28 research outputs found

    Use of Strength Tests to Characterize Engineering Properties of Reclaimed Asphalt Concrete for Differentiating Its Mixing Type

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    本計畫目的是以不同力學試驗所量取的工程性質探討不同老化再生瀝青混凝土刨除料(reclaimed asphalt pavement, RAP)添加於再生瀝青混凝土(reclaimedasphalt concrete, RAC)拌合方式之研究。透過一系列力學試驗如動態模數試驗,重覆荷重下瀝青混凝土變形移動數字試驗,間接張力潛變試驗,間接張力破裂能量試驗,以及三軸剪力強度試驗等。求取刨除料(RAP)在再生瀝青混凝土(RAC)不同拌合方式的工程性質(engineeringproperty)。刨除料(RAP)在再生瀝青混凝土拌合過程中會有黑石頭(black rock),標準拌合(standard practice),以及整體拌合(total blending) 等不同方式呈現。本計畫擬將兩種不同黏滯度的刨除料(RAP)添加於再生瀝青混凝土(RAC),一種刨除料為普通老化其黏滯度約為30,000 poises,另外一種為過度老化其黏滯度達100,000 poises 以上,分別將其拌合成上述三種不同方式的再生瀝青混凝土試體。接著進行力學試驗求取如: 動態模數試驗動態模數值,重覆荷重下瀝青混凝土變形試驗移動數字,間接張力潛變與時間關係間冪次方係數,間接張力試驗所求得的破裂能量,以及三軸剪力強度試驗摩爾庫倫破壞包絡線參數c、ψ值等多項數據。根據此些數據並加以一併分析,探討並區隔老化刨除料(RAP)在再生瀝青混凝土(RAC) 的不同拌合方式。由於試驗項目過多,本計畫擬訂兩年執行。第一年是探討添加40%刨除料(RAP)拌合成以密級配IVc 為主的再生瀝青混凝土(RAC)混合料,將此些混合料以旋轉柔壓機(Superpave Gyratory Compactor)夯壓成4%空隙卛(air void)及含油量設定5.2%的試體; 第二年則根據AI Mix Design Methods 的設計方法,以目標黏滯度2,000 poises 為基準拌合成再生瀝青混凝土(RAC)。藉上述一系列力學試驗量取得不同伴合方式的再生瀝青混凝土(RAC)眾多工程性質數據,以此些試驗數據作為探討刨除料(RAP)在再生瀝青混凝土(RAC)的拌合方式並比較其抵抗變形及疲勞能力間之差異。The objective of this proposal is trying to use various strength tests todifferentiate the three mix cases: black rock, standard practice and totalblending of reclaimed asphalt concrete with addition of different stiffness ofreclaimed asphalt pavements. The candidate tests include Dynamic ModulusTest, Flow Number Test, Indirect Tensile Creep Compliance Test, IndirectTensile Fracture Energy Test, and Triaxial Shear Strength Test.Two reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) with different stiffness levels areused and the three possible interactions between new and old binders in themixtures are prepared. All the aforementioned strength tests are performed onthe reclaimed asphalt concrete mixtures with different mixing to obtain theengineering properties. Based upon the engineering properties obtained for theabove strength tests, the different mixing cases such as black rock, standardpractice and total blending could be distinguished.This is a two-year proposal due to the extensive experiments needed toperform. The engineering properties through the strength tests will be obtainedfor the reclaimed asphalt concrete mixtures by different mixing cases. The firstyear will investigate the engineering properties for the mixtures prepared withthe addition of 40% RAP. The specimens are compacted by using the SuperpaveGyratory Compactor with the asphalt content of 5.2 percent including the agedbinder in mixtures containing RAP. The second year will be concentrated on thestudy of the reclaimed asphalt concrete mixtures prepared for the targetviscosity of 2000 poises based on the AI mix design method


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    崩塌地地表位移量測的監測系統,一般有傳統的測量儀器,地表傾斜儀,地表伸縮儀以及最新開發全球衛星地位系統GPS。而不同監測儀器對環境的適用性、耐久性、精確性與經濟性等相關問題各有其不同的特點,有須進一步的認識與評估,而對於相關監測技術的更新、引進及落實,實有再加研究探討的必要。台灣位處於歐亞板塊和菲律賓板塊碰擊推擠交接之處,使本島隱藏著許多脆弱的滑動地層。對此潛在崩塌地地表移動相關監測儀器的埋設是有其必要的。傳統的測量儀器包括有光學測量儀器以及電子量測距離等裝置,用來觀測地表垂直及水平移動量,對大面積量測須用極大人力及物力。地表傾斜儀,是用來觀測滑動區地盤傾斜變動之情形,或用於公路挖方斷面坡地的監測。地表伸縮儀是用來量取地表已開裂滑動面之位移及方向。全球衛星地位系統GPS 則對大面積滑動地區量測有其經濟上及實用上之推廣價值。上述各種監測方法都有其特定的適用環境與用途,因此本計畫擬以政府現有關機構執行崩塌地滑地調查監測地點,選擇適當區域位置,以不同地表監測系統進行相關監測作業,以評估其使用的適用性及優劣點,如此透過實地的現場操作可對不同監測技術有更進一步的認識與瞭解,亦能對地表位移監測技術有所提昇而有效發揮其功能

    Effect of Anchor Spacing on Soil Resistance in Sand

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    本計畫係探討錨版不同放置距離在砂土中所受阻抗力之行為,在研究過程中將錨版埋設深度、鬆緊砂土之密度及錨版形狀作為探討之因子。錨版通常被放置在建築結構物後方之土壤內,其主要的功能是將結構物所受外力荷重傳遞到土壤中,藉此來阻止結構物向外移動而達到安全的要求。錨版在砂土的極限阻抗力過去理論研究大部份考慮長條錨版,有限長錨版其在土壤內所產生阻抗力則以半經驗為主。有限長錨版分析之破壞模式理論是三度空間而非長條錨版二度空間。研究過程中錨版與砂土間之摩擦角須考慮在內,在推導對數螺旋破壞理論以及極限分析的三度空間理論後,將分析所得錨版阻抗力之預測值與試驗值相比較。另外在探討錨版兩邊剪力對土壤阻抗力影響時,則須考慮不同錨版間隔所產生之剪力重疊之情況。本研究擬分兩年計畫執行:第一年以錨版間不同放置距離,不同埋設深度以及不同形狀探討錨版在鬆砂阻抗力之行為並將相關三度空間理論推導出;第二年則著重於錨版在緊密砂土阻抗力行為之探討。The objective of this proposal is to study the effect of anchor plate spacing on theultimate soil resistance.Anchors are usually used in the construction of earth-supported foundations toresist outwardly-directed loads imposed on the structures. The ultimate soilresistance of anchor plate is very important for the designer. Currently, the mosttheories of soil resistance are developed for the strip anchor. However, method forthe actual anchor with limited width - to - height ratio is semi-empirical. The analysisidealized the strip anchor under plane strain condition which can be solved intwo-dimension, whereas the actual anchors are subjected to a three-dimensionalapplication. Beside, the spacing between the anchor plates could influence theultimate soil resistance due to the overlapping of the shearing resistance along thesides of the plate. To do this, two theories of log-spiral failure surface and the upperbound limit theorem using three-dimensional analysis will be developed to comparewith the experimental results.The soil resistance of the anchor plates depends upon several factors such asthe depth of anchor plate, the density of the soil, and the shape of the anchor plates.This two-year research proposal is intended to investigate the effect of anchorspacing on the soil resistance of the plate, which requires extensive experiments.The first-year task will study the effect of spacing in loose sand with considering thedepth and the shape of anchor plates as variable, as well as the development oftheory with three-dimensional analysis. The second-year will be concentrated on thestudy of anchor plate in the dense sand