5 research outputs found

    Lifestyle of People in Domkhar, Ladakh, Northwest part of India using Passometer : The amount of exercise and dietary habit

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    生活習慣病と診断された者の身体活動量として1 日の歩数を測定し, 彼らの生活実態を探ることを目的とした. 40歳以上のドムカルの住民(ラダーキー)のうち, 高血圧, 耐糖能異常のいずれかに該当した23名(平均年齢61歳, 男性13名 女性10 名)の歩数を1-3 日間にわたって測定した. 年齢と歩数には負の相関が見られ(r =-0.71, p<0.001), 平均歩数は男性8603歩, 女性5821歩であった. 以前は, 粗食だが活動量が多い状態に身体が慣れていた. しかし, 近年のライフスタイルの変化により食事の質・量共に多くなるとともに活動量が低下したため生活習慣病が増大している可能性がある. 今後は地域の生活習慣や実状を更に探求し, 生活改善とADL低下予防を併せた運動介入を考慮する必要がある.Objective of the study is to investigate the daily activities of people with hypertension or diabetes using a pedometer to count daily walking steps in one day. We measured walking steps during 1-3days in 23 subjects aged 40 years or over (mean age: 61years old, male/female:13/10) diagnosed as cases of hypertension or impaired glucose tolerance in Domkhar village. There was a significant negative correlation between age and walking steps (r =-0.71, p<0.001). The average walking steps in one day were 8603 in male and 5821 in female, respectively. It is assumed that lifestyle-related diseases are increasing in Domkhar village due to modern lifestyle change. Traditional lifestyle with simple meals and hard labor activities have changed into modernized one with a increase in taking high calories and a decrease in daily physical activities. Education and promotion of healthy exercise and diet might be recommended for prevention of aggravation in ADL accompanying lifestyle-related diseases

    Glucose Intolerance and Hypoxia in Tibetan Highlanders : Review on Verification of Diabetes Acceleration Hypothesis

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    特集2: 総合地球環境学研究所「高所プロジェクト」特集 = Special Issue 2: The High Altitude Project in Research Institute for Humanity and Nature本稿は, 高所プロジェクトの提唱してきた「糖尿病アクセル仮説」の一部について検証した科学論文 (Glucose intolerance associated with hypoxia in people living at high altitudes in the Tibetan highland. BMJ open 2016) のレビューである。耐糖能障害がライフスタイルと低酸素血症といかに関連するかを, 中国からインドにわたるチベット高原 (2900-4800m) の1258人の住民において研究された。社会経済的要因, 高度3500m 以上在住, および低酸素血症が, 高所住民の耐糖能異常の増加に大きく関与していることが報告された。低酸素血症, 多血症, 耐糖能異常の3者には密接な関係があり, 加齢とライフスタイル変化がその関係を促進している (糖尿病アクセル仮説) ことが検証された。The association between glucose intolerance and high altitudes (2900-4900m) was clarified in Tibetan highlanders. The hypothesis was verified that dwelling at high altitudes have vulnerability to diabetes accelerated by lifestyle change or aging. 1258 subjects (40-87 years) were examined; farmers in Domkhar (2900-3800m), nomads in Haiyan, Ryuho, and Changthang (3000-4800m), and urban dwellers in Leh and Jiegu (3300-3700m). The prevalence of glucose intolerance was higher in urban dwellers and in farmers compared with nomads. Dwelling at a higher altitude was significantly associated with fasting hyperglycemia (odds ratios for >4500 and 3500-3999m were 3. 59 and 2. 07 vs 1.0 ; <3500m) by multiple logistic regression analysis with adjustment of age, sex, and confounding factors. Further hypoxemia and polycythemia were closely associated with glucose intolerance. Socioeconomic factors, hypoxemia, and the effects of altitudes over 3500m play a major role in the high prevalence of glucose intolerance in highlanders. Tibetan highlanders may be vulnerable to glucose intolerance, with polycythemia as a sign of poor hypoxic adaptation, accelerated by lifestyle change and aging

    Biochemical Responses in Pines Infected with Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.

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    Localized Cutaneous Cryptococcosis Effectively Treated with Aggressive Debridement and Oral Itraconazole

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    IDCU40 : 千葉大学工学部工業意匠学科同窓会会員作品集

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