22 research outputs found


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    目次:   Ⅰ はじめに   i 問題の背景   ii 問題提起   iii 本稿の構成   Ⅱ 物権法と取引の安全   i ドイツ商法典における動産の善意取得に関する特則   ii 中国物権法における取引安全保護   iii 小括   Ⅲ 物権法と商事取引の多様性   i 商事取引の多様性及びその影響   ii 中国物権法が用意する「多様性的」物権   iii 小括   Ⅳ 物権法と商事取引の利便性   i 関係に関する概述及び立法例   ii 中国物権法と商事の利便性   iii 小括   Ⅴ むすび   i 全体に対する評価:民法の開放と商法の現状   ii 残された課題:埃はいつ落下する

    大黄の生薬学的研究(第3報): 中国の民間で使用されるRheum属植物について(その1)

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    著者らはこれまでに中国で産出される漢薬「大黄」のうち, 正品大黄3種3)および非正品大黄3種1)の原植物を生薬学的に検討し, 報告してきた. これらはすべてタデ科のRheum属植物の地下部に由来するものであるが, すでに報告した6種以外にも他の多くの同属植物が民間的に, あるいはチベット民族をはじめとする少数民族により, 清熱解毒, 抗炎症, 止血, 止そう瀉薬などとして利用されているとする報告がある4)(TABLE I). しかし, これらの植物についての組織形態学的研究は全くなされていないので, 今回これら地方的に用いられているRheum属植物由来の生薬の鑑別方法を確立する目的で, まず四川省の甘孜および阿項チベット民族自治州Y\u27て採集しえたRheum属植物5種すなわちR.lhasaenseA.J.Li et P.K.HSIAO, R.kialense FRANCH, R.delavayi FRANCH, Rpumilum MAXIM., R.adexandrae BATAL., の地下部の内部形態を検討したので報告する. 「実験の部」1.材料 本実験に使用した植物標本はすべて富山医科薬科大学和漢薬研究所民族薬物資料館ならびに北京医科大学生薬学教研室に同一ロットが保管されている. The underground parts of many Rheum spp., including the six Rheum spp. of official and un-official Da-huang (rhubarb) described in our previous papers, are used as folk medicine in certain districts of China. In this paper will be reported the results of a comparative anatomical study of the underground parts of five Rheum spp., i.e., Rheum lhasaense, R. kialense, R. delavayi, R. pumilum and R. alexandrae, collected from Tibetan autonomous prefectures of Sichuan Province of China. The results are as follows: (1) the rhizomes and roots of the above five spp. can be distinguished from each other by the presence or absence of aerenchyma and by the extent of development of aerenchyma; the presence or absence of lignified vessels and their extent of lignification; the diameter and shape of clustered crystals; the arrangement of medullary rays, etc.; (2) the underground parts of the five spp. can be distinguished from the Da-huang derived from the six Rheum spp. previously reported by us, i.e., R. palmatum, R. tanguticum, R. officinale, R. emodi, R. hotaoense and R. franzenbachii, by the absence of both star-spots and mucilage cavities, by the presence of lignified vessels (three of the five species) or, if the vessels are not lignified, by the arrangement of vessels in groups (the other two species) etc.; (3) in the rhizome and root of R. kialense, a kind of clustered crystals of calcium oxalate whose length is two or three times its diameter was observed


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    「人参葉」の生薬学的研究(第1報): Panax ginseng C. A. MEYERに由来する市場品

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    The botanical origin of Ginseng Folium (人参葉,Ren-shen-ye), a Chinese crude drug used for diseases of the viscera, is examined. The morphological and anatomical characteristics of the leaf and stem of Panax ginseng C. A. MEYER cultivated in China for 1 to 5 or 6 years are described. It is found that the vessels increase in number and diameter, and also the vascular bundles increase in number, as the plant becomes old. The result shows that the commercial "Ren-shen-ye" samples on the markets of Beijing, Kunming, Guilin, Chong-ging, Changsha and Hongkong have been derived from the leaf and stem of 3- to 5- or 6-year-old P. ginseng plants, most of them being 5- or 6-year-old. The commercial "Ren-shen-ye" derived from other Panax species will be reported in the next paper


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    「人参葉」の生薬学的研究(第2報): Panax pseudo-ginseng WALL.の変種に由来する市場品

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    In the previous paper, studies of the "Ren-shen-ye" (Ginseng Folium) derived from Panax ginseng C. A. MEYER were reported. This paper describes anatomical studies of five varieties of Panax pseudo-ginseng WALL., namely, var. japonicus HOO et TSENG, var. angustifolius LI, var. elegantior Hoo et TSENG, var. bipinnatifidus LI and var. notoginseng HOO et TSENG, and the commercial "Ren-shen-ye" derived from some of these varieties. The results show that i) these five varieties can be distinguished from one another by the differences in the number and diameter of the vessels in the petioles, the relative thickness of the upper projection of the petiolules, the presence of palisade tissue, and they can also be differentiated from P. ginseng in the relative thickness of the upper and lower projections of the midrib; ii) P. pseudo-ginseng var. japonicus obtained from China, Japan and Nepal can be distinguished from one another by the presence of fibrous bundle sheath in the petiolule, or by its shape; iii) the commercial "Ren-shen-ye" produced in Shaanxi is derived from the leaf and stem of P. pseudoginseng var. japonicus (P. pseudo-ginseng var. major LI), while the "Ren-shen-ye" from Shanghai market is from the leaf and stem of P. pseudo-ginseng var. elegantior. Anatomical characters, useful for the identification of Panax species in China, Japan and Nepal are provided