2 research outputs found

    The Study of the Factors that Infulence the Farm-Related Occupations of Farming Management Graduates

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    由於整體經濟結構的轉型中, 造成農村人力的大量外移,導致農業面 臨人力老化,素質低落的困境,有鑑於此政府於民國68年起實施"台灣省各 級農會保送農家子弟就讀農場經營科"要點,期能培育具有現代化農場經經 營管理技術之人才留村務農.本研究即以該農場經營科甄試之畢業生為對 象,探討其性別,工作經驗,父親的職業,父母的期望,老師的期望,課程滿意 度,農場工作價值觀及職業選擇等因素之情況,以及其間的影響關係,以 提供輔導該科學生從事農場相觀工作之參考. 研究結果顯示,樣本感 受到父母對其選擇從事農場相觀工作的期望傾向正面的期望,但鼓勵及引 導行為則較少,老師對其從事農場相關工作之期許不高,在校的學習狀況 及農業相關書籍的引介的情況也較少;且其對學校的課程滿意情況傾向尚 可,就其中對於教材內容,教學方式,專業知識的實用性,實習課程內容 與實習時間等有待加強;學生對農場工作之”成就與新知的價值觀”較認 同,對於”名望〞,”安全”,”物質”等價值觀較不認同. 因徑分 析結果顯現父母的期望,老師的期望與課程滿意度確實對農場工作價值觀 均具顯著正面影響;課程滿意度會與農場工作價值觀對第一次職業選擇均 具顯著正面影響;父母的期望,老師的期望與課程滿意度並透過農場工作 價值觀間接對第一次職業選澤及目前的職業選擇成顯著正向的影響.因此 父母的期望,老師的期望,課程滿意度及農場工作價值觀均為影響職業選 擇的重要因素,因此建議教育及農政相關機構在引導學生從事農場相關工 作時,建立其農場工作價值觀為關鍵因素,如果能更深入家庭及學校層面 ,從父母對子女從事農場相關工作的期望,老師對學生從事農場香關工作 的期望,學生對學校課程滿意的程度等方面予以著手的話,則更能留住農 家子弟從事農場相關工作,達到更好的引導效果.With the transition of the whole economic structure, the manpower ofrural society emigrated to urban aread creating an aging and less educated execute the "Guarantee to aid children of farmers to enter the farmingmanagement department of Vocational Agricultural schools." This research focuses on the graduates of these farming managementdepartments and attempts to examine the situation of sex, working expectations, satisfaction with curriculums, attitude toward fatm-related work, and occupational choice of graduates as well as the causal relationshipbetween these factors. The results show that graduates'' parents have positive expectationsbut do not tend to encourage their students to choose farm-related occupations,nor do they introduce enough relevant materials, Generally speaking, students are satisfied with schools'' curriculums. However, they feel that amount and vurriculums of fieldwork need to be improve. All of the graduates have a commitment to "the value of achievement and knowledge",however, the attitudes toward the value of occupational status, job securityand material comfort are comparatively quite different. Base on path analysis, the results show that parants'' and teachers''expectations and students'' satisfaction with curriculums have both positiveand significant influence on the attitude toward the farm-related work, thestudents'' satisfaction with surriculums and the attitude toward farm-relatedwork have positive and sugnificant inflence on the first occupational choice.Both parents'' and teachers'' expectations and students'' satisfaction withcurriculums acan, through the attitude toward farm-related work, influence the first as well as the present occupational choice. Therefore, all of these factors; parents'' expectations, teachers''expectations, students'' satisfaction with curriculums and their attitudetoward farm-related work, are important in influencing their occupationalchoice. It is improtant to establish in the students a positive attitude toward farm-related work, and more basically, to try to improve parents'' and teachers'' expectaions of farm-related work and to offer well-designed curriculums in order to highter students'' satisfaction


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    With the transition of the whole economic structure, the manpower of rural society emigrated to urban areas creating the quality decreasing of the farmers. In order to improve the situation the government tried to set the Department of Farm Managem由於整體經濟結構的變遷導致農村勞力外移,造成農業人口素質降低,有鑑於此 政府於七十三學年起於嘉義農專設置二年制農場管理科,招收高農畢業生或是志願留村務農 之青年就讀,希望其畢業後能真正留村務農。本研究即以該科畢業生為對象,探討其就業情 況以及影響職業選擇的因素。 研究結果顯示有甚高比例的畢業生從事農場經營工作,可見該農管科有繼續存在的價 值。而在影響職業選擇的路徑分析中發現農場實習經驗、協助家中農場經營的動機以及父親 的鼓勵程度對畢業生第一次職業選擇具有顯著直接的影響,此三因素並能透過