10 research outputs found

    Sakana no shitsumoncho

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    Sakana no seikatsu

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    As we are so often visited by terrible earthquakes, the unusual phenomena of the natural world accompanying them have long been observed by many scientists as well as laymen. Accordingly, papers dealing with the abnormal behaviour of fishes prior to an earthquake are exceedingly numerous all of which have been systematically embodied in the report of Mr. K. Musya. Prof. T. Terada. has recently made a statistical investigation of the effects of the Idu earthquakes eu the horse-mackerel and bluefin tuna fisheries, Prof. S. Hatai has studied biologically the responses of the catfish to earthquakes. All these studies equally prove the existence of a mysterious and instinctive reaction of the fish to earthquakes.筆者は彼の三陸大地震發生の當時,地震の前夕及び3日後,三崎近海の表層で,眞鰮,Sardina melanosticta,の成魚を採集した.胃内容物を査定した所前者は表Iに示したる如く専ら多量の底着性硅藻類を,後者は表IIに示したる如く適量の浮遊生物を攝取して居るのを發見した.然るに岸上先生の報告にも明かである如く,眞鰮は常時,少くも此季節では,浮遊生物を適量攝取するのが普通である.してみると前者の揚合,即ち地震發生に先立つて,海の表層に多量の底着性硅藻類が出現して居たと考へなくてはならぬ.昭和8年3月3日三陸地方津浪に関する論文及報告 第1編 論

    Sakana no jikkenshitsu

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