98 research outputs found
Two Cases of Prosthetic Treatment to Mandibular Defect by Partial Mandibuloectomy
The authors have treated two patients (Case I : 68-year-old woman and Case II:48-year-old man), having defects part of the mandibule by partial ectomy because of ameloblastoma and malignant tumor of tongue respectively. The facial form and oral function of the patients were restored by dentures for their mandibular defect, using a Swing Lock Attachment in Case I , a part of hinge joint in Case II. But, a little unsatisfactory result was remained, such as the regio-submandibularis form in Case I and the swallowing desturbance in Case II. Then, the authors considered that there were necessities to improve prosthetic treatment methods and the quality of the material
Transision in the Number of Wisdom teeth of Matsumoto Dental College Undergraduate Clinic Students Part II
This survey was made on 1428 wisdom teeth of 581 undergradute students of Matsumoto Dental College (♂497, ♀84) who received dental clinic trainings in the years 1980, 1981, and 1982, respectively. 1) The eruption of wisdom teeth was observed in 1063 teeth of 500 students out 1328 teeth of 581 examinees. 2) The eruption of all 4 wisdom teeth was observed in 106 cases, while that of only the lower 2 in 34 cases. 3) In cases with all 4 wisdom teeth, most of the root apices completed their formation while in the impacted cases root apices were incompleted. 4) As to the inclination of the wisdom teeth examined, the following distribution was observed; vertical-889, mesical or horizontal-418, distal-72, cheek-tongue-49. 5) During the examinees\u27 clinic practice, 278 wisdom teeth out of 1428 teeth were extracted (1150 teeth remaining). The number of wisdom teeth that had received surgical treatment was 284. Their classifications are as follows; anti-inflammatory drugs (+) and extraction (-)……6 teeth anti-inflammatory drugs (+) and extraction (+)……6 teeth anti inflammatory drugs (-) and extraction (+)……272 teet
Transition in the Number of Wisdom Teeth of Matsumoto Dental College Undergraduate Clinic Students Part III
The transition of the 638 wisdom teeth of 227 undergraduate students (239 males and 38 females) during the year 1983-1984 was investigated and compared with the results obtained in the reports I and II. 1) About 90.6% of the students were 20 to 25 years old. 2) The members of eruption teeth with complete and incomplete root apices in the maxillo-mandible were 1550 and 79 respectively. In impact teeth, the number of the teeth with complete root apices was 593 and that of the teeth with incomplete root apices was 192. This indicates that complete root apices are more numerous in eruption teeth than in impact teeth. 3) The inclination of most of wisdom teeth in the maxilla are vertical. The mandible also tended to have more vertical wisdom teeth. 4) Wisdom teeth did not appear to be utilized as the teeth for restoration. 5) The number of wisdom teeth that had received surgical treatment was 646. Their classification is as follows; anti-inflammatory drugs (+) and extraction (-)……33 teeth anti-inflammatory drugs (+) and extraction (+)……47 teeth anti-inflammatory drugs (-) and extraction (+)……566 teet
ホイクエン ノ キュウショク ト ホイク ノ レンケイ
横浜市金沢区ゆめ和柳町ほいくえんは、前身の横浜保育室「ゆめ和ほいくえん」設立時から、特に「食べること」が重要と考えてきた。指導監査で「メニュー」を豊富にするようにとの指摘を受け、給食メニューの改善を行った。改善の取り組みは、「子どもたちが興味を引くようなネーミング」や「大皿料理」、「鍋料理」に広がり、「日本全国いただきま~すマップ」の作成にいたるなどメニューの豊富さにとどまらず、食文化伝承の意図も含むものとなった。保育内容にも影響を与えるようになり、保育全体の中での位置づけが模索され、保育内容向上への保育職と調理職の連携が進行中である。子どもたちは、食が進むと共に興味関心が広がった。保育所(園)では、これまで「食育」としての食文化(行事食・地域食)の研究があまりなされていないが、保育内容を高めるために意図的に取り組むことが重要である。実践例とメニューの写真を資料として整理添付した。 Since the founding of the forerunner day-care centre “Yume Wa Hoikuen”- Yume Waryu TownHoikuen- in Yokohama city’s Kanazawa ward,‘ eating well’ has always been considered to be extremely important. After inspections and recommendations suggested that the staff of day-care centres should try to provide a more varied selection of food, improvements were made to the lunch menu. This purpose of this process was to widen the selection of food provided. This was achieved through‘ renaming food in interesting ways to appeal to children’‘, meals served on large plates’‘, meals served in hot pots’, and the‘ National Japanese“ Itadakimaasu”map’, an initiative which has also fostered a deeper interest in food and the handing down of food culture. The improvements made to the day-care centre( nursery school) lunch menu have influenced childcare itself. Cooking staff and the childcare providers have therefore been working together for the purposes of improving childcare in general. The children have expanded their interests in food and also developed better appetites. There has been only limited research thus far into the incorporation o‘f event food’ and‘ regional food’ but they would seem to be valuable factors in the improvement of childcare that should be utilized. Examples of the initiatives carried out and photographs of food offered on the expanded menu have been attached
ホイクエン ノ キュウショク ト ホイク ノ レンケイ 2
給食担当者と保育担当者が連携する.保育園の給食の場面を通して保育に食文化を取り入れること,それによって保育全体を豊かにしようとする研究の2 報である. 保育者集団の食に関する意識が必ずしも高まらない中で,一クラスの担任と給食が取り組んだ子どものお店体験・お店ごっこの実践の報告である. お店体験により高まったイメージが日常の保育に行かされるようになった. また給食担当者の課題意識は,保育担当者より以上に保育の基本にそったものであった.What would become of the situation at nursery school when the person in charge of lunch servicecollaborates with the person in charge of childcare? Here are two research reports on efforts to improve childcare in general by incorporating dietary culture into childcare through lunch served at nursery school. The reports include practical efforts made by a care provider and a lunch server who are in charge of the same class under the theme of Hands-on Shopkeeper/Playing Shopkeeper, a program for children. These efforts occur in a context where awareness among childcare workers about the eating habits of nursery school children is rather slow in growing. With the aim of applying an enhanced vision through Hands-on Shopkeeper Program to daily childcare, the lunch server and the care provider should share a common vision. The research revealed that those who were engaged in lunch service were more consciously sticking to the basics of childcare than care providers themselves
Clinical early phase II study of bicalutamide (Casodex) in patients with prostatic cancer
ビカルタミド1日1回50mg群, 80mg及び100mgを12週間投与する3群比較の無作為化非盲検試験を実施した. 1)登録症例は124例で, 適格例は122例であった. 2)総合効果における奏効率は50mg群, 80mg群及び100mg群でそれぞれ50.5%, 61.0%及び53.7%であった. 3)PSAに対する奏効率は50mg群, 80mg群及び100mg群でそれぞれ84.2%, 92.7%及び97.6%であった. 4)副作用発現率は3群ほぼ6割で副作用による中止例は80mg群の1例のみで, 安全度において3群間に有意差はなかった.主な副作用は乳房腫脹, 乳房圧痛等であったTo investigate the efficacy and safety of bicalutamide (Casodex(R)) with its clinically recommended dose, the randomized early phase II study was performed in 124 patients with prostatic cancer (stage C, D). The patients were given 50, 80 or 100 mg of bicalutamide orally once a day in fixed doses for 12 weeks ; 122 patients were eligible for evaluation. The overall response rate was 50.0% (20/40); 61.0% (25/41) and 53.7% (22/41) in the 50 mg, 80 mg and 100 mg groups, respectively. The response rate in prostate lesion, bone and lymph node metastases was slightly higher in the 80 mg group than in the 50 mg and 100 mg groups. The proportion of patients showing a response with regard to serum PSA (CR and PR) was 84.2, 92.7 and 97.6% in the 50, 80 and 100 mg groups, respectively. The incidence of adverse reactions was 65.0, 61.0 and 61.0% in the 50, 80 and 100 mg groups, respectively, and there was no significant difference in overall safety rating in the three groups. Frequent adverse reactions were gynecomastia and breast pain. Only one patient in the 80 ing group was withdrawn due to shortness of breath. Serum concentrations of LH, testosterone and estradiol increased significantly after treatment. Bicalutamide was concluded to be effective and well tolerated in patients with prostatic cancer, and its recommended dose was 80 mg once daily
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