260 research outputs found

    Application of Stochastic Resonance Technology in Underwater Acoustic Detection

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    从七十年代至今,随着探索和开发海洋程度的加深,水声通信技术得到了迅猛地发展。水声信号的检测与增强是水声通信的关键技术之一。本文从随机共振理论具有在信噪比低的环境下能准确检测和增强弱信号的特点出发,将随机共振技术应用于水声探测信号的检测中去,以实现弱信号的增强。但经典随机共振理论是针对于低频周期信号开展研究的,而水声通信中的探测信号通常为淹没于各种不同噪声中的高频段Chirp信号。结合随机共振理论具有在信噪比低的环境下能准确检测和提取弱信号的特点,加入对系统参数选取的自适应算法,在高频段Chirp信号在水声通信的传输过程中,利用双稳态随机共振系统对信号进行预处理,实现海洋环境噪声能量到信号能量的...Since the seventy's, along with the development and utilization of ocean, underwater acoustic communication technology obtained rapid development.Detection and enhancement of underwater acoustic signal and is one of the key techniques of underwater acoustic communication. This paper focus on enhancing the weak signal based on the stochastic resonance theory can accurately detect and enhance the ch...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_通信与信息系统学号:2332012115297

    A Study on the Issue with respect to Application of National Treatment Standard in IIAs

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    国民待遇标准的作用在于保护外国投资者不因国籍而受到东道国的歧视。为了取得与内国投资者平等的竞争机会,越来越多的外国投资者援用国际投资协定中的国民待遇条款保护自己的利益。在国际仲裁实践中,国民待遇标准需要根据个案的情形具体确定如何适用。不过,在纷繁复杂的国民待遇案例中,判断“相当情形”和进行“待遇比较”是两个恒定的中心问题。此外,国民待遇标准的适用还需要考虑保护主义动机的证明、国民待遇标准在一国地方层面的适用和国民待遇例外条款是否可以援引等问题。晚近,国际仲裁庭对国民待遇的适用虽然缺乏明晰统一的标准,但是我们仍然可以借此看到国际仲裁实践中国民待遇理论的斑驳,为我国今后在缔结对外投资协定时完善国民...The purpose of national treatment is to protect foreign investors from nationality-based discrimination by the host state. For competing with domestic investors equally, more and more foreign investors invoke national treatment clauses in IIAs to protect their interests. In international arbitration practice, how to apply national treatment standard depends on the specific facts of each case. Howe...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_国际法学(含国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法)学号:1362008115074


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    Identification of differentially expressed genes in the brain of Sebastiscus marmoratus in response to tributyltin and polychlorinated biphenyls exposure and preliminary function analysis of a novel gene NSP17

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    本实验以我国沿海常见的鱼类褐菖鲉(Sebastiscusmarmoratus)为主要研究对象,分别对三丁基锡(tributyltin,TBT)和多氯联苯(polychlorinatedbiphenyls,PCBs)急性暴露后鱼脑组织差异表达基因进行了筛选分析。采用的TBT浓度为500μg/Kg,PCBs浓度为3mg/Kg,通过腹腔注射对鱼体进行急性暴露,于暴露后3天取脑组织,分别利用抑制性差减杂交(suppressionPCRsubtractivehybridization,SSH)、基于引物退火控制技术的差异显示RT-PCR(AnnealControlPrimer-baseddifferen...In this study, marine fish Sebastiscus marmoratus was adopted as experimental animal. 3 experimental approaches: 2-dimension electrophoresis system (2-DE), subtracted suppressive hybridization (SSH), and annealing control primer-based differential display reverse transcription PCR (ACP-ddRT-PCR) methodology, were employed to investigate differentially expressed genes in the brain of S. marmoratus ...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_动物学学号:2162006015329

    Tributyltin (TBT)-triggered apoptosis in human hepatoma G2 cells: involvement of DNA damage response signal transductions

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    三丁基锡(Tributyltin,TBT)是人类活动带入环境中的最具毒性的化学品之一,目前已对环境造成广泛的污染。目前研究已发现了TBT所具有的多种多样的毒性效应,其中引发细胞凋亡被认为是这众多的毒性效应在细胞层面的机制基础,然而目前TBT引发细胞凋亡的详细机制仍不清楚。TBT引发的DNA损伤在近年来被研究者所关注,然而相应的响应机制以及其与TBT诱发的细胞凋亡的关系目前还未见报道。本研究拟利用不同浓度的TBT,以人肝癌细胞株HepG2为实验模型,研究TBT对细胞中DNA损伤修复能力的影响,同时探讨其与TBT诱发的细胞凋亡之间的关系。研究利用1-4µMTBT暴露HepG2细胞3hr...Tributyltin (TBT) is one of the most toxic lipophilic pollutants produced by human activities and distributed in the environment. The toxic effects of TBT have been extensively documented in several types of cells, and the induction of apoptosis may be the most important cellular events involved in the mechanism of those toxicities, but the precise mechanisms underlying TBT-induced apoptosis are f...学位:博士后院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋生物学学号:201017000


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    中国人日本語学習者の授受表現の習得状況に関する一考察 : 「コメントカード」から抽出した文に基づいて

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    授受表現は日本語特有の表現形式の一つである.「恩恵」,「視点」,「ウチとソト」などに関わることなので,外国人日本語学習者にとって,習得は困難だと考えられる.これまでの研究では,アンケート調査と文法テストなどを通して,学習者の習得状況を分析するのが一般的である.しかし,質問紙を使った調査は,被験者に研究者の目的を提示する危険があると指摘されている.そのため,より客観的なデータを得るために,本稿は自由に書かれた「コメントカード」を分析対象とし,中国人日本語学習者の授受表 現の習得状況を日本語母語話者と比較しながら,考察を行った.その結果,中国人日本語学習者の授受表現の「非用」1 が目立つとともに,「てくれる」の過剰使用も観察できた. また,「恩恵」に対する理解が不十分であることが分かった.これらの特徴は,中国人日本語学習者に授受表現を教える際の手掛かりになるのではないかと思われる

    Design and measurements of the high gradient accelerating structures

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    The purpose of this thesis was to study on design and measurements of the high gradient accelerating structures. After introducing the main parameters to characterize Linacs we explained the application of the periodic accelerating structure. Then we studied TW accelerating structure operating at K-band frequency in order to linearize longitudinal space phase to increase beam brightness in the framework of the Compact Light XLS project in order to produce hard x-ray. We estimated group velocity as a function of frequency both analytically and numerically. Analytical results have a good agreement with the numerical results. The main parameters such as shunt impedance, quality factor (Geometric factor) and R/Q independently from the operating frequency for the TM010, TM110 and TM011 for a single cylindrical “pill-box” have been determined analytically as they provide accurate model for the accelerating structures. In order to characterize a normal conducting high accelerating structure with maximum gradients operating at X-band with extremely low probability of RF breakdown, an electroformed SW structures has been fabricated and characterized by SLAC and INFN with collaboration of other institute around the world at 11.424 GHz, coated with Au-Ni. We designed a gold plate RF high gradient structure operating at the X- band coated with Au-Ni. Bench measurements have been performed in the Department of SBAI of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. The Slater method for the SW cavity has been employed in order to quantify the electric field inside the structure. Comparing the results with the results exposed from HFSS we report the features that have been quantified, showing good agreement. We continued working on the perturbation effect due to the aperture coupled between a waveguide and a cavity but for our application in SW multi-cell high gradient accelerating structure we studied on theoretical approach for reflection coefficient calculation in a SW cavity coupled to a waveguide. One method was based on circuit theory in which we found the overall Q of a resonant circuit for a cavity coupled to an external waveguide containing the RF generator. Q calculation led to the determining of the shunt impedance and consequently the reflection coefficient calculation. Comparison of the results shows a good agreement with the numerical results carried out by using the numerical code, HFSS. Another method of reflection coefficient calculation has been accomplished. We applied the modified Bethe’s theory presented by Collin and developed by De santis, Mostacci and L.Palumbo for TM01 mode cavities coupled by a small hole with a thickness size comparable to the wavelength. The amplitudes of forward and backward waves due to polarizabilites have been determined and we found equations for reflection and transmission coefficients. We demonstrated that our equation for reflection coefficient calculation is an analogous of the reflection coefficient obtained by Collin for TE10 using the circuit theory


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