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    Effect of Training, Growing Season and Plant Density on Yields and Fruit Quality of Sweet Pepper ''Lustro'' (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    本試驗以彩色甜椒‘羅拉’為材料,研究整枝方式、栽培季節及栽培密度對袋耕彩色甜椒果實產量與品質的影響。試驗一分別於2008年10月6日至2009年4月10日(秋冬季)及2009年2月23日至2009年7月10日(春夏季)進行,比較單幹整枝、雙幹整枝及不整枝三種處理在不同栽培季節對果實產量與品質的影響;試驗二於2009年2月23日至2009年7月10日(春夏季)進行,分單幹整枝6株/袋、雙幹整枝6株/袋(2.5株/m2)、單幹整枝4株/袋、雙幹整枝4株/袋(1.7株/m2)等四種處理,比較整枝方式在不同栽培密度下對果實產量與品質的影響 。 試驗一結果顯示,單株之總果數不論於秋冬季或春夏季皆以不整枝最大,與整枝間有顯著差異,分別為10.9 粒/株及5.0 粒/株,秋冬季雙幹整枝大於單幹整枝,春夏季雙幹整枝與單幹整枝無顯著差異,平均雙幹整枝大於單幹整枝。單株總果重不論於秋冬季或春夏季皆以不整枝最大,與整枝間有顯著差異,分別為1288.9 g/株及581.1 g/株,雙幹整枝與單幹整枝無顯著差異。單株可販售果數及果重不論於秋冬季或春夏季皆以不整枝最大,與整枝間有顯著差異,秋冬季分別為5.7 粒/株及987.6 g/株,春夏季分別為3.2 粒/株及424.4 g/株,雙幹整枝與單幹整枝無顯著差異。單株中大果數及果重於秋冬季以整枝最大,與不整枝間有顯著差異,單幹整枝與雙幹整枝無顯著差異,分別為單幹整枝之2.5 粒/株及609.9 g/株,雙幹整枝之2.3 粒/株及546.2 g/株,三種處理結果於春夏季無顯著差異。單株小果數及果重不論於秋冬季或春夏季皆以不整枝最大,與整枝間有顯著差異,秋冬季分別為4.0 粒/株及608.9 g/株,春夏季分別為3.1 粒/株及408.1 g/株,秋冬季雙幹整枝大於單幹整枝,春夏季單幹整枝與雙幹整枝無顯著差異。平均單果重不論於秋冬季或春夏季皆以單幹整枝最大,與雙幹整枝及不整枝間有顯著差異,分別為秋冬季之177.0 g/粒及春夏季之146.7 g/粒,秋冬季雙幹整枝大於不整枝,春夏季雙幹整枝與不整枝無顯著差異,平均雙幹整枝大於不整枝。果實品質指標如果實硬度、果肉厚度、可溶性固形物、維生素C含量等,於不同整枝處理間無顯著差異,果實硬度、可溶性固形物、維生素C含量為秋冬季顯著大於春夏季。 試驗二結果顯示,栽培密度不影響單株果數及果重、可販售果數及果重、中大果數及果重、平均單果重及果實品質,但密度增加會增加單位面積總果數及果重、單位面積小果數及果重,且會減少單位面積罹病果數及果重。 綜合試驗結果,單株之總產量(含果數及果重)及小果產量以不整枝最大,中大果產量以單幹整枝或雙幹整枝最大,平均單果重以單幹整枝最大;不同栽培季節下無論總產量、中大果產量、平均單果重以及果實品質,秋冬季皆大於春夏季;栽培密度增加會提高單位面積總產量、單位面積可販售果產量及單位面積小果產量,且會減少單位面積罹病果產量,但不影響單株產量及可販售果產量、單位面積中大果產量、平均單果重及果實品質。 由以上結果得知,台灣地區溫室袋耕彩色甜椒的生產,因受到季節性溫度高低的影響,平地適合於秋季至春季,夏季宜選擇中高海拔地區栽培,周年性之生產仍以中高海拔地區較有利,但冬季應保溫以縮短生產週期;整枝雖然會降低總產量,但卻會增加中大果的數量,秋冬季價格高,上價與下價差異大,適合採整枝栽培,單幹整枝之平均單果重顯著大於雙幹整枝,建議採單幹整枝,春夏季價格低,上價與下價差異較小,為節省勞力可採不整枝栽培;栽培密度每袋6株之單位面積總產量大於每袋4株之產量,密度高並有利於降低罹病果比例,可否更密植值得後續研究;整枝處理雖耗費較多勞力成本,但整枝後可節省農藥使用量及噴藥費用,採收、分級包裝費用會降低,總產量雖然降低,但中大果比例較高,相對售價較高,整體的利潤高低亦值得評估比較。The objective of this study was to compare the effect of training method, growing season and plant density on yields and fruit quality of sweet pepper‘Lustro'(Capsicum annuum L.). Sweet pepper plants were grown in peat-moss based soil bags in the plastic greenhouse for two seasons, the Autumn-Winter season and the Spring-Summer season, separately in Pu-Li. Yields and fruit quality of the plants were evaluated in both two seasons in the first trial under different training methods, single-stem pruning, twin-stem pruning, and non- pruning, respectively. And were evaluated in the second trial conducted also in the Autumn-Winter season in four treatments, single-stem pruning with 1.7 plants/m2 and 2.5 plants/m2 , twin-stem pruning with 1.7 plants/m2 , and 2.5 plants/m2 , respectively. The total fruit number was greatest in non-pruned plants in both seasons, and was greater in twin-stem than in single-stem pruned plants in the Autumn-Winter season, but there was no difference between twin-stem and single-stem pruned plants in the Spring-Summer season. The total fruit weight was greatest in non-pruned plants in both seasons, but there was no difference between twin-stem and single-stem pruned plants in both seasons. Both of the marketable fruit number and fruit weight were greatest in non-pruned plants in both seasons, but there was no difference between twin-stem and single-stem pruned plants in both seasons. Both of the medium-to-large fruit number and fruit weight were greatest in pruned plants in the Autumn-Winter season, but there was no difference between twin-stem and single-stem pruned plants. And there was no difference among non, twin-stem and single-stem pruned plants in the Spring-Summer season. Both of the small fruit number and weight were greatest in non-pruned plants in both seasons. And were greater in twin-stem than in single-stem pruned plants in the Autumn-Winter season. There was no difference between twin-stem and single-stem pruned plants in the Spring-Summer season. The average fruit weight was greatest in single-stem in both seasons. And was greater in twin-stem than in non pruned plants in the Autumn-Winter season. But there was no difference between twin-stem and non pruned plants in the Spring-Summer season. The training methods did not affect the fruit quality characteristics like hardness, thickness, total soluable solids content, Vitamin C content, seed number and seed weight of the fruit. The total fruit yields, marketable fruit yields, and small fruit yields per square meter were grater in plant density 2.5 plants/m2 than in 1.7 plants/m2 . But there was no difference in medium-to-large fruit yield and average fruit weight between them. The plant density did not affect the fruit quality characteristics like hardness, thickness, total soluable solids content, Vitamin C content, seed number and seed weight of the fruit. In summary, the total fruit yields and small fruit yields of sweet pepper were greatest in non-pruned plants. The medium-to-large fruit yields were greater in pruned plants than in non-pruned plants, but there was no difference in pruned plants between single-stem and twin-stem pruned plants. The average fruit weight was greatest in single-stem pruned plants. The total fruit yields, marketable fruit yields, and small fruit yields per square meter will increase when plant density was from 1.7 plants/m2 to 2.5 plants/m2 . But there was no difference in medium-to-large fruit yields and average fruit weight between them. The training methods and plant density did not affect the fruit quality. The yields and fruit quality was greater in Autumn-Winter season than in Spring-Summer season.目錄 壹、 前言 1 貳、 前人研究 3 一、 甜椒概述 3 二、 甜椒的落花、落蕾、落果 6 三、 尻 腐 病 8 四、 整枝 9 五、 栽培密度 10 參、 材料與方法 11 一、 試驗材料 11 二、 試驗方法 11 三、 調查項目與方法: 13 四、 統計分析: 14 肆、 試驗結果 16 一、 整枝及季節對彩色甜椒‘羅 拉’果實產量與品質的影響 16 二、 整枝及密度對春夏季彩色甜椒‘ 羅 拉’果實產量與品質的影響 24 伍、 討論 56 一、 整枝對植株生育與果實產量、品質的影響 56 二、 栽培密度對植株生育與果實產量、品質的影響 58 三、 栽培季節對植株生育與果實產量、品質的影響 60 陸、 結論 63 柒、 參考文獻 64 捌、 附錄 7