35 research outputs found

    NTMG (N-terminal Truncated Mutants Generator for cDNA): an automatic multiplex PCR assays design for generating various N-terminal truncated cDNA mutants

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    The sequential deletion method is generally used to locate the functional domain of a protein. With this method, in order to find the various N-terminal truncated mutants, researchers have to investigate the ATG-like codons, to design various multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) forward primers and to do several PCR experiments. This web server (N-terminal Truncated Mutants Generator for cDNA) will automatically generate groups of forward PCR primers and the corresponding reverse PCR primers that can be used in a single batch of a multiplex PCR experiment to extract the various N-terminal truncated mutants. This saves much time and money for those who use the sequential deletion method in their research. This server is available at http://oblab.cs.nchu.edu.tw:8080/WebSDL/


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    In the field of computer science, there are many optimization problems, for example,the traveling salesman problem and the graph coloring problem. In the field of operationsresearch, there are also many optimization problems, for example, the flow-shop schedulingproblem, the P-median problem and the quadratic assignment problem. Many of theseproblems are NP-hard problems. If the exact optimal solutions are needed, usually thebranch-and-bound strategy is used to obtain the solutions. But for problem instances in thepractical applications, the computation time needed is still too long to be afforded even thebranch-and-bound strategy is used. To reduce the computation time to an affordable degree,approximation algorithms may be designed. Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to design theapproximation algorithms. Another choice is to design the heuristic methods for theseproblems. Although heuristic methods run fast but they often suffer the drawback of poorsolution quality. In recent years, several metaheuristic methods were proposed, for example,the genetic algorithm, the ant colony optimization, the tabu search, the simulated annealing,the variable neighborhood search, the particle swarm optimization and GRASP (a greedyrandomize adaptive search procedure). These metaheuristic methods obtained good results insolving problems, hence many researchers have devoted to this research area.We observed that the search schemes of all the previously proposed metaheuristicmethods are rather random and not systematic at all. Also, the control of the search is basedon the change of the values of several parameters and is in general difficult to apply.Although a real systematic search is impossible in a metaheuristic algorithm because itutilizes randomization, it is possible to design the metaheuristic algorithm such that thesearch is systematic to a high degree. Hence, in this project we propose a new metaheuristicalgorithm called the progressively focusing search. This algorithm search the whole solutionspace in the first stage, then it narrows down the search regions gradually in the followingstages. The search will be more thorough as the number of search regions becomes smaller.So the search scheme is more systematic than other previously proposed metaheuritics.Besides this, the breadth and the depth of the search in each stage of the algorithm are alsomuch easier to control than other methods. In addition, we design two local search methodswith different characteristics in order to make the search adapt to the landscape of thesolution space.This is a three-year project. In the first year of this project, we plan to fully develop theprogressively focusing search for the real-parameter optimization problems (e.g. the globalnumerical optimization). We also want to study the strength and the characteristics of thismethod. In the second year, we plan to develop the method for the combinatorialoptimization problems in which a solution can be represented by a permutation of thesequence 123…n (e.g. the flow-shop scheduling problem). In the third year, we plan todevelop the method for the combinatorial optimization problems in which a solution can berepresented by a sequence of 0s and 1s (e.g. the P-median problem).In the preliminary design of the progressively focusing search and its application to theglobal numerical optimization, we obtained good results. The better results can be expectedas we do more research on this topic.在資訊科學中有很多求最佳解的問題,例如旅行推銷員問題、著色問題等,在作業研究中也有很多求最佳解的問題,例如排程問題、P-中位問題、二次分配問題等,這些問題中, 大部分都是NP-hard 問題, 如果一定要求最佳解, 通常會用branch-and-bound strategy,但對實際要解的問題的大小,其時間複雜度還是計算機所無法負荷的,於是有人發展出approximation algorithms,但是這種演算法不容易設計,另外,也有人發展探索式演算法(heuristic methods),這種方法容易設計,時間複雜度也低,可惜的是,解的品質一般而言都不是很好。現在的趨勢則是利用超探索式演算法(metaheuristic methods),已有不少超探索式演算法被提出來,例如基因演算法(geneticalgorithms) 、蟻群最佳化法(ant colony optimization)、tabu search、simulated annealing、粒子群最佳化法(particle swarm optimization)、variable neighborhood search 與GRASP (agreedy randomize adaptive search procedure),這些超探索式演算法都得到不錯的結果,因此目前有相當蓬勃的發展。我們觀察到目前所已經提出的超探索式演算法中,沒有一個是比較有系統的搜尋,此外,對其搜尋的調控,常常是藉著調整幾個參數的值,一般而言也不容易調控,由於超探索式演算法用到randomization,所以是不可能作絕對的有系統之搜尋,但相對的較有系統的搜尋應該是辦得到的,因此,在本計畫中我們提出一個新的超探索式演算法,稱為逐步聚焦搜尋法,這個演算法從整個解空間開始搜尋,逐步縮小搜尋的範圍,而且,當搜尋的範圍越小時搜尋得越仔細,所以,這個演算法相較於其他超探索式演算法是比較有系統的在作搜尋,而且搜尋的每一階段之廣度與深度也比較容易調控,此外,我們也設計了兩個不同性質的局部搜尋法,使搜尋可以針對所欲解的問題之解空間之特性做適當的調適。本計劃第一年擬先對real-parameter optimization problems (例如global numericaloptimization)來研發逐步聚焦搜尋法,並希望能對此一方法的各種特性做深入的研究;第二年則擬研究如何用逐步聚焦搜尋法來解combinatorial optimization problems 中其解可以用permutation sequence 表示的( 例如flow-shop scheduling problem) , 由於combinatorial optimization problems 與real-parameter optimization problems 有很大的不同,因此有很多研究需要作,第三年則擬研究如何用逐步聚焦搜尋法來解combinatorialoptimization problems 中其解可以用0/1 sequence 表示的(例如P-median problem),0/1sequence 與permutation sequence 也有不少不同之處,因此如何調整或改變才能適用是研究的主題。我們初步發展的逐步聚焦搜尋法應用在解global numerical optimization 已得到不錯的結果,因此我們有信心後續的研究應該會有更好的結果

    The Hybridization of Genetic Algorithms and Trajectory Methods with Applications

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    在資訊科學中有很多求最佳解的問題,例如旅行推銷員問題、著色問題等,在作業研究中也有很多求最佳解的問題,例如排程問題、P-中位問題、二次分配問題等,這些問題中, 大部分都是NP-Hard 問題, 如果一定要求最佳解, 通常會用Branch-and-Bound strategy,但對實際要解的問題的大小,時間複雜度還是計算機所無法負荷的,於是有人發展出Approximation Algorithms,但是這種演算法不容易設計,另外也有人發展探試法(Heuristic Methods),這種方法容易設計,時間複雜度也低,可惜的是,一般而言解的品質都不是很好。現在的趨勢則是利用超探試法(MetaheuristicMethods),已有不少超探試法被提出來,例如基因演算法(Genetic Algorithms) 、螞蟻尋路法(Ant Colony Optimization) 、Tabu Search 、Simulated Annealing 、VariableNeighborhood Search 與GRASP (a Greedy Randomize Adaptive Search Procedure),這些超探試法都得到不錯結果,因此目前有相當蓬勃的發展。我們試著把超探試法分為整體搜尋(global search)的方法(如基因演算法與螞蟻尋路法)與利用局部搜尋(local search)來作搜尋的軌跡搜尋法(trajectory method)(如Tabu search,simulated annealing)。根據過去幾年的經驗,我們認為把整體搜尋的方法配合上局部搜尋的方法在搜尋的效果上會更好,這樣的想法,我們和某些學者都曾提出過,但大家似乎仍在摸索如何可以搭配的更好。本計畫擬將基因演算法與軌跡搜尋法結合在一起,其中基因演算法負責大範圍的整體搜尋(global search),而軌跡搜尋法則負責比一般所謂局部搜尋(local search)範圍稍大的局部搜尋;基因演算法的搜尋能力與其交配運算子有很大的關係,因此我們將著重地研究交配運算子,包括正交陣列交配運算子(orthogonal array crossover operator)與其他我們正在試驗的新交配運算子,此外免疫演算法的概念我們也想加入基因演算法中;至於軌跡搜尋法的重點在其所用的局部搜尋法,這也是我們研究的重點,至於策略則擬採用Tabu search。我們擬將所發展的方法應用到旅行推銷員問題,流程工廠排程問題(flow-shopscheduling problem)與P-中位問題(P-median problem)來測試其效能,因為這三個問題其解的編碼代表了三種不同的形式,旅行推銷員的編碼是cycle sequence,流程工廠排程問題的編碼是sequence,而P-中位問題則是一串0 與1


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    類神經網路(Artificial Neural Network)是模仿生物神經組織的資訊處理系統,廣泛應用於圖形識別、樣本分類與預測和叢聚問題。最常利用的方式就是利用前饋式類神經網路(Feedforward Neural Network)的架構,結合倒傳遞演算法(backpropagation) 來進行網路鏈結權重的訓練和學習。然而,倒傳遞演算法必須事先選定網路架構再運用大量的計算進行權重的訓練,除了耗時之外最主要有容易陷於局部最小值(local minimum)而無法找到整體最佳解(global optimum)的問題。近年來,有一些研究利用演化式演算法(Evolutionary Algorithm)以及群體智慧(Swarm Intelligence)的相關技術來訓練類神經網路,並獲致不錯的成果。這些演算法包括基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm)、演化式規劃(Evolution Programming)、蟻群最佳化法(Ant Colony Optimization)、粒子群最佳化法(Particle Swarm Optimization)等具備全域搜尋 (global search)能力的超啟髮式演算法(Meta-heuristics)。此外,為了可以儘快收歛並獲得更好的搜尋結果,大部分研究也加入了局部搜尋(local search)的機制,如:TabuSearch、Simulated Annealing。結合全域搜尋與局部搜尋演算法的目的主要就是要同時兼顧diversification 以及intensification 的能力。因此,本計劃將探討以兩階式基因區域搜尋演算法(Two-phaseGenetic Local Search Algorithm) 來訓練一般化的前饋式類神經網路(General FeedforwardNerual Network)。一般化前饋式類神經網路與多層式感知機(Multilayer Peceptron)之差別在於多層式感知機的鏈結只能從某層的節點到下一層的節點,而一般化前饋式類神經網路允許跨層節點間之鏈結,通常一般化前饋式類神經網路的分類能力會比較強。我們將藉此研究探討如何結合基因演算法與特殊設計的局部搜尋方法來進行局部搜尋以兼顧全域性與區域性的搜尋能力,特別是在靠近最佳解的階段;此外,我們也將運用實驗設計方法(Design of Experiment)的直交表(Orthogonal Array)概念來改善交配運算子(crossover operator)的搜尋能力。我們計畫將所發展的方法先應用在n-bit parity 問題求解上,n-parity 問題一直是驗證類神經網路是否強健的一個重要指標;此外,我們計劃再利用UCI 機器學習資料集的相關分類資料,如: heart disease 分類資料、cancer 分類資料,來驗證整個方法的可用性以及一般性

    A Genetic Approach to the Clustering Problem and the Feature Selection Problem

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