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    十多來外國文學中譯在臺灣書市蓬勃發展,琳瑯耀眼的外觀、加上媒體的推薦宣傳,令一般讀者無法想像這背後可能隱藏的種種問題。由於牽涉到整個臺灣複雜的出版生態,即使有心,也因單音薄弱,發揮不了任何效力。教人振奮的是去年終於有幾位學界知名人士合力組成了一個「翻譯工作坊」來正視臺灣當前堪憂的翻譯品質。不過至今,從他們為文探討過的主題來看,”外國文學中譯”尚未曾納入他們關懷的重心。所以筆者希望藉這篇探討文學翻譯「趕譯」下之誤釋現象的文字,一方面對「翻譯工作坊」所發表的文章做一呼應式的補充,一方面也證實現今臺灣外國文學中譯或許真的已至唯有依賴政府或是國科會等機構方得解決之困境。During the past decade, the Chinese translation of foreign literatures has been booming in the publishing industry in Taiwan. With the well-designed outlook of the books and advertising campaign of mass media the general public can hardly imagine the hidden problems behind those translations. Even though one’s concerned with these translations, one can barely tackle this complicated publishing environment in Taiwan. fortunately last year several distinguished professors and specialists established a “Translation Workshop” to seriously examine the quality of translation in Taiwan. However, up to the present the Chinese translation of foreign literatures has not ever been included in their scope of concern and attention. Therefore, I focus my paper on the mistakes of translation caused by recklessness and lack of proficiency in the language. This is not only a supplementary response to the papers presented by the “Translation Workshop”, but also a proof submitted the to the Government or National Science Council that Chinese translation of foreign literature really needs their substantial support in order to solve the predicament


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