測 Aeromonas 菌株之臨床及環境分離株共70株之質體存在,發現有 4 株臨床株及 4 株環境株帶有質體。所有質體以限制酶進行切割,由其切割後之片段與標準品比較計算質體的大小,分別為:臨床株中 pAH 32為17 Kb、pAH 35為15kb;環境株中pAH 132、pAH 169、pAH191均為2.4kb。再選取其中限制酶切位較多之質體pAH 35為研究對象,將其切割成適當之片段與載體融合,製作成找尋複製區域之質體。我們將質體送入大腸桿菌複製放大數量後,再利用電穿孔法轉形入嗜水性產氣單胞桿菌,利用抗生素作為標記篩選出帶有嗜水性產氣單胞桿菌質體中複製區域的重組質體。利用網路核酸資料庫 NCBI 比對其序列,發現其與 Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strain A449.質體 pAsa2有極高之相似性。該質體為ColE1-type plasmid ,因此本質體亦可能為 ColE1-type plasmid,我們針對此質體探討其複製起始點,並製作穿梭載體。本實驗中,質體pAH35的複製區域尚未得到證實。Aeromonas hydrophila is a gram negative, facultatively anaerobic freshwater bacterium, occurring widely in aquatic environment. It has been indicated as a factor causing diseases in humans and animals. As there was no suitable system to study the gene function in Aeromonas spp. The purpose of this work is to construct vectors which contain replication origin by fuse the vector of E.coli with indigenous plasmids of Aeromonas hydrophila. In order to get indigenous plasmids of Aeromonas, we examined the plasmid carriage rate of a total 70 clinical and environmental Aeromonas isolates. Four clinical Aeromonas species, AH25, AH32, AH35, AH69 and four environmental Aeromonas species carry plasmids. All plasmids were examined after digestion with restriction endonucleases. Restriction endonucleases fragments were sized by comparison with standard marker. Plasmids of clinical Aeromonas species, pAH 32、pAH 35, and environmental Aeromonas species, pAH 132、pAH 169、pAH191, could be digested by restriction endonucleases. The size of these plasmids are 17 Kb、15kb、2.4kb、2.4kb、2.4kb respectively. We had interest in Plasmid, pAH35, which had more restriction endonucleases digestive site than others. For this purpose, we fused vector of E.coli with fragment of indigenous plasmids in Aeromonas hydrophila to construct a replication origin-screening vector. We transformed these plasmids to E.coli to amplify them then transferred these vector into Aeromonas spp by electroporation.
Once the recombinant contains a replication origin from plasmid of Aeromonas hydrophila, antibitic trait is used as a selection marker as it is transformed into Aeromonas hydrophila. The plasmid which contains replication origin could be constructed an expressional vector. On the basis of similarity to other genes in the Gene Bank Database, NCBI, we found a fragment named pAH35-3 which similarity to a plasmid pAsa2 of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strain A449. Plasmid pAsa2 is the type of ColE1-type. We suggest plasmid pAH35 is a ColE1-type plasmid, too. In this work, we investigate the replication origin of this plasmid and try to construct a shuttle vector for this genus. In this work, the replication origin of plasmid pAH35 has not been confirmed.壹、前言
一、 Aeromonas hydrophila 之特性 1
(一) Aeromonas屬之分類 1
(二) Aeromonas hydrophila 之生理性質 4
(三) 培養特性 4
(四) 生長環境 5
1.溫度 5
2.酸鹼度pH 5
3.鹽類 6
4.氧氣 6
(五) 自然界中之分佈 6
(六) 食品中之分佈 7
二、Aeromonas hydrophila 之致病性 8
(一) 傳染途徑 8
(二) 動物感染之疾病與病徵 8
(三) 人類感染之疾病與病徵 10
(四) 感染控制 12
1. 抗生素 12
2. 疫苗 12
三、Aeromonas hydrophila的致病機制 13
(一) 菌體的附著與侵入 13
1. Fimbriae (pili) 13
2. Surface adhesin / lectin 14
(二) 細胞表層構造 14
1. S-Layer 14
2. OMP (outer membrane protein) 16
3. LPS (lipopolysaccharide endotoxin) 16
(三) 外泌性因子 17
1. Haemolysin (aerolysin) 17
2. Protease 19
3. Lipase 20
4. Enterotoxin 21
5. Cytotoxin 22
(四) 溫度對於Aeromonas hydrophila的致病性之影響 22
四、Aeromonas hydrophila的基因選殖方法 23
(一) 利用plasmid vector 24
(二) 利用cosmid vector 24
(三) 利用PCR 合成 25
(四) 利用transposon 25
五、質體的介紹 26
(一)質體複製的調控 26
研究動機與目的 28
貳、材料 31
一、菌株 31
二、質體 31
三、培養基 34
(一) LB medium 34
(二) LA medium 34
(三) Skim milk palte 34
四、藥品 36
五、儀器 36
參、研究方法 38
一、細菌培養與測定 38
(一)生長曲線測定 38
(二) 菌株特性分析 38
(1) Lipase activity assay 38
(2) Skim milk plate assay 39
二、質體剔除實驗 39
(一)剔除劑濃度選擇 39
(二)質體剔除 40
三、DNA操作 40
(一) 染色體DNA的抽取 40
(二) 小規模的質體製備 41
(三) 限制酶作用 43
(四) DNA 片段的回收---酒精沉澱法 44
(五) DNA 片段的回收---Viogene DNA extraction kit 45
(六) 去除DNA鏈的5'端磷酸基 46
(七) 接合反應 47
(八) 細胞轉形CaCl2法與受容細胞(competent cell)的製備 47
(九) 電轉形法(electroporation)與受容細胞的製備 49
(十) 質體快速檢驗法 51
(十一)DNA 電泳 51
(十二) PCR 52
肆、結果與討論 54
ㄧ、Aeromonas hydrophila質體找尋 54
(一) 質體檢測 54
(二) 質體限制酶切位找尋 54
(三) 質體copy number測定 54
二、Aeromonas hydrophila質體剔除(plasmid curring) 58
(一)質體剔除(plasmid curring) 58
(1)質體剔除劑濃度選擇 59
(2)質體剔除 59
(a) Aeromonas hdrophila 163株之剔除實驗 59
(b) Aeromonas hdrophila 35株之剔除實驗 59
(二)質體剔除株確認 60
(a) TCBS(thiosulphate-citrate-bile salt-sucrose)確認 60
(b) 抗生素確認 60
(三) 質體剔除株之特性分析 64
(1)質體剔除株在培養基上之外觀 64
(2)質體剔除株之分泌能力 64
(3)質體剔除株之溫度耐受性 66
(4)質體剔除株之抗生素耐受性 68
(5)質體剔除株之外泌性酵素活性 68
(a) Protease: 69
(b) Lipase : 69
(6)質體剔除株生長之比較 70
三、質體複製區域 75
(一)建構含Kanamycine基因的穿梭載體 75
(1) 建構穿梭載體 75
(2) 尋找複製區域之策略 76
(3) 進行重組質體序列分析 76
(4) 質體種類之比較 82
(5) 選殖推測之複製區域方法 82
四、利用Aeromonas hydrophila質體建構有km抗性之重組載體 86
(一)尋找複製源之策略 86
(1) 與pBluescriptⅡSK(-)重組 86
(2) Aeromonas hydrophila 質體pAH163之序列比對 87
(3) 重組質體複製區域之找尋 87
參考資料 9
Modeling of Bidirectional-Channel NoC
在網路晶片架構中,路由選擇演算法 (Routing Algorithm),流量控制(Flow Control)是兩個影響電路效能表現的因素。本文提出一個雙向網路晶片(BiNoC)的模型,根據這個模型,發展出雙向網路晶片中的雙向路由演算法以及一個應用時間分割多工的通道控制方法。雙向路由演算法使用雙向通道使得網路晶片中的封包可以選擇更多路由路徑;通道控制方法則可以根據晶片上封包的擁塞程度分配雙向通道的時間單位,這兩者均可以利用雙向網路晶片的特性來增進晶片中傳輸流量的平衡。本文利用一個精準時脈週期的測試環境進行模擬,對於在合成的交通型態傳輸情況下,提出的路由選擇演算法以及通道控制方法均可提升系統在雙向網路架構上的效能。Network on Chip (NoC) is an emerging design implemented in an SoC for the communication of IPs since the advence of deep sub-micron technology in recent years. This Thesis proposes a three-dimensional model for a Bi-directional NoC (BiNoC). This three-dimensional model inspires us with a new routing algorithm for BiNoC, called bidirectional routing (BI-Routing) and a flow control method for BiNoC, called time division multiplexing BiNoC (TDM-BiNoC). Bi-Routing is a fully adaptive routing algorithm using different layers in the proposed three-dimensional model to avoid deadlock without prohibiting any paths. TDM-BiNoC adopts the time division multiplexing concept in the three-dimensional model to release congestion and thus avoid deadlock. TDM-BiNoC dynamically allocates the time slots for the bidirectional channels. In summary, both our proposed Bi-Routing and TDM-BiNoC can increase the load balance of an NoC and reduce its latency. Experimental simulation results showed its better performance with admissible area, power, and timing overhead
An analysis of the provision of primary health care in Hong Kong
published_or_final_versionPublic AdministrationMasterMaster of Public Administratio