3 research outputs found

    The Crazy Yang Bros (C): Innovating with a New Crowdsourcing Platform

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    本系列案例深入剖析了“疯狂小杨哥”的商业模式创新历程,由A、B、C三个子案例组成。 A案例描述了小杨哥从搞笑短视频主播成功转型为带货主播,并最终成为抖音平台首个拥有超过一亿粉丝的带货达人的故事。然而,随着小杨哥的流量和商业价值不断攀升,出现了一些剪辑师,他们将小杨哥的直播视频剪辑成各种短视频,然后通过自己的网络账号传播,试图从中牟利,导致了一些消费者的混淆和困惑。面对这些未经授权的切片账号,小杨哥将如何应对? B案例展示了小杨哥的解决方式,即为视频剪辑者提供授权,从而探索了直播切片分销市场。这一商业模式创新不仅增加了小杨哥的收益,还使剪辑师、消费者等各方获益。然而,随着授权账号的增多,直播切片市场逐渐出现“内卷”现象。小杨哥应该如何应对这一问题? C案例介绍了小杨哥创立众小二平台,采用新的商业模式创新来解决直播切片市场的“内卷”问题。众小二平台吸引了大量直播切片剪辑师与主播达人进行合作,也规范了直播切片市场,为小杨哥及利益相关者带来了许多好处。然而,这也引发了一系列质疑,如激烈的竞争和产品安全等。由此引发了对众小二未来发展的思考:小杨哥如何找到一条可持续发展之道,以扩大“众小二”这块蛋糕? 本案例展示了小杨哥的三次商业模式创新过程,以及其中的利益相关者格局的变化。这个过程环环相扣,层层递进,每一轮商业模式创新都出现了问题,随后又用新的创新方法巧妙地解决。通过商业模式创新,小杨哥不断增加了总体价值,使所有利益相关者受益,是一个值得学习和借鉴的案例。This series of cases explores the development of Crazy Yang Bros' innovative business model. The cases include A, B, and C. Case A shares the journey of Crazy Yang Bros, who successfully transitioned from a comedic short video blogger to a live commerce anchor, becoming the first on Douyin to acquire over a hundred million followers. However, as Yang's popularity and commercial value increased, unauthorized editors begun clipping his live-stream videos into short snippets and spreading them through their own online channels for profit. This caused confusion among consumers. How should Yang tackle these unauthorized accounts? Case B describes Yang's approach: he authorized video editors with the aim of exploring the live-stream clip distribution market. This business model increased his earnings and benefited all stakeholders, including editors and consumers. However, as the number of authorized accounts grew, the live-stream clipping market started to become a “rat race.” How should Yang respond to this challenge? Case C presents Yang's innovative solution to this issue: Zhongxiaoer, an online flexible employment platform. This new business model addressed the fierce competition in the live-stream clipping market. The platform attracted a plethora of live-stream clip editors and anchors, regulated the live-stream clipping market, and offered numerous benefits for Yang and other stakeholders. However, this raised questions about fierce competition and product safety, leading to discussions about the future growth of Zhongxiaoer. The main concern was how Yang can establish a sustainable strategy to expand the market. These cases chronicle the three phases of Yang's business model innovation and the shifting stakeholder dynamics. Each stage was closely related to the next, where each round of business model innovation brought new challenges that were cleverly resolved with innovative solutions. Through continuous innovation in business models, Crazy Yang Bros enhanced the overall value and benefited all stakeholders, making it a valuable case for learning

    The Crazy Yang Bros (A): Revolutionizing Live Commerce with Comedy

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    本系列案例深入剖析了“疯狂小杨哥”的商业模式创新历程,由A、B、C三个子案例组成。 A案例描述了小杨哥从搞笑短视频主播成功转型为带货主播,并最终成为抖音平台首个拥有超过一亿粉丝的带货达人的故事。然而,随着小杨哥的流量和商业价值不断攀升,出现了一些剪辑师,他们将小杨哥的直播视频剪辑成各种短视频,然后通过自己的网络账号传播,试图从中牟利,导致了一些消费者的混淆和困惑。面对这些未经授权的切片账号,小杨哥将如何应对? B案例展示了小杨哥的解决方式,即为视频剪辑者提供授权,从而探索了直播切片分销市场。这一商业模式创新不仅增加了小杨哥的收益,还使剪辑师、消费者等各方获益。然而,随着授权账号的增多,直播切片市场逐渐出现“内卷”现象。小杨哥应该如何应对这一问题? C案例介绍了小杨哥创立众小二平台,采用新的商业模式创新来解决直播切片市场的“内卷”问题。众小二平台吸引了大量直播切片剪辑师与主播达人进行合作,也规范了直播切片市场,为小杨哥及利益相关者带来了许多好处。然而,这也引发了一系列质疑,如激烈的竞争和产品安全等。由此引发了对众小二未来发展的思考:小杨哥如何找到一条可持续发展之道,以扩大“众小二”这块蛋糕? 本案例展示了小杨哥的三次商业模式创新过程,以及其中的利益相关者格局的变化。这个过程环环相扣,层层递进,每一轮商业模式创新都出现了问题,随后又用新的创新方法巧妙地解决。通过商业模式创新,小杨哥不断增加了总体价值,使所有利益相关者受益,是一个值得学习和借鉴的案例。This series of cases explores the development of Crazy Yang Bros' innovative business model. The cases include A, B, and C. Case A shares the journey of Crazy Yang Bros, who successfully transitioned from a comedic short video blogger to a live commerce anchor, becoming the first on Douyin to acquire over a hundred million followers. However, as Yang's popularity and commercial value increased, unauthorized editors begun clipping his live-stream videos into short snippets and spreading them through their own online channels for profit. This caused confusion among consumers. How should Yang tackle these unauthorized accounts? Case B describes Yang's approach: he authorized video editors with the aim of exploring the live-stream clip distribution market. This business model increased his earnings and benefited all stakeholders, including editors and consumers. However, as the number of authorized accounts grew, the live-stream clipping market started to become a “rat race.” How should Yang respond to this challenge? Case C presents Yang's innovative solution to this issue: Zhongxiaoer, an online flexible employment platform. This new business model addressed the fierce competition in the live-stream clipping market. The platform attracted a plethora of live-stream clip editors and anchors, regulated the live-stream clipping market, and offered numerous benefits for Yang and other stakeholders. However, this raised questions about fierce competition and product safety, leading to discussions about the future growth of Zhongxiaoer. The main concern was how Yang can establish a sustainable strategy to expand the market. These cases chronicle the three phases of Yang's business model innovation and the shifting stakeholder dynamics. Each stage was closely related to the next, where each round of business model innovation brought new challenges that were cleverly resolved with innovative solutions. Through continuous innovation in business models, Crazy Yang Bros enhanced the overall value and benefited all stakeholders, making it a valuable case for learning

    The Crazy Yang Bros (B): Pioneering Livestream Clip Distribution

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    本系列案例深入剖析了“疯狂小杨哥”的商业模式创新历程,由A、B、C三个子案例组成。 A案例描述了小杨哥从搞笑短视频主播成功转型为带货主播,并最终成为抖音平台首个拥有超过一亿粉丝的带货达人的故事。然而,随着小杨哥的流量和商业价值不断攀升,出现了一些剪辑师,他们将小杨哥的直播视频剪辑成各种短视频,然后通过自己的网络账号传播,试图从中牟利,导致了一些消费者的混淆和困惑。面对这些未经授权的切片账号,小杨哥将如何应对? B案例展示了小杨哥的解决方式,即为视频剪辑者提供授权,从而探索了直播切片分销市场。这一商业模式创新不仅增加了小杨哥的收益,还使剪辑师、消费者等各方获益。然而,随着授权账号的增多,直播切片市场逐渐出现“内卷”现象。小杨哥应该如何应对这一问题? C案例介绍了小杨哥创立众小二平台,采用新的商业模式创新来解决直播切片市场的“内卷”问题。众小二平台吸引了大量直播切片剪辑师与主播达人进行合作,也规范了直播切片市场,为小杨哥及利益相关者带来了许多好处。然而,这也引发了一系列质疑,如激烈的竞争和产品安全等。由此引发了对众小二未来发展的思考:小杨哥如何找到一条可持续发展之道,以扩大“众小二”这块蛋糕? 本案例展示了小杨哥的三次商业模式创新过程,以及其中的利益相关者格局的变化。这个过程环环相扣,层层递进,每一轮商业模式创新都出现了问题,随后又用新的创新方法巧妙地解决。通过商业模式创新,小杨哥不断增加了总体价值,使所有利益相关者受益,是一个值得学习和借鉴的案例。This series of cases explores the development of Crazy Yang Bros' innovative business model. The cases include A, B, and C. Case A shares the journey of Crazy Yang Bros, who successfully transitioned from a comedic short video blogger to a live commerce anchor, becoming the first on Douyin to acquire over a hundred million followers. However, as Yang's popularity and commercial value increased, unauthorized editors begun clipping his live-stream videos into short snippets and spreading them through their own online channels for profit. This caused confusion among consumers. How should Yang tackle these unauthorized accounts? Case B describes Yang's approach: he authorized video editors with the aim of exploring the live-stream clip distribution market. This business model increased his earnings and benefited all stakeholders, including editors and consumers. However, as the number of authorized accounts grew, the live-stream clipping market started to become a “rat race.” How should Yang respond to this challenge? Case C presents Yang's innovative solution to this issue: Zhongxiaoer, an online flexible employment platform. This new business model addressed the fierce competition in the live-stream clipping market. The platform attracted a plethora of live-stream clip editors and anchors, regulated the live-stream clipping market, and offered numerous benefits for Yang and other stakeholders. However, this raised questions about fierce competition and product safety, leading to discussions about the future growth of Zhongxiaoer. The main concern was how Yang can establish a sustainable strategy to expand the market. These cases chronicle the three phases of Yang's business model innovation and the shifting stakeholder dynamics. Each stage was closely related to the next, where each round of business model innovation brought new challenges that were cleverly resolved with innovative solutions. Through continuous innovation in business models, Crazy Yang Bros enhanced the overall value and benefited all stakeholders, making it a valuable case for learning