7 research outputs found
ヒト ジュウモウセイ ゴナドロビン ノ リンショウテキ イギ ト ソクテイ ニ オケル モンダイテン
Human chorionic gonadotropin is a glycoprotein hormone composed of α and β subunits, and shows a seat-belt structure three-dimensionally. The α subunit is identical to those of pituitary glycoprotein hormones, FSH, LH, and TSH. The biochemical characteristics of hCG, the amino acid sequences,carbohydrate structures, and biosynthetic pathways, were clarified in the 1970\u27s. Recent genomic studies demonstrated that hCG is coded by multiple copies of genes that form a cluster at 19q13.33 on chromosome 19. A novel hCG molecule with a different immunoreactivity has been identified. It has the same amino acid sequences as regular hCG (R-hCG), but has a higher carbohydrate content than regular hCG, and has therefore been named hyperglycosylated hCG (H-hCG). Although R-hCG is secreted by the syncytiotrophoblast, H-hCG is produced in the cytotrophoblast, and promotes the invasion of the fertilized ovum into the endometrium during the first two weeks of gestation. H-hCG is also secreted in choriocarcinoma and is related to malignancies. By the 1980\u27s, hCG was being measured immunologically using polyclonal antibodies. Sandwichimmunoassays with monoclonal antibodies and improved detection systems have now replaced the old immunoassay systems. The new systems have enabled the detection and discrimination of not only R-hCG and H-hCG but also various previously identified hCG-related peptides that result from degradation. However, false negative and false positive results, which are caused by increased levels of the hCG-related peptides and heterophilic antibodies, respectively, have been reported in some cases. To increase the accuracy of these analyses, specific protocols using both serum and urine as test samples should be applied to the measurement hCG levels, especially for diagnosis and treatment of choriocarcinoma
センモン エイゴ キョウイク ニ グループ セイサク オ トリイレル コト ノ ガクシュウ コウカ
本稿は、歯科衛生士を目指す大学生の専門英語科目「医療英語」で導入された「グループ制作」の効果を報告するものである。学生たちは小グループに分かれて、「子どもたちに口腔の健康について教える」という課題に取り組んだ。そこで英語を使った紙芝居などの媒体を自ら考えて制作した。英語で発信をする制作物の作成過程で、学生たちは専門英語を学ぶことに対する不安が軽減され、発信することへの関心や意欲が高まり、自らの手で完成させたことに達成感を得た。またグループ内の学生同士の関わりや他グループの制作を鑑賞することで、学生たちは「相手の立場に立ってわかりやすく伝える」ことの重要性に気づいた。一方で、伝えたいことを英語で自由に表現することができないというジレンマを訴えた学生が多かったという問題点も出た。制作発表を終えた時点で、学生はそれぞれが抱える英語学習の問題点を認識することができた。This paper reports effects of implementing cooperative learning in a course of English for specific purposes (hereafter, ESP) for first year university dental hygienist students. In the course, the students voluntarily formed a small group of two to five, and with the purpose of teaching children about oral health, each group created teaching aids, such as picture-story shows or puppet plays. As a result of working together, the students\u27 anxieties about learning ESP seemed to be reduced, whereas their interest and motivation toward output seemed to be increased. In the students\u27 post-activity reflections, the students reported feeling a sense of achievement with their fellow group members. Also, the interacting with fellow group members and the appreciating of production and performance by other groups seemed to make the students realize the importance of communication skills. The notion of audience dawned on the students, which resulted in their efforts to make their English easier and clearer for small children. Many of the students had difficulties in creating their production in English, however, and felt frustrated at not being able to express themselves freely. By the end of the group work every student reported becoming aware of her own problems in English learning, which included a lack of grammatical knowledge, vocabulary, and/or fluency
チ ノ ネットワーク セイチョウ モデル
知の創造プロセスに関する先行研究では、これまでいくつかのモデルが提唱されてきた。本稿で我々は、知の創造プロセスについて「増殖段階」「混在段階」「創造段階」の3段階からなる【知のネットワーク成長モデル】を新たに提唱する。本モデルが従来のモデルと異なる点は、知の創造理論について、数学の一分野であるノード(点)とエッジ(線)で結ばれた「グラフ」を用いたグラフ理論や、ライフサイエンスの分野である「タンパク質相互作用ネットワーク(PPI: Protein-Protein Interaction)」などを援用して、知の創造プロセスを提唱している点にある。さらに「混在段階」と「創造段階」の溝(キャズム)を越え、混在させた知に新しい価値を付加するためのセレンディピティの必要性についても言及している点にある。In this paper we describe a novel knowledge creation model, the "three-step knowledge network model," which comprises the propagation step, the mixing step, and the creation step. This model uses knowledge networks first proposed by Willard Van Orman Quine\u27s, and graph theory to describe the knowledge creation process. We use higher education as a example of knowledge creation that this model can describe, and in the future hope to apply this model to other phenomena
ネパール ニ オケル トキソプラズマショウ ノ ケッセイ エキガク チョウサ
We studied the seroprevalence of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies among inhabitants of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal (location of the capital, Kathmandu) and inhabitants of a village area in Lekhnath City, Kaski District (central Kathmandu), epal. A total of 376 serum samples were collected from apparently healthy participants. Toxoplasma antibodies (IgM and IgG) were detected by enzyme- linked fluorescent assay (ELFA). In the Kathmandu Valley, positive rates for Toxoplasma IgM and IgG antibodies were 1.4% (2/146) and 35.6% (52/146) respectively. In Lekhnath City, positive rates were 2.6% (6/230) for IgM antibodies and 60.4% for IgG antibodies, i.e., comparatively higher than those in the Kathmandu Valley. The higher prevalence of these antibodies in the Lekhnath City village area was associated with animal keeping in almost all households, while in the Kathmandu Valley only a few households kept animals. However, the seroprevalence of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in these areas was relatively high in each case. Environmental conditions may be responsible for the transmission of Toxo- plasma parasites in both areas
ネパール ノ Kaski チク ニ オケル セイカツスイ ノ ビョウゲンセイ ビセイブツ オセン ジッタイ チョウサ
Diarrheal disease is one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality particularly among children in the developing countries with poor water sanitation. In the rainy season of 2009, a study on enteropathogenic contamination was performed for the water supply in the Kaski District of Nepal. A total of 23 water samples, including 6 from Pokhara City (central city), 7 from Patneri Village (on the plain side), and 10 from Dhital Village (on the hill side) were investigated using a commercially available coliform bacilli kit, MPN Colilert (IDEXX Laboratories, USA). In total, 87% (20/23) water samples were positive for coliform bacilli (Escherichia coli) and 74% (17/23) for fecal coliform bacilli. All samples collected in Pokhara City and Dhital Village were positive for coliform bacilli while only 57% (4/7) of samples collected from Patneri Village were for coliform bacilli. With regard to fecal coliform bacilli, rates of positivity in these three locations were 100% (6/6), 80% (8/10), and 43% (3/7), respectively. Interestingly, water samples collected from schools at Dhital Village and Patneri Village showed both coliform bacilli and fecal coliform bacilli. These findings, particularly of fecal coliform contamination of water at schools, suggest the possibility of outbreaks of waterborne disease among children. We recommend effective sterilization of the water supply and improvement of knowledge of water safety in school children as well as people in general
インドネシア バリトウ ニ オケル シカ イリョウ ノ ジッタイ チョウサ ザイリュウ ホウジン ニ タイスル シカ シンリョウ ノ ゲンジョウ
インドネシア・バリ島において,在留邦人を対象とする歯科医院と協力して,バリ島における在留邦人に対 する歯科治療の現状を調査した。その結果,1.バリ島の邦人は海外の他の都市の邦人に比べ永住者が多かった。2.バリ島における歯科治療は日本の治療と異なるものが見られた。3.海外療養費の制度の認知度が低かった。 以上の結果から,在留邦人にとって歯科医療の充実度は満足のいくものではなかった。 バリ島では在留邦人のための適切な歯科サービスの提供が必要である。In cooperation with the dental clinic which intended for the Japanese residents in Bali Indonesia, we have investigated the condition of dental treatment in Bali.As a result,1. The number of Japanese permanent residents in Bali is greater than in other cities of Asia.2. The dental service in Bali is different from the way in Japan.3. The cash-back system of medical service in Japanese insurance system is not widely known to theJapanese in Bali. The findings indicate that the condition of dental treatment in Bali is not satisfactory to theJapanese residents. In Bali,the dental service appropriate to Japanese residents should be provided
インドネシア バリトウ ニ オケル シカ イリョウ ノ ジッタイ チョウサ ニホンジン コーディネーター ガ ジョウチュウ シテイル シカ イイン ノ ショシン カンジャ ニ ツイテ
バリ島の歯科医院の現状を把握することを目的に日本語の通じる歯科医院での初診患者を対象に検討を行っ た。その結果、以下の結論を得た。1.国別の結果は、日本人の患者が多いが評判により現地インドネシア人ばかりではなく、韓国、オーストラ リアなど、さまざまな国の患者がみられた。2.性別に関してはバリ島の日本人における居住人口に比例して女性が多数を示した。3.主訴に関しては、歯の問題を訴える患者がどの年代に関しても多数を占めた。また、中年層では主訴は歯肉の問題であり、その傾向は日本の歯科医院と類似していた。The purpose of this study was clarify the trend of first-visit patients of Japanese intelligible dental clinic in Bali. The results obtained were as follows 1.Many first -visit patients are Japanese(79%) and Indonesian(9%). Some of them are Koran, Australians. 2.In these patients the ratio of female showed a majority in proportion to Japanese residence population of Bali. 3.Concerning chief complain of these patients appeared tooth problems in all generations, gingival problems was increased in middle-aged patients. These results were similar to a Japanese dental status