77 research outputs found


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    Development of Microwave Assisted Extraction Technology for Lipid of Microalgae

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    微藻(Microalgae)為一良好之產油生物,其生長過程中,可利用光合作用將二氧化碳固定並轉化成油脂,其中特定藻種含有多種高價值的脂肪酸,如GLA(γ-Linolenic acid)、EPA(Eicosapentaenoic acid)及DHA(Docosahexaenoic acid)等,可供作為餌料、食品及藥品等用途。此外,其總含油量極高且不與糧食作物競爭耕地之特性,則為微藻產製生質柴油之主要優勢。目前現行之工業萃取製程,因諸多因素,包括細胞破壁、萃取效率低及大量溶劑使用等因素,非但不完全適用於微藻油脂萃取,亦為較不經濟與環保之方法。本計畫將利用微波之特性,直接加熱微藻細胞內部,達到破壁之效果,並經由微波促使微藻與溶劑混合,達到縮短萃取反應時間及提高萃取效率之目標。計畫首要步驟為萃取設備設計與製作,並進行微藻油脂批次萃取試驗,以試驗所獲致之相關參數作為半連續式微波萃取系統之操作參數應用,並將結合各種感測元件、開關與中央控制單元,依照所設計之萃取控制策略進行微藻油脂自動化萃取,期能簡單且快速的達到萃取微藻中油脂。計畫最後將分別評估本微波輔助微藻油脂萃取系統與傳統水浴加熱萃取方法之成本與效益,所獲致之結果將可作為未來進一步之研究或應用之參考。Microalgae are fine species to turn out oil. In the growth process, the photosynthesis could fix CO2 by transforming that into lipids. Certain species of algae contain a variety of high-value fatty acids, such as GLA(γ-Linolenic acid), EPA(Eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA(Docosahexaenoic acid), and all could provide for feed, food and medicine purposes. Moreover, the biological characteristic obtained from some species with high lipid content and no competition of the arable land with food crops results in an excellent advantage as microalgae become the great resource of biodiesel. Currently, the processes of the industrial extraction using in microalgae had several shortcomings such as the make cell disruption, the low extraction efficiency and the solvent over-used. Those factors were not only unsuitable to apply for the microalga extraction, but also showed less economical and non-environmental reasons. This project will use the characteristics of microwave to directly heating up the inside of the microalga cells and to make cell disruption. Besides, through the microwave a well-mix condition between microalgae and solvent could be promoted, the reaction time of extraction could be shortened, and the efficiency of extraction could also be raised.In this project the first step, is to design and construct the equipments of the microalga lipid extraction. the batch test of the microalga lipid extraction, and the operation parameters for the semi-continuous microwave assisted lipid extraction will be obtained from the batch tests. Moreover, after combining the various sensors, switches and central control unit under the automatic extraction strategy, a simple and rapid lipid extraction method of microalgae will be achieved. The final step of this project is to evaluate the costs and benefits of the newly developed microwave assisted system and the traditional water bath heated method, respectively. The results obtained could be referred for the future research and application

    Physical Properties of Litchi Fruit in Mechanical Drying

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    本研究旨在探討荔枝乾燥物性.乾燥乃農產 品加工與儲藏不可或缺之一項重要作業,然其 條件則常因個別之農產品而異.荔枝為本省主 要之水果作物,其鮮果之保存不易,國內目前雖 有果實冷藏之探討與食品加工廠加工製造果汁 、果凍及菸酒公賣局加工釀酒;然於荔枝盛產 期針對荔枝熱風乾燥,以便荔枝貯藏來調節其 市場量,進而提高農民收益之研究則不多見.本 研究將以分段溫度進行荔枝乾燥作業,同時以 牛頓冷卻定律之薄層乾燥模式來分析、預測乾 燥試驗樣本果實之含水率,以探討其最佳之乾 燥模式,研究項目包括荔枝殺菁過程、熱風溫 度、熱風風量、果實含水率與平衡含水率及荔 枝乾果貯藏品質之鑑定.其結果將可提供現有 靜置式箱型乾燥機實際乾燥作業之應用.另外 作為乾燥機設計、改良之參考,以提升乾燥熱 效率,節約能源

    PV-LED lighting systems used in the study of greenhouse crops

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    本年度目標為研發太陽能光電-LED光照系統,並結合機電整合控制理論將系統模組化,進行該模組化光照系統之光質(如紅、藍、綠等各種顏色光之光譜)、光量及光週期之調控、量測與分析。本計畫具有下列預期效益: 1.太陽光能可再生,免費永續使用。 2.太陽光電為直流電,可直接使用或儲存。 3. LED燈泡可顯著節電且使用壽命長,降低 生產成本,增加產品之市場競爭力。 4.本系統能應用於全密閉式設施之有機栽培,有益作物生長並提升作物之品質。 5.本系統可顯著節能減碳,改善溫室效應,符合政府節能減碳政策與世界環保潮流。" study aims to use mechatronical technology to develop a modular of -LED system and carry on modular system light quality (such as re


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    In this research, an appropriate thickness of drying layers for lemon balm was first investigated, and the best thickness obtained was 6 cm. Based on the best thickness of drying layers, the fundamental drying tests of lemon balm using the hot-air drying本研究首先探應香蜂草最合適乾燥層厚度,並獲致其最佳值為6cm,當以此厚度使用烤箱熱風與吸附除濕進行香蜂草乾燥基礎試驗,兩種乾燥方式溫度設定,分別為烤箱熱風40、50與60℃三溫階與吸附除濕20、30、35與40℃四溫階,試驗結果顯示40℃為烤箱熱風乾燥乾品在品質判定下之最佳乾燥溫度,而35℃則為吸附除濕乾燥乾品在考量品質與單位時間產量下之最佳乾燥溫度。兩溫度所獲致乾品物理品質之乾品磨粉色澤、茶湯水色與重量復水率量測結果,各有優勢之表現。當進一步以ANOVA變異數分析其品質指標,結果顯示僅乾品磨粉色澤無顯