120 research outputs found
Seismic Exploration Using Active Sources at Kuchierabujima Volcano, Southwest Japan
Seismic exploration using artificial sources was conducted at Kuchierabujima volcano, southwest Japan in November 2004 by 40 participants from 9 national universities andJapan Meteorological Agency to investigate the subsurface seismic structure. The exploration was the 11th joint experiment under the National Project for Prediction of Volcanic Eruptions. A total of 183 temporal stations equippedwith a 2 Hz vertical component seismometer (including 75 3component seismometers) and a portable data logger were deployed on Kuchierabu Island. Dynamite shots with charges of 10-115 kg were detonated at 19 locations, and seismic signals were successfully recorded. To reveal the P-wave velocity structure, 2955 arrival times of the first motion were picked from the seismograms, and 2187 were classified into ranks A and B. From the record sections and the arrival time data, characteristics reflecting the geological structure were identified. Refracted waves of 5 km/s were observed at stations>5km from the shot points. Apparent velocities near the shot points depend on the surface geology around the shots. P-wave arrived earlier at stations near the summits. Strongly scattered waves were observed similarly near the summits
Chemo-endocrine therapy for newly diagnosed stage D2 prostate cancer
ステージD2前立腺癌新鮮例175例を対象に, 化学療法併用内分泌療法群38例(化療あり群), 内分泌療法単独群137例(化療なし群)に分け, その治療成績を比較検討した.尚, 化療あり群のレジメンは, VIPが34例, CDDP+IFMが2例, CBDCA+VPが1例, CDDP+MTXが1例であった.その結果, 1)全症例の5年生存率は34.8%, 疾患特異的5年生存率は41.7%で, うち化療なし群の疾患特異的5年生存率は34.8%であったのに対し, 化療あり群は61.6%と有意に良好であった.2)Coxの比例ハザードモデルを用いた多変量解析においては, 最も強い相関がみられたのは全生存においては治療開始年代であったが, 疾患特異的生存においては化学療法の有無が最も強い相関を示したWe evaluated 175 patients with newly diagnosed stage D2 prostate cancer who had been treated in our hospital between 1992 and 2003 to compare chemo-endocrine therapy with endocrine therapy alone. One hundred and thirty seven patients were treated with endocrine therapy alone. The other 38 patients received chemo-endocrine therapy, which included medical or surgical castration with/without antiandrogen plus VIP (Vincristine, Ifosfamide, Peplomycin) regimen or other cytotoxic agents. The patients treated with chemo-endocrine therapy had a significantly better prognosis than the patients treated with endocrine therapy alone (p<0.05), although treatment was not randomized. The cause-specific survival rates at 5 years for the chemo-endocrine therapy group and the endocrine therapy group were 61.6% and 34.8%, respectively. These data suggest that chemo-endocrine therapy is a potentially effective treatment for newly diagnosed stage D2 prostate cancer
Prognosis of prostate cancer with elevated prostatic acid phosphatase
前立腺癌1029例を対象に初診時PAPが高値の症例をstage D0に分類し, この分類を採用した場合と採用しない場合の生存曲線を比較するとともに, あわせてPAS値と予後の関係を検討した.その結果, stage D0を採用しない場合には予後と良好な相関が認められたが, stage D0分類を採用した場合には予後との関連が明確ではなかった.PSA値の検討では, PSA値が高値な群ほど有意に予後が悪く, stage D1, 2を除いた症例(転移を認めない症例)のみでの検討でも, PSA高値な群ほど有意に予後が悪かった.以上より, PAP値は臨床的stagingに匹敵するような予後因子とはいえず, PSAの測定がルーチンとなった現在における有用性は低いものと思われたTo evaluate the significance of prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP), we analyzed 1, 029 prostate cancer patients who were treated at the Niigata Cancer Center. We classified clinically localized prostate cancer with elevated PAP as stage DO. When stage DO was not taken into acount, the 5-year cause-specific survival rate for stage A, B, C and D was 94.7, 97.9, 87.7 and 42.4%, respectively. Taking stage DO into account, the cause-specific survival curve for stage DO patients was similar to those for stage B, C patients. The 5-year cause-specific survival rate for stage DO was 92.2% considering above 3 ng/ml as elevated PAP. A significant correlation was found between PAP and cause-specific survival for all cases but no correlation was found for non-metastatic disease patients. The significance of PAP in the staging of prostate cancer is limited
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