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    [[abstract]]本組自9月11日起至12月31日止至國立自然科學博物館實習,本實務專題內容詳實記載實習前的準備與實習中及實習後的心路歷程。 本專題共分為三大單元,其先後順序為: 第一單元-實習心路歷程:詳實紀錄本小組於科博館內的工作流程及心情點滴,採用圖文並茂的呈現方式,增加閱讀者的聯想空間,並達到心靈交流之成效。 第二單元-創意館訊期刊(驚爆全場-自然宣言):採多元化的面貌呈現出活潑有趣的另類紙上導覽,有別於科博館教為學術性質的館訊,我們主要是針對親子互動為主,內容淺顯易懂,多樣化呈現,可有效提高民眾閱讀率,並促進親子間情感的交流。 第三單元-實地問卷調查(國立自然科學博物館顧客滿意度問卷調查):科博館佔地廣闊,每天都有來自世界各地的民眾到館參觀,為了解民眾對科博館的滿意度為何,因此本小組於行前進行實地問卷調查,並統計問卷調查結果,加以分析製成圖表,達到圖文對照式的閱讀效果。除此之外,本問卷調查結果將提供給科博館作為參考改進的依據。 本組以創意為主要導向,有別於歷屆學長姐的制式化的呈現,這是我們創新的一面,也是我們跳脫制式框架的開始,勇於突破、創新是我們最大的特色

    The Influences of Hedonic and Experiential Marketing on Consumer Perceptions of Quality and Value: An Evaluation of Internet Website Appeals

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    Additionally, cluster analysis by K-means method was adopted to divide the participants into four groups based on two levels of utilitarian website environment and two levels of hedonic website environment. ANOVA was used to evaluate the differences on each research variables among these four groups. According to the results of SEM, it is suggested that the level of hedonic characteristics of website significantly and positively impacts experiential perception and experiential value, and the level of experiential perception also significantly influences on experiential value. On the other hand, website with utilitarian characteristics will impact a customer's cognitive perception toward websites/products, which in turn influences the perception of website/product quality. In addition, perceived quality was also significantly related to experiential Chiao Da Management Review Vol. 27 No. 2, 2007 143 value. Purchasing intention was influenced by experiential value and perceived quality. According to the results of ANOVA, respondents perceiving high utilitarian/high hedonic websites tend to perceive significant higher scores on experiential perceptions, cognitive perception, experiential value, and perceived quality, than respondents perceiving low utilitarian/low hedonic websites. Respondents perceiving high utilitarian/low hedonic website environment tend to perceive significantly higher scores only on cognitive perception and perceived quality. Keywords: Experiential Perception; Cognitive Perception; Perceived Quality; Experiential Value; Purchasing Intention Research Background and Objectives Since the application of the Internet to marketing activities, the hedonic and experiential aspects of consumer behavior have attracted a great deal of attention. Firms need to evaluate how to attract more customers and to create superior profit. Internet website consumption has yet to be determined. Among others, Holbrook Definitions of the Research Constructs According to Hedonic websites characteristics explore the consumption experience not as an information-processing event but from a phenomenological or "experiential" view. Experiences are triggered stimuli to the senses, the heart, and the mind. Experiences provide sensory, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and relational value that replace functional values (Schmitt 1999). Hedonic websites characteristics might depend on whether the particular consumption need stimulating the shopping trip was accomplished. Consumer may create either cognitive perception or experiential perception, or both toward a specific product, before purchasing. Cognitive perception is defined as the process by which input is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered, and used. This process would produce cognitive responses such as the knowledge, opinions, beliefs and thoughts, in response to stimulus Perceived quality is another kind of consumer's judgment toward a specific product, in terms of its overall excellence or superiority, and it is viewed as the degree of discrepancy between consumers' perceptions and expectations Interrelationships among Hedonic Website Characteristics, Experiential Perception, and Perceived Experiential Value It is widely accepted that hedonic characteristics of products or websites will affect the degree of pleasure and arousal of a consumer's experiences The experiential perception is conceived as a consumption experience from a phenomenological or experiential view rather than an information-processing Chiao Da Management Review Vol. 27 No. 2, 2007 147 event Consequently, consumers browse a more hedonic-orientated website will incline to provoke more experiential perception. Interrelationships among Utilitarian Website Characteristics, Cognitive Perception, and Perceived Quality Utilitarian websites have functional, instrumental, cognitive-driven, and goal-oriented characteristics, as well as focuses on availability of product information, enabling direct multiattribute comparisons, and reducing search costs Additionally, cognitive perception is the result of evaluation extracting from a process that involves an individual selecting, organizing, and interpreting information in a meaningful way Gilly As to judgment of website quality